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Untraditionally, i'm going to start this chapter off with an authors note.

But this chapter is strictly dedicated to Luca and Chief! I feel as if they should still be paid attention to almost as much as the main characters—along with their stories. Now fairly, I haven't really been doing a great job at keeping you guys updated with their inside life. This 'technically' is a filler chapter, and it really wont be anything to special or long. This is all that it is, an update for Chief and Luca.

it's ok though if it's considered a filler though because this book isn't inherently supposed to have a whole "plot" and "storyline" because it's mainly for foreshadowing and building the plot for my next project.

ok i'll leave y'all alone.

Recently, it's just felt like war

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Recently, it's just felt like war. Luca is mad at me again for something i'm not fully aware of, my homeboy is fucking around with a potential murderer, and i barely understand a word being said by the professor in front of me.

I sighed and threw my pencil down on the desk, realizing nothing important was really being discussed at the moment. I readjusted my temporary glasses and sat back in my seat—letting my mind begin to think closely on Luca.

Ever since I met Luca on that first day of high school, all i've done was think. Think about him, his life, and what I can do to make it better.

But oddly enough the only thing i've been thinking about is why i've been such a stone in his shoe. Nothing I say can make it better—even sex doesn't feel as emotionally connecting between us as it used to.

As much as I fear it, and hate to even put the topic in the air,

I feel like he's falling out of love with me.

Since the beginning of college, he's just been distant towards me—primarily focusing on Angelo and his life instead.


Angelo! Angelo's the reason we haven't been so close.

Angelo was just a friendless boy who was probably going to go through college alone, just like the rest of his life. Luca, being as whole heartedly sympathetic as he is, made it so that Angelo wasn't alone. Which is fine, i guess, but i now realize it's separating us.

My head started to ache as the brainstorm continued at vast speeds, throwing ideas, theories, and random thoughts about Angelo at me all at once.

It's clear that by this point, I do not trust Angelo. I don't even like him hanging around Luca, as it always gives me anxiety. Anxiety about what might happen to him that I couldn't protect him from. Anxiety revolving around the fact that Angelo can probably do whatever he wants to Luca whenever, and likely get away with it—just like how he did Jolece. He's like a pimple, small and persistent, grinding away at my nerves, reminding me that wherever he goes carnage follows and can't be stopped by me.

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