You prank him

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You giggle to yourself as you find the ingredients you need to get Calum back from pranking you last week. You head to the store, and go to the clearance Halloween stuff. The store was too cheap to just throw things away, so they put everything that doesn't sell on holidays on clearance until it's gone.

You search through he face paint, tattoos, costumes, and masks. You grin to yourself as you spot a bottle of fake blood, and nose and scar wax. You grab it, and look for a 'wound' to scare Calum with. You finally found a tattoo package, with numerous gashes. You smile and go to self checkout, already plotting your revenge. You pay for the items, and head home.

You rush inside, eager for this to go down. You text Michael, telling him to come over as soon as he can. He, of course, arrives shortly. "Hey, Y/N, I got your text. Wha-woah. What's the blood for?" He chuckles. "Calum pranked me last week, and this is my revenge. But, I need your help." You say innocently as you grab the knife you had when Calum pulled his little stunt. "We're not murdering the dude, are we?" Michael laughs nervously. "No, we're murdering me." You smile. He nods as he smiles, rubbing his hands together as if he's some evil mastermind. "Sounds awesome." He agrees.

"Great! Here's the plan. While Calum's upstairs, I'm going to be down here, cooking dinner. I'm going to have the back door open, and you're going to be dressed like an armed robber. You're going to have," You pick up the knife. "This knife. I'm going to cover it with fake blood and make it look like you stabbed me. I'll lay on the floor, with blood everywhere. I'll even scream and drop something for dramatic measures. You're going to wait until you see Calum, and just run. Run out the back door, and just hide around the corner or something. After that, just wait. I'll call you back when it's over." You smile, waiting for a reaction. "That sounds amazing." He says, clapping once. "But, maybe you should wear something you don't mind throwing away. We can rip the shirt, and put the fake wound and blood under it, and soak the spot of your shirt in blood. You know, to make it seem real." he says, and you nod. "Yeah. Calum's gunna be getting home from the gym in about fifteen minutes. Let's get started, yeah?" You ask, already picturing Calum's reaction. He nods, and grabs the fake blood.

You run upstairs and find an old shirt, and change. You find where you want to be "stabbed", and get a pen, marking the line, right under your ribs. You look around the room, opening Calum's drawers, finding the mask he used to prank you. You grab the mask and smile as you run downstairs, to find Michael waving the knife around. "What are you doing?" You laugh. "I don't know, honestly." He says. "Well, here's a mask to hide your face." You say, tossing the ski mask at him. He puts the knife down and slips the mask on, it not being in line with his face. You laugh as your phone rings, Calum's contact picture popping up. You shush Michael, and show him the phone. He immediately stops laughing, and nods. You tap the green button, and press the phone to your ear, smirking.

"Hello?" You say. "Hey, babe, I just got done at the gym. Should be home shortly." He says, and you can hear his smile. "Okay, and I threw away that mask you pranked me with." You say, winking at Michael. "Okay, I didn't need it anyways." He says. "Awesome. See you soon, Cal." "Bye, babe, love you." He says, you pout at his words, and reply with a "Bye, love you too." And hang up. You put the phone down and look at Michael.

"I don't know if I wanna go through with this anymore." You sigh. "What? Why not?" Michael asks, taking off the mask. "He sounded so innocent." You say, putting on a puppy face. Michael shakes his head, and starts to open the fake blood. He looks at you and says, "He pranked you to where he had you scared shitless. We're doing it. I'm too excited for this." He says. You sigh as you look at the plan you had set up on the counter, and nod. "Fine." You say, and Michael cheers. You hear the key in the key hole turning, and both your and Michael's eyes widen. "The back door!" You whisper as you shove everything on the counter into a bag, and Michael nods, running out the back with the fake blood. Calum walks in, and you push the bag in a cabinet, smiling as he walks in the kitchen, hugging you. "Hey babe." He says. "Ew, you smell gross. Go shower." You say as he kisses your cheek. "I know, I did a lot today." he says. "And I thought you threw that shirt out?" He asks. You shake your head. "No, I didn't, babe. Pay attention." "Okay, okay, sorry." He laughs and heads upstairs.

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