He insults you unintentionally

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This imagine is mine, so if you use it, please please please give credit((: Hope you enjoy <33

You sit in the booth with Calum, ready to eat your food. The last time you ate today was at breakfast, which was a good ten hours ago. You skipped out on lunch because you had errands to run, and you had to pick up your mum and take her to the car shop to get her car. You didn't realize you were gunna be this hungry until you picked up the menu at the restaraunt and saw a large plate of spaghetti. Your mouth waters as you already know that's what you're ordering.

"Hi, my name is Ryan, and I will be your waiter today." Your waiter says with a big smile, while putting down your silverware. "Have you made up your mind on drinks and meals?" Ryan asks. Calum motions to you, letting you order first. "I still can't decide on a drink, you go ahead and order, Cal." You say. "Okay, babe. I will have the chicken soft tacos, please." Calum says, folding he menu and placing it on the table. "Serving size of four, six, eight, or ten?" Ryan asks. "Let's go with six." Calum finishes. "Drink?" "Eh, Rootbeer." He says with a smile. "And for the lady?" Ryan turns to you. "I'll go with the spaghetti." You smile. "Small?" Ryan asks. "Uh, no. Large." You say, closing the menu. "Big appetite, eh?" He asks. "Yeah, I had to skip lunch. Just a busy day." You say. "Alright, and to drink?" "Uh, sweet tea, please." You nod. Ryan smiles and takes your menus, saying your food will be out in a few minutes.

"Wow, babe." Calum laughs. "What?" You laugh. "A large spaghetti?" He shakes his head laughing. "So what? I'm hungry!" You say, laughing as well. Ryan comes back with your drinks, you and Calum both thanking him.

A good fifteen minutes go by of you and Calum just talking and laughing as you see Ryan coming back, your stomach rumbling as you think about the mountain of spaghetti you're about to scarf down. He places Calum's food infront of him, and then yours. He refills your drinks, and makes sure everything is okay. He leaves your table, and you immediately start eating. You take bite after bite, trying to satisfy your hunger. You hear Calum chuckle, and look up to see him watching you, taking a bite out of his taco. You blush as you swallow, saying a "what?" as you take another bite."You're basically swallowing without chewing, babe. Slow down a bit. The food won't run away if you take too long to eat it, take it easy. You're eating like mad crazy. I don't want you getting a stomach ache." He chuckles as he takes another bite of his food.

You lightly laugh as he looks at his food. You look at your plate, and notice that you have about half a plate left. You think about what Calum said, and push the plate away. Does he think you eat like a cow? Were you eating that fast?

"What are you doing? Eat your food, babe." Calum smiles. "I'm not that hungry anymore." You say. He shrugs, and continues eating his food. "Suit yourself, just get a to go box, and take it home. Maybe you'll finish it later." He says with a smile. You nod, and hunch back into your seat, waiting for him to finish his food.

Calum finished his food, and you did as he said and took the rest of your food home, placing it in the fridge. You run upstairs and change into your pyjamas. You jump in bed, and pull the covers up close to your face, not bothering to wait for Calum. You hear him call for you, but you ignore him. You hear his feet pad on the floor as he approaches the bedroom.

"Y/N?" He calls. You act as if you're asleep, not in the mood to talk. "I know you're not sleeping. What's going on?" He asks, climbing into bed with you, wrapping his arm around your waist. You wiggle his arm off of you, and sigh. "Forget it, Cal." "No, I won't forget it, Y/N, something is making my girl upset and I wanna know what it is so I can fix it." He says, wrapping his arm around you again, and pulling your back into his chest. His grip is firm, but gentle at the same time, like a 'I love you and I'm not letting you go' hold.

"C'mon, babe, what's bugging you?" He asks, kissing your shoulder lightly. "How fast was I eating earlier?" You ask. "Oh god, Y/N, you were chowing down like you haven't eaten before! It was mindblowing! I don't even think you were chewing!" He laughs. You lightly nod, and a tear slips your eye as you listen to what he's saying. "It was a sight to see." He finishes, his warm breath fanning over the back of your neck. "But, what's bothering you?" He asks, in a more serious tone.

"It's that Calum. You basically are saying that I eat like a cow! I'm sorry if I had to skip lunch to run errands, which included going to the shop and picking up your bass, and mailing that package that you've been meaning to send off for a few days now." You say, tears of anger and sadness falling. He stayed quiet for a few moments, taking in all of what you said. His grip around your waist loosened, then tightened again.

"Oh, baby, I didn't know. I'm so sorry, Y/N, I didn't mean it in a bad way!" He says as he rests his forehead in the crook of your neck. "You don't eat like a cow, baby, I promise. And if you did, you'd eat like a very beautiful, sexy cow." He says as he kisses your neck. With the tears completely gone, you chuckle as he begins to suck on your neck, as if it's an apology. "And how about I take you out to lunch tomorrow, yeah?" He asks and you nod. "Okay." You say, as he begins to kiss and suck on your neck again, in the same spot. You tilt your head to give him more access, and he rolls on top of you, turning your body to where you're facing him. He grabs your wrists and pins them above your head, working at that same spot on your neck. He moves up to your lips, kissing you roughly, but lovingly. He pulls away and whispers in your ear, "Now let me make this up to you, baby."

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