CHAPTER 2: Rants & Family

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6th February 2023

sometimes, i wish i never craved for this life.
that seems a little ungrateful, i know. i pinch myself all the time and bring myself back to reality, because i am grateful for what i have.
i couldn't have done it without the help of louis and zayn.

but zayn is mainly the reason that i never craved for this life. if i didn't sleep with zayn i wouldn't be receiving the shit i'm getting now. and i wouldn't be having to take part in a stupid pr stunt.

i always said growing up i didn't want to be your bang average star, i wanted to rewrite the rules. i wanted to make rules. but i've seemed to have fallen into the same trap as the ones before me, like michael jackson and britney spears. endless pr stunts to try and get my name out there or to make it seem like i'm 'settled, happy and in love' it makes me want to puke.

luckily, jude has followed me for a while. for as long as i can remember.
maybe since 2020? that's when i noticed he followed me anyway.
so the media will pick up on that and will note that we've probably been 'friends' for a while.

but now this is happening i'll get the endless 'is jordan pickford cheating on his partner with anastasia' literally just because he follows me. they media are sick sick people. and putting me in this sort of situation with a FOOTBALLER makes this worse for me.
because now, i'll be fucking all the footballers comes to the media. i bet you that's what comes next!

they already tried to say that i was sleeping with saka after the last world cup we had, because i was sticking up for him.

we live in a sick world.

i haven't even ever met saka.
not properly anyway!

"will you stop worrying??" i hear a voice, i look up. Mila... my makeup artist. she dabs my face with a beauty blender and i sigh "i can't help it" i shook my head

"what are you more worried about??" she gave me a look "the grammys tonight.. nominations and a massive tribute performance to beyonce... the woman who literally birthed your musical side?" she questioned "or the fact you'll be showing up with jude bellingham?"

"both." i sighed. it was the truth.

"i've heard he's a sweet heart." Mila shrugged as she bent over me to grab the contour palette

"and i've heard he's a knob.. so where do we go from here?" i questioned her making her chuckle

"who have you heard that from?" she eyed me

"i guess it's just hear-say.. the media say he's obnoxious.. the fans have a love hate relationship for him.. say he's way too cocky and confident.. arrogant almost." i shrug one shoulder "and my dad said he met jude once and it wasn't a good impression.. so wait till my dad sees me with him tonight." i shake my head "he won't be happy" i add

"can't you tell him it's a pr stunt?" she asked me and i nodded "yeah, and i will tell him that." i say honestly while she contoured my face and concealed it

"i think it's amazing how you flew your parents out to watch you at the grammys tonight." she smiled as she put powder on my face.
my brows were done, my eyeshadow is done, my face makeup now i just need my lashes and lipstick.

"i want them to be apart of the biggest moments of my career.. tonight is by far the biggest so far." i smiled "but wait until i release my song for the euros next year" i wiggle my brows as i closed my eyes for her to put the lashes on.
she was the best at putting lashes on. could do them in seconds and have them perfect.

i was contacted during the world cup last year if i could do a song for them.. due to timing issues i couldn't. so, they asked me in advance to do the euros song.. which isn't as big as the world cup which i was a little pressed about. but the euros is the next best thing i guess. and i told them yes straight away and got it written in my diary.

"oh no..." i gasped opening my eyes, luckily she was done with my lashes anyway

"what?!" she said worried

"fucking great!" i got up out of my chair and stormed out of my room in my dressing gown, and nothing but a pair of thongs under neath.

i sped walked to my teams dressing room where henry and elizabeth would be.

i opened the door without even knocking

"henry you bastard you did this on purpose!" i've got such a vulgar mouth when im angry

"what?! what's happened!" he asked panicked

"you've gone and set me up with fucking bellingham knowing full well he'll more than likely play in the next euros!!!!" i snap at him

"and??" he laughed shrugging "so?" he said a little awkwardly

"so??!" i grit my teeth "SO?!" i raised my voice, snapping like a angry german shepherd.

"yes. so?" he questioned, sarcastically. too sarcastic for my liking!

"that means everyone is gonna think that bellingham is the only reason EUFA wanted me to do the euro song next year.. coz i'm hitched with a footballer.. they're gonna think i only got that opportunity because of him and NOT because of my talent!" i was absolutely seething

"can we just calm down?" elizabeth eyed be slightly

"would you be calm if you knew your achievements were gonna be put down to a dickhead footballer you aren't even dating??? i am NO posh fucking spice i am telling you that for STARTERS!!" i pointed in their faces

and then, at the clear of a throat, that's when i realised someone else was in the room with us.

i slowly turned around to see jude bellingham standing from the couch in a black suit.
"jude bellingham," i held his hand out for me to shake "the dickhead footballer." he nodded to the side slightly, referencing my exact words i said about him.

i just looked at his hand and then back up at him, i caught him staring at me too.
looking at my cleavage you could so very see through my dressing gown

"unbelievable" i mumbled and walked out of their dressing room and went straight back to mine

"some sort of joke." i huffed walking into my dressing room to be greeted by my beautiful parents.

"mum! dad!!" i smiled happily

"what about us baby sister??" i heard my big brother say from behind me, i turned quickly and he was walking back from the buffet table with a mini sausage roll smiling.

i welcomed my big brother with open arms.
he was my protector.

"Ro!!!" i coo and walk into his arms, he wrapped his big arms around me and swayed me side to side.
"how you doing baby sister??" he kissed the top of my head
probably leaving sausage roll flakes in my head but i didn't mind.

meet my brother.
Roman Jordan Jones, 22 years old born on 3rd january 2001. but he doesn't like being called Roman, so it's Rome. or Ro.

i feel pulling at my gown, i turn to see my 5 year old twin siblings.
Hudson Ferrara Jones and Kenya Jade Jones, who were born on 20th May 2017.
they will be 6 years old in months to come.

"my babies!!!" i coo and scoop them both up at the same time and give them kisses

"im so happy to see my favourite siblings."

"reign it in!" Rome called out making me chuckle as i held my twin siblings.

"i hope i'm not interrupting anything am i?" i hear a soft voice from the door.

i turn to see jude.

my dad looks between jude and i with accusing eyes.

"JUDE BELLINGHAM!!!!!!!!" Hudson cheers and literally jumps out of my arms and runs at jude making jude laugh.

oh great... this is the LAST thing i wanted!!!

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