He's a 'bad boy' and protects you pt. 1

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Again, I didn't want the title to be super long, so you're the new girl at school and Calum is a punk rock sex god (like always) and he sees some bullies trying to get at you and, yeah, read the story and I won't have to explain [; probs gunna make this a series!.

Today was the start of a new beginning. Your dad had gotten transferred to a location across the country for work, and he brought your family along. You weren't really scared or nervous, just anxious. You've never moved such a distance, and you were curious to what it's like on this side of the country.

Your dad had to drop you off at school since you still didn't know the roads that well, but you didn't mind. He was going on and on about a fresh start, and new friends, and all that. But, you weren't really paying attention. You just wanted to explore the new school.

Your dad drops you off, and you get out of the car, and your dad speeds away. You throw your bag over your shoulder, and begin up the sidewalk. Many kids are still outside, so you're guessing school hasn't started yet. As you walk, you feel as if all eyes are on you. A lot of people are staring at you, it's like they haven't seen a new girl in years. You see groups of girls, groups of guys, and groups of both. But you notice this rather big group of guys, and they're all staring at you, nasty smirks on their faces. They're looking at you like you're some piece of meat. You roll your eyes, and look ahead of you.

You walk through the doors of the school, and see more kids just hanging around. You've never been in here, so you have no idea where you're going. You see a rather cute guy walk out of a room before you, and ask for help.

"Excuse me, hey." You say, jogging a bit to catch up to him. He turns around with a groan, but when he sees you, he stops, and clears his throat. He lightly smiles, and you can't help but think you've made a good first impression with looks.

"Yeah?" He asks. "Can you help me find the office? I'm new here." You ask with a shy smile. He nods and says, "I know. I wouldn't miss a face like yours if you weren't." He says with a wink and points back to the room you saw him walk out of. "Office is just right there. " He finishes with a smile. You blush and nod, with a 'thank you'. He nods and walks away, leaving you dumbfounded.

You walk into the office, and ask a secretary for your schedule. She prints it out, and explains that the school is pretty basic. Classes from 100 to 120 are downstairs, and 200 to 220 are upstairs. And the rooms are in numberical order going clockwise, and it's just a big square. You thought the school would be more complex, but it's probably the easiest set school you've been to.

You go to find your first class which is luckily just down the hall, and you walk in and ask the teacher about rules, and seatting charts. He explains the rules, and says that there isn't a seatting chart, and that the kids sit where ever they want to sit. As he explains more things, the bell rings. After a minute, kids start walking in. You make your way to the third row, about four seats back. You set your stuff down. People pile in, filling the seats. The kids begin to chat amongst
themselves, and soon enough, the tardy bell rings. And the only seat left open is the seat to your right.

After a minute into class, the teacher starts the introduction to the class, introducing you to everyone. Once that was over, the door opens, and all heads snap to see who it was. The teacher sighs, and says, "Hood, you're late. That's rude considering we have a new student." Your eyes widen a bit, and your stomach flips at who it was. The boy who showed you where the office was.

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