Break up pt. 2

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Your eyes flutter open at the sound of your phone buzzing. You slowly sit up an reach for it, seeing that it's Calum calling. You roll your eyes and drop the phone on the bed, and get up to make yourself breakfast.

As you pull out the essentials for eggs, bacon, and toast, you remember the events that took place last night. Calum calling you a bitch, him saying those whores are better than you, and him walking out after your break up as if you never mattered to him. You angrily make your food, and begin to eat it, anger filling your veins as you recall his words.

You eventually finish your food, and trudge upstairs, and fall to your bed, wrapping yourself in a blanket burrito and begin to cry. This is just all too much. You didn't think it'd come to this, having to break up, but it did.

You don't know how long you've been laying there crying, but your phone begins to buzz again. You immediately see Calum's name, and answer the call.

"Y/N, I-" "Quit calling me. Come get your things or send one of the boys. What you said to me last night fucking hurt me, Calum. I don't want to hear your excuses, goodbye." You say as you cry, getting ready to hang up. "Babe, listen, I jus-" "Bye." And you press the red icon on the screen. You drop your phone and begin to cry harder than before. Your phone buzzes again, and you pick it up, thinking it's Calum.

"Calum, plea-" "I-It's not Calum, it's Luke." You hear Luke's voice ring through the speakers on your phone. "Uhh, I was just calling to let you know that I'll be picking up Cal's things later. I-Is that okay?" He wearily asks as you sniffle, nodding as if he can see you. "Yeah, um, yeah, just come by whenever, y'know, I'll be here." You say, your voice breaking a bit. "Okay, see you soon, Y/N." He says sadly, and you can almost see his pitiful smile towards you. "Bye," You sigh and drop the phone. You begin to cry again, just needing to let your emotions out.

You eventually stop crying, and get up to put a movie on to distract you from reality. You decided on The Fault in Our Stars (cliche and cheesy ik ik), because you love the movie. It has a touching story and you can watch it over and over if you wanted.

You wrap yourself back into a blanket burrito and watch the movie, occasionally smiling as the movie progresses. It comes to the part when Agustus dies, and you ball your eyes out. You remember Calum, and the tears fall even harder. The emotional connection you made with the movie hurts, and thinking about Calum isn't helping with your tears. You don't bother to wipe your eyes, knowing it isn't going to help slow the tears.

A faint knock on the front door is heard and you slowly get up and make your way to the door. "Look, I'm really not in the mood fo-" you begin as you open the door, tears still falling with a nasally voice. "Oh, it's you, Luke." You sigh, stepping back for him to come in. He hesitantly steps inside, and looks at you worriedly. "How ya doing, Y/N?" He asks, wrapping you in a hug, you not being able to hug back since you're all wrapped up.

"How does it look like I'm doing?" You smile a small smile, looking at him through your tears. "Not well." He states, wiping a tear of your cheek with his thumb. You look down and shake your head.

A few moments of silence passes, and Luke speaks up. "Calum's a mess, y'know. He was drinking like crazy last night. Saying stuff about how you broke up and he was drinking his feelings away. He hasn't showered, eaten, slept, and he trashed my guest room last night." He says, looking at you as if you're going to jump up and go running to Calum.

You shrug. "So am I. I was exhausted last night and cried myself to sleep. I barely ate breakfast that was horribly made by myself because I was so mad. I cried all day and watched sad movies and cried some more. I'm not doing so great myself." You say, sitting down on the sofa. "I-I, just can you talk to him? He said he keeps calling and you won't pick up." Luke says desperately. "For what? Him to call me a bitch again and for him to tell me how much better those whores are than me?" You ask, beginning to tear up at the mention of his words. Luke's eyes widened as you spoke, his jaw dropping. "He said that?" He asks, covering his mouth slightly. You nod. "J-Just can you get his things and go? Not to be mean but I just kinda want to be to myself now. I need to cry some more." You say, looking up at him and motion to his bags by the door, a few tears falling.

He nods and approaches the bags, bending down to grab one and throwing it over his shoulder, the other bag's handle in his hand. "Of course, no problem. I'll be back to visit you tomorrow or something. Stay safe, Y/N." He sadly says as you nod, the tears beginning to flow again. "Bye." You sadly say as he steps out and shuts your front door, leaving you alone again.

You cry as you slowly make your way back upstairs, and flop on your bed. You wanted to so badly have Calum come home and forget this whole thing. But his words and actions really hurt you. It made you feel like shit, like you were here for nothing. You didn't understand why he didn't try to keep your relationship alive, but instead just walked out like nothing. You sigh as you get up, and put another movie in, deciding on a comedy to raise your spirits.

You chuckle as the funny parts come, and just watch the movie. You glance at your alarm on the bedside table, checking the time. It's 7:08, and you're exhausted. All the crying today definitely wore you out. You slowly reach for your remote, and turn the TV off, and pick up your phone, dialling the Pizza Palace (I made this up, pulled it out of thin air, and if there really is a pizza place named this, lolz)  to order take out. You place your order, and they say the pizza will arrive in about 20 minutes.

You sigh as you drop your phone, for it to immediately start buzzing, signifying that you're getting a call. You hesitantly pick it up, seeing Luke's name pop up.

"Hello?" You ask, sighing. "Hey, Y/N, how ya, doin'?" He asks, a little bit loud. "Good, I guess. Wore out." You say, mentally questioning why he's talking so loud. "Oh, that's, that's horrible." He says exasperatedly. "Luke? Why are you talking like that?" You ask, your eyebrows furrowed. "Talking like what, Y/N?" "Luke," "Luke, who are you talking to?" You hear another voice other than Lukes. Luke doesn't respond to the background voice, but continues your conversation.

"Sorry, for that noise, Y/N, people don't know how to be polite." Luke says, loudly again. "Y/N? You're talking to Y/N?" You hear that background voice ask in a frantic voice. "Yeah, why?" Luke finally responds to the voice. "Let me talk to her!" You hear the voice shout, and you can finally make out the owner of the voice. Calum.

"I don't think-" You hear the phone being moved frantically, like Calum grabbed it out of Luke's hand.

"Y/N?" You hear Calum ask. Your breath gets caught in your throat, and you don't reply. "Look, Y/N, babe, I just, I," He pauses, and you hear his breathing pick up. "I'm sorry. I, I was a dick to you, and I know I shouldn't have said what I said, but you know how fucking dumb I am, just please. C-Can you please take me back? Baby, I promise I'll do everything I can to make up for my stupid ways and I've been so sad and lonely without you, and" "Calum." You interrupt. "I, I don't know what to say, I" "Say you'll take me back." He pleads. Your heart breaks at his desperate tone, but you need to stay strong.

"Calum, I, I can't do this over the phone, I" "I'll come over." He insists. "I, don't think that's a good idea." You state, holding your breath as you wait for his reaction. "Why not?" He asks, and you can see his disappointed face. "I-I'm just not ready. You can come by tomorrow if you want, but right now, I just, I can't." "O-Okay. I'll see you tomorrow then." He says, defeated. "Okay." You say, about to hang up.

"Y/N?" Calum asks right before you remove the phone from your ear. "Hmm?" You hum, you're heart skipping a beat after hearing the way he said your name.

"I, I love you." He says and you freeze. You've exchanged this phrase many many times, but this time, it's just weird. You didn't expect him to say it, especially not now. You clear your throat, and quietly respond.

"I love you too, Calum." And you can almost hear him release the breath he was holding. "Good. Good, okay. That's all I needed to hear." He says with a hopeful smile, and you can feel his more hopeful tone come through the speakers.

"I-I'll see you tomorrow." You conclude as you look down, playing with the hem of your shirt. "See you tomorrow, babe." He answers, and you stay quiet. "Um, yeah, bye Cal." You blush, him knowing he's pushing his limits on nicknames. "Bye, princess." You can almost hear the smirk playing on his face. He knows you love it when he calls you cute things like princess, and he knows that no matter how mad you are at him, when he calls you that, you can't help but blush and your heart flutters. He knows how to get a reaction out of you, and he knows how to make you fall for him all over again, and you hate it.

This kinda ends awkwardly but if you guys want the next part, vote and comment((; let me know what you guys think! It always makes me smile(:

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