CHAPTER 17: It Doesn't Matter

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12th March 2023

the day always seemed to fly by when you're at the studio.

i have been here since 8am.
i woke up at around 6am and couldn't get back to sleep, so i got ready, a simple comfy outfit, hoodie leggings and a pair of trainers put my hair in a pony tail and came straight to the studio.

it is now 4pm.

i have written three songs but i'm not in the right frame of mind.. and i am not keen on the songs, like i can do so so much better than that.

so i binned them.

i've been listening to michael jackson's music on shuffle since i got to the studio. the king.

i am desperate to envelope his sound in my music.. which i do anyway.. but i want the production to scream mj. if you get me.

when you think of the greats.. you think about how they've been affected in the music industry. all artists go through shit, whether you're a big artist or small. but, the lengths and the deepness they experience is so different.
like what michael jackson went through was a lot worse than what i'm going through.

but, in this industry, you've got to almost sell your soul to the devil. you can't feel.
you can't react.
you've gotta be like a puppet.
like, look at michael jackson, prince, george michael, madonna, beyonce, jay z, britney spears.. all have been accused of selling their souls to the devil.

man, i have even been accused of it.

but in reality, all we've ever wanted and dreamt of is to be popular, but to everyone else that is us 'selling our souls'.
it's crazy.

i raise my brows at my own thoughts.

incredible song idea.

right brain.. think!!! i say to myself as i sip on my iced coffee.. like that was in anyway shape or form going to help me.

"do do do doo do do do do" i sing a rhythm and make a 'that's it' face.

"begging on her knees to be popular" i randomly sing, to the tune i had in my head, while thinking about mj's production

"thats her dream to be popular" i add and raise my brows, impressed with myself

i wrote the lyrics down on my notepad and kept going over the beat, over and over again in my head.
"kill anyone to be popular, sell her soul to be popular" i quickly wrote it down as we sang

"everybody screams 'cause she's popular.."

"she mainstream 'cause she popular.. never be free 'cause she popular"

i sang out loud and wrote the lyrics down

the chorus. that is it.. that's the chorus.

i smiled at myself, so far, this is the only song i've started today so far that i'm feeling good about!

i sipped on my ice coffee and my phone buzzed.
i looked at who the message was from.

it was jude.

Jude Bellingham: you still at the studio?? xx

me: yeah i am.. its starting to look promising this session now! x

Jude Bellingham: have you eaten anything? xx

me: can you count about 100 iced coffees?? x

Jude Bellingham: absolutely not xx
Jude Bellingham: want me to bring you some food? i can finally see the studio then 😏xx

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