CHAPTER 19: You Need The Whole Fucking Squad, Don't You?

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14th March 2023

i woke up at 8am this morning with a pounding headache, i've taken tablets and it's not budging.
is it karma??

technically. i did nothing bad at all.
jude and i aren't together.

and i had to tell chris at that point when he said that i had 'cheated' on jude.. i had to tell him that jude and i were a pr stunt, and that most of the time, we don't even get on with each other.

he didn't believe me at first, and i don't blame him.
like i could of easily of been covering up the fact that i cheated on jude.. but i wasn't covering it up.
we just simply aren't together.

chris asked if i was going to tell jude or not; and i said no.
simply because, it wasn't his business who i fuck and who i don't fuck.
chris said he understood and that was it really.
he left the studio to drive back to manchester and i went and did my interview with buzzfeeds youtube channel,
obviously they asked about jude and my music etc. i even had a few questions about other footballers thrown in, like bukayo saka and jordan pickford. they even asked me about trent which threw me off at first but i regained my composure quickly and said that we'd met once previously in passing at a club (which isn't totally untrue) and that was it.

today was a chill day for me, a day off.

i had a zoom meeting with my record label at 11am which went well,
they was just asking me how writing and recording is going, i sent them the songs i really wanted on this album. they listened to them and told me they seemed perfect for the direction i was wanting to go in. so they basically okayed them songs and said that i was on track to finishing the album before the month ends which made me feel good.

it is now 2pm and i'm on the couch watching forensic files.. a programme you just can't beat.
i am so interested in this side of crime. forensics and how they solve crimes.
so so interesting.

as i was watching my programme my phone pinged and it was my mum.

mum🥰❤️: i've just seen online that zayn is in the uk, he has been for two days apparently.. have you heard anything from him? xx

i made a face.
he's in the uk again? he was only here last month.
i replied to my mum.

me: is he?? he was only here last month, wonder what he's doing over here again! but no, i haven't heard anything from him since last time he was here wanting to meet up with me but i ignored him xx

mum🥰❤️: wonder what his game is🧐🤨xxx

i laughed at her message

me: he probably doesn't have a game mum😂😂he'll be here writing with writers and producers over here for the album. last time i saw him he was working on that album that he's been working on for 6 years.. he's bringing it out soon. so he'll be finishing it up. xxx

mum🥰❤️: why here though? he lives in america xxx

me: he has family here though doesn't he, so can see family while he's down here i guess xxx

mum🥰❤️: hmm we'll see it's just fishy xxx

me: nothing is fishy about it mum😂😂xxx

mum🥰❤️: what are you doing today on your day off? have you heard off of jude since yesterday? xxx

me: i'm just on the sofa cuddled up watching forensic files xxx
me: i've heard nothing from him, it was weird he just got up and stormed out.. didn't even look me in the eye. it was like he didn't wanna be around me, mum, and i thought we were good now xxx
me: i arent bothered though, not gonna lose sleep over it, once this contract is over we'll go back to being strangers like before xxx

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