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I stared at the ceiling in deep thought—still in disbelief about what Angelo told me

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I stared at the ceiling in deep thought—still in disbelief about what Angelo told me. I knew those boys were up to something, or at least they were going to do something malevolent, but I just never thought it would be to this extent.

"—Jeremiah?" Angelo said from my bedside, my attention came off the ceiling and onto him, "hm?" I hummed.

"you've been staring at the roof for like thirty minutes." He said with slight concern in his tone, "what're you thinking about?" He questioned inquisitively.

I looked him dead in his eyes and opened my mouth to speak, however, I stopped because I didn't want to tell him my determination on causing pain on someone else who caused him pain.

The only other thing on my mind was Jolece, in which I mentioned, "This new girl i'm talking too," I half lied. I really was thinking about her, just not as much as I was his assault.

He stayed silent and his eyes pierced through mine, his expression changing from curious to marginally downhearted, "oh," He murmured in an inconsequentially woeful manner.

I was flummoxed by his change in inflection, "what?" I asked.

"nothing," He dismissed, "did you wanna go to the store real quick, i'm bored and I have something to pick up anyway," He asked.

"I would, but I got a date with Jolece in like twenty minutes," I reminded myself. I stood up and started getting myself together—making only minor changes to my appearance.

He was silent for a second, "a date?"

"well, not a date, more so 'two friends meeting at the local coffee shop'" I explained more thoroughly

"oh, well i—" He stopped for a second, "I have to go meet someone anyway, thanks though," He lied. His duplicity truly needed work

I scrunched my eyes and looked at him, "I thought you had to go to the st—"

"See you later bye!" He cut me off while stepping out of the dorm.

I chuckled to myself at how quickly he left, "what a weird kid," I said finishing up.

I chuckled to myself at how quickly he left, "what a weird kid," I said finishing up

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