Break up pt. 3

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You sigh as you lay down and get comfortable, remembering the pizza you ordered. You look at the time, seeing it's only been six minutes since you ordered. Knowing its gunna be a while, you get up and head down to the living room, and as you go down the hallway, the many pictures of you and Calum hanging up on the walls catch your eye. You stop in front of the very first picture you took after he finally asked you out, he was giving you a piggyback ride and he had a cheesy smile on his face, and you were laughing with your hair in your face. It was a perfect first picture, and you smile as you look over to the next picture.

It was a selfie, and you guys were on your first date. You remember it like it was yesterday. You had barbecue sauce all over your face from the ribs you ordered, and Calum had spaghetti sauce all over his face, and you were both laughing at how sloppy you both were.

You tear up as you go along down the hallway, stopping at each picture, remembering the story behind each of them. You come up to your most recent picture, your two year anniversary picture. It was a simple picture, just you two smiling with your arm wrapped around his waist, his arm wrapped around your shoulder, and you both are holding out two fingers, like a peace sign. You're both sporting cheesy smiles, and it's just perfect. By now, you're crying your eyes out at the memories. You stare at the pictures, and the longer you stare, the harder you cry. Why can't it be like this again? You and Calum are together, happy, in love, just perfect. But it's not like that anymore. You're single, alone, depressed, and missing Calum like crazy.

You don't realize it, but you've been crying in the hallway for quiet a long time. The doorbell rings, and you sigh as you get up to go see who it is. You sniffle as you open the door, and see the pizza man. "Good evening, ma'am, that'll be $9.67" he says as he hesitantly hands you the pizza, you nod as you set the pizza down in the table and run upstairs, grabbing a ten and running back down. You hand him the bill, and he nods, and you close the door.

You huff as you sit on the couch, crying, eating your pizza, and decide to watch another movie. You throw in The Notebook, and mentally curse yourself, knowing that it's just going to make you cry harder.

You sit, and slowly eat your pizza, silently crying as the movie progresses. You're on your fourth slice of pizza by the end of the movie, where the couple lies together on the bed (sorry I'm not into chick flicks so I don't know their names or how the movie goes exactly cx), making you feel horrible that you're on your own now. You cry harder as you take another bite out of your pizza, and your front door opens.

You quickly turn to see who it is, and see Calum. A very messy, droopy, frustrated Calum. "Y/N?" He asks in a nasally voice as he slowly walks towards you. You can tell he's crying because his voice is more stuffy now than usual.

"C-Calum? What are you doing here, I said tomorrow. How did you even get in?" You say as you wipe away your tears, standing up. "Fuck tomorrow, babe, I couldn't wait. And I still have a key." He says, stepping closer to you and wrapping you in a hug. His arms wrap around your shoulders, and yours immediately go around his waist. You feel him relax as he begins to speak.

"Look, Y/N, what I said the other night, I-I didn't mean it. I know that's a shit excuse but really, I was so caught up with hanging out with the boys and when I got to R.A.X. , I broke down. I was a mess, babe. I ended up staying at Luke's, and I totally fucked up his guess room. I felt so horrible for how I treated you. I'm the worst boyfriend, or ex, ex boyfriend ever. I don't blame you for not wanting me to come home." He says, and he sighs.

"But my point is, I love you. Okay? I love you so fucking much, Y/N. And the fact that I said those things to you, makes me wonder why I'm even here, begging you to take me back, when in all honesty, I wouldn't even take me back if I were you. You don't deserve to be treated like that. You deserve to be treated with love and kindness. You deserve someone who will be there for you all the time, and not leave you for eight months. I don't deserve you. I-I, just please. Will you take me back? You know I'm not the best at feelings and speeches but I'm really trying here." He pauses, waiting for you to speak.

You pull away from the hug, and sit on the couch, your tears stopped, but your face is red and blotchy from all the tears that have fallen. Calum sits down next to you, and looks down at his feet as you begin to talk.

"Calum, you called me a bitch. You said that those whores are better than me, and you walked out like you didn't even care for our relationship. Do you know how bad that sucked? I cried myself to sleep, and watched sad movies and just barely stuffed my face with pizza while crying. I'm not going to say that it's okay, because what was said isn't okay. But I'll say that I forgive you. And I'm not so sure about us being together again." You say and he immediately starts crying harder. He drops to his knees and waddles his way in front of you, placing his arms on your legs and resting his face in his hands, crying. It's like your words ripped his heart out.

"Please Y/N. I've learned my lesson, I know the consequences but please don't say we can't be together." He cries, and your heart breaks at the sight. "Calum, I" "I've changed! I know that what I said was completely out of line and horrible but if you let me prove to you that I can love you right, I swear, princess, you won't regret it." He pleads, looking up at you. You lightly smile as you run your hand through his messy hair. You just silently sit for a few moments, as he looks at you through teary eyes.

You lightly nod, and he smiles a huge smile. Another tear slips his eye, and you wipe it away with your thumb, and you say "Let's go get your things from Luke's." Calum springs up in happiness and picks you up, spinning in circles with you in his arms, crying tears of joy.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He cries as he repeatedly kisses you all over your face, you giggling at how his mood changed with a simple nod and a few words. He plants a passionate kiss to your lips, you completely falling into the trance his lips against yours puts you in. You missed this. You missed his arms around you and how he plants random kisses to your cheeks and forehead and nose and lips. You missed Calum, and you know you're not regretting this.

"Come on, we'll take mine." He smiles as he grabs his keys, and you follow in your socks. You lock the door, forgetting about the pizza and TV, and lightly jog to the passenger side, and slide in, shutting the door as Calum revs the engine to life.

He grabs your hand in his right hand and intertwines your fingers, the wheel with his left, and he kisses your knuckles, totally appreciating that you're with him. "I promise, you won't regret this, princess." He says as he pulls away from the curb and drives in the direction of Luke's house. You look down at your hand in his, and smile. "I know." And lightly squeeze his hand. He looks over at you with love in his eyes, and it's evident that he has his heart set out to making everything up to you.

Well here's part three, the final part!! What did you guys think? Vote and comment your thoughts! And send me ideas to keep this book going! I will totally give you credit!<33

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