You kiss accidentally

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You run away from Calum, as he chases you through the backyard, completely drenched. After he had sprayed you with the water hose while you were tanning, you shoved him in the pool, getting payback.

"Get over here and give me a hug, Y/N!" He yells as he runs after you with his arms open. "Never!" You yell, turning back to look at him. He begins to catch up to you, and you turn back forwards and sprint anywhere to get away from your soaking best friend. After a while, you're exhaused. "Okay, fine." You say out of breath as you stop running and open your arms, turning around to a satisfied Calum as he slows his running to a jog, wrapping you in a bear hug. You groan as he squeezes you and sways back and forth, making sure to let the wettness of his clothes soak into your cover up.

"Okay, okay, okay, Cal, I need to breathe." You manage to get out and he lets you go, mumbling a 'cry baby' and kisses your cheek, walking away inside to change. Even though you were best friends, you guys kiss each other on the cheek. It doesn't mean anything, actually. Just another way of showing how close you are. Everyone comments and gives you weird looks but you could care less.

You walk inside to get yourself a drink, suddenly thirsty after your run around the backyard. As you approach the door, you grab your phone off of the table on the patio, and begin to go through all of your social media as you go inside. You scroll through twitter, and tumblr, not really finding anything interesting.

You check snapchat, and go through everyone's stories. You see your occasional best friends hanging out and doing dumb things, you see those people who are always driving, and those people who post videos of blackness with music. You see Calum's name, and touch the circle. A picture of him in his wet clothes and a cheesy smile, and the caption says 'Y/N shoved me in the pool after i got her wet (;' and after that picture was another of him sticking his tongue out, and the caption was 'jk i sprayed her with the hose'.

You chuckle as you scroll through, making sure you got everyone's story out of the way. Just as you're about to close out of the app, a new story comes up. Calum's snapchat name comes up again, and you instantly check it. It was a picture of you with your back turned to him, you looking at your phone. The caption was 'aww look at her' with a rosy cheek emoji. You immediately turn around, seeing him standing behind you, a devious smile playing his face.

"You suck." You state, walking to his cupboard to get yourself a glass of water. "Hey, you're on my story though. I'm never on your story." He says, nudging you as you pour your water. "You're always on my story!" You protest, looking at him like he was crazy. "Am not!" He pouts, and you sip your water. "You know what, fine. Let's take a selfies and I'll post them all on my story." You say, grabbing your phone and opening snapchat.

"I wanna take them" He says, grabbing your phone from your hands without waiting for your answer. You shrug, and smile as he snaps the picture. He makes the caption 'bonding time with my fav bassist' with a blue heart. "I like that one." You smile, as he sends it off to your story. "Same. Now a silly one!" He says, pulling a derp face. You pull a duck face, but not so extreme. Just a quirky duck face, and look at Calum from the corner of your eye. He snaps the shot, laughing as he looks at the picture. "This is awesome." He laughs. You giggle as he sends it off, getting ready to take another.

"Wait, let's go outside. It's stuffy in here." You say, already walking out the door. He follows, and you sit down on the patio floor, him sitting next to you with a sigh of relief from being inside. "Okay, last one for now. We're gunna do whatever in this one, y'know make it a surprise." He says as he raises the phone pointing directly at you two, smiling at you. You nod, and think about what you're gunna do. You decide on giving him a quick kiss on the cheek, as he pulls his face. "Okay, ready?" he asks. "Yeah," you nod, him turning to the phone. "One," He starts. "Two.. Three!" He says, you closing your eyes and turning to him, leaning in to kiss him on the cheek.

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