Seeing him cry for the first time

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You sigh as you close his last suitcase, zipping it up and looking around the room, seeing most of his clothes and hygiene things gone. Calum looks at you with sadness in his eyes, and begins to grab his bags. You stay silent as you grab some of his bags too, and once your arms are full, you begin walking down to the car, Calum following suit.

You get to the car, and open the trunk, dropping the bags you have in. "Can you leave one of your colognes?" You suddenly ask, and he lightly smiles and nods. "Yeah, can I take one of your perfumes?" He asks and you lightly laugh and nod. "Sure."

You both walk back inside, and you walk straight into the bathroom, looking for your best perfume to let Calum take on tour. You find your favorite one, and walk back out to see Calum rummaging through his colognes. He grabs a medium sized blue glass bottle, and turns around, you already standing there with your 'gift'.

"Here." He says as he unzips a suitcase and grabs a shirt, spraying the shirt with his cologne and handing it to you. You grab the shirt and toss it on the bed, walking over to Calum and hugging him. He immediately hugs back, and you finally let it sink in that he's leaving.

His phone rings, and he breaks the hug, pulling the phone from his back pocket. "It's Ashton?" He asks, and answers the call. "Hello?" He says and scrunches up his face, as if he can't hear him very well. "What? It's too loud on your end, Ash, I can't hear you." He says, and shakes his head. "O-Okay, yeah. Bye." He says questionably. "What'd he say?" You ask. "He said something about the manager letting us be blessed so I can take you?" He says, and lightly laughs. You chuckle, and shake your head, turning and seeing the room kind of empty now. 

"I don't want you to go." You quietly say, and he nods. "I don't wanna go either, babe, but I can't ditch it either." He sighs. You lightly nod, understanding that he needs to go live his dreams. "We should head out now, I don't wanna be late." He says, and you nod, grabbing the keys from the dresser behind you. 

"No, silly, I'm driving." He playfully says as he takes the keys from your hand, walking out of the room, but not before turning back and winking at you. "Why are you driving? What if I wanna drive?" You call to him with a playful smile, walking out of the room. "Because you have to drive back!" You hear him respond, and you nod, knowing he's right. You reach the living room, seeing him already waiting for you by the door. 

"Ready?" He asks, twirling the keys around his finger. "No." You whine, reffering to him leaving. "It's only for a couple of months. It's a short tour for promotion." He says, noticing your sad state. You nod, and motion for him to open the door. He twists the cool knob, and lets you walk out first, then follows you out. You approach the car, and open the passenger door, sliding in, Calum getting in the drivers side. He starts the car, and pulls out of the drive way. 

You turn on the radio, and Photograph by Ed Sheeran comes on (sorry if you don't like or know this song, it just came on on Spotify. If you haven't heard of it, you should go listen to it! It's a great song c:), and you love this song. 

You begin to sing along, and get lost in the song. You smile as you're actually thinking about the lyrics, and Calum glances at you as you totally get into it. Calum has heard you sing before, so this was nothing new. You're actually a pretty good singer, not to brag or anything. But he's never seen you have so much passion while singing. He pulls up to a red light, and looks at you in amazement. He joins in as the chorus rolls around, and it catches you off guard. Your voices sound so good together, you harmonize perfectly. You look over at him, and he looks over at you, you coming in unison, and your eyes water, you realizing again that he's going to be gone after this perfect moment. 

You stop singing, and wipe your eyes, Calum looking at you with sympathy. "Hey, come on now, don't cry. That was beautiful. I promise this tour will be over before you know it, babe." He says as the light turns green, the car accelerating towards the airport. "I know, it's just, I," You start and you try to form your words. "I don't want you to leave, is all." You finish as you reach your destination. "I don't wanna leave either, Y/N. I know what you mean, babe, I do." He says and lightly smiles at you. You shake your head and jump out of the car, and Calum pops the trunk open, him grabbing his bags and you grabbing one, also. 

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