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With my hands in "my" hoodie pocket, I swung the chained gate open, grabbing Jeremiah's attention from across the court

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With my hands in "my" hoodie pocket, I swung the chained gate open, grabbing Jeremiah's attention from across the court.

It'd been two days since Luca ran through everything I would need; one day dedicated to actually practicing, the other being more of a mentally preparation day.

Jeremiah's look went from confused to amused. He halted the ball from bouncing and held it in his side.

Walking over to me, "is that my hoodie?" He pointed to what was in fact his hoodie.

"that's a funny way to say my hoodie, but sure i'll let you run with that." I responded. He smiled at what he likes to consider my "humor" when in reality i was being serious.

he's not getting this shit back.

"what're you doing here so late?" He questioned me, lifting my chin with the crook of his finger.

I slapped his hand away, "I could ask you the same question. If i didn't know any better, I would think you liked this damn court more than me!" I partially joked. I say partially because he was here a lot more than he was with me. Call it jealously but—never mind, it's jealously.

"you miss me?" He raised a brow. I opened my mouth to let a slick response fall out, then i realized that I actually was missing him. I dropped my head in defeat and he laughed.

"shut up, you make everything so embarrassing." I slapped the side of his chest and moved past him.

Only a few steps into the court, I heard him say under his breath, "damn."

I stopped, and turned around to look at him, "them shorts look good on you," He complimented my usual tighter bottoms.

I wore these on purpose, only cus I knew he liked them.

"You wear those for me?" He asked.

hes smart.

I looked at him in utter guilt for a moment, making sure he could tell he was correct before speaking, "yea,"

I turned back around and walked to my usual bench in front of the hoop that Jeremiah usually practices at.

"so you just gon watch me?" He came up and asked me.

The look on my face said enough to him, telling him that i wasn't going to leave even if he tried to make me, "alright then." He started dribbling the ball and walked back to where he originally was.

In place, he dribbled the ball repetitively, then stopped, "Why're you really here?" He turned to look at me.

Likely, he caught on to the fact that most times i show up here, I do want something, "i just wanted to watch you," I continued to lie, knowing that he could see right through it.

He smiled and slowly walked towards me, "that's all you wanted to do?"

I looked at him sycophantly, as closer ad he got, the more I had to look up. I let him get as close as possible, using his finger to lift me head up against once more—this time without my protest. He brought his face close down to mine, his lips twitching as they got closer to mine.

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