he's a bad boy and protects you pt. 2

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"Sorry." He bluntly says, and walks to the seat next to you. The teacher tells the class to quietly visit while he takes attendance. The boy noisily drops his things on the floor, and immediately turns to you.

"Well, well, well, new girl has first hour with me. Can I see your schedule?" He asks. You smile and nod, handing him he paper. He lightly smiles as he scans the slip, handing it back to you. "You have just about every class with me. All except for second." He smiles. "Really?" You ask, cheering on the inside. He nods, and a confused look comes on his face. "What's your name? Out of all the talking we do, I never caught it." He laughs. "Y/N." You say while extending your hand out to him. "Well, Y/N, I'm Calum. Calum Hood." He shakes your hand, just as the teacher begins session.


The rest of the school day was pretty simple. Your classes weren't that hard, and everyone seemed to like you. You made a few friends throughout the day, and this group of three boys and two girls wanted you to sit with them in the mornings in the cafeteria. Your dad picked you up after school, and you told him about the instant cute new friend you made. You told him everything that's going on, about parent meetings, assemblies, and other things.


Your dad dropped you off at school, around the same time he did yesterday. All of the groups of people in their same spots. Same faces, same voices. As you walk up to the doors, you see that same group of boys that was staring at you. But only now, Calum was in the group. He sees you walk by, and he nods with a cute smile. You smile and wave back, and all of the other boys are confused. They give you questioning looks, and you just turn away and walk into the school. You find the cafeteria, and instantly find the group of kids you met yesterday, and go sit with them. Now you notice the little things about the people you didn't notice yesterday. Tyson had a scar on his eyebrow, and Isaac had a sharp jawline. The girls had a nice sense of fashion, and one of them had a slight lisp. They told you about them, and asked you about yourself.

"So, have you made any other friends yet?" One of the girls asked. You nod. "Yeah a few kids in fifth hour seem pretty nice. Oh, and Calum, Hood? I think is his name. Yeah, we clicked pretty well." And they all stayed silent."What?" You laugh. "Calum? You're friends with him?" Isaac asked. You nod. "Yeah, I guess. He's really nice to me and we have almost every class together." You say. Their eyes widened, and the girls shrieked. "Dude! Do you know how hard it is to even get a second glance from Calum? He's like the most mysterious guy in this school! I've heard so many stories about him.. no one knows if they're true. I heard he does drugs and bangs any girl he can lay his hands on. Then he never speaks to them again." The girl with a lisp says. "Well, I heard that he's been to juvinile for selling drugs and nearly beating a guy to death because he didn't pay him enough." The other girl says. "Well, why don't you just ask him?" You laugh, mainly at how crazy they're acting. "Are you nuts?! I heard he beats up anyone who asks him about his past!" You roll your eyes, and look at her with a "are you that stupid?" face. "He's a really nice kid, you guys have it all wrong." You say as the morning bell rings. You get up and walk to your first class, eager to see Calum.

You make your way to the seat you sat in yesterday, pulling out the homework and notes you took, setting them on your desk. As the kids piled in, you see Calum walk in, your heart melts as he smiles when he sees you. You tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear, and he sits down.

"You did the homework, I see." Calum says as he pulls out his own work. "So did I." He says as he sticks his tongue out. You smile, and nod, not really understanding what those girls were talking about this morning. He seems like a total sweetheart. He is one! You smile lightly as he grabs your paper and compares your answers. The teacher walks in, and begins class. But the only thing on your mind is why these stories are going around.


You walk with Calum down the hallway, heading for lunch. You both had just gotten out of fourth hour, and you already put your bag in your locker, which is luckily right next to your fifth class.

"I'm not even hungry." You laugh. "Me either." He laughs. He motions to the doors down the hall that you were walking in. "Wanna go sit outside? It's nice today." He says, you nod with a smile, and walk to the doors that lead to the fields. You sit down by the wall, Calum sitting next to you.

"So, mystery boy," you start. He gives you a questioning look. "Mystery boy?" He laughs. "Yeah, my friends told me some interesting stories about you, but they don't match up." You say. His face drops, and he leans back. "What stories?" He asks, a sudden tone change. You can't help but feel bad, because he probably gets asked about these everyday.

"The girls I sit with said that there's several stories about you, but no one really knows if they're true. And you beat up anyone who asks about your past, you bang every female alive. And selling or doing drugs, and going to juvinile for nearly killing someone." You say, a bit shy. You didn't know what to expect as an answer. He sighs and runs his fingers through his hair.

"Okay, I don't know where your little friends got all this from, but only two of those things are true. And they're totally different stories. Yes, I went to the juvinile, but not for nearly killing someone. So, my dad got caught with drugs, but this was his third time. Instead of him doing time in prison, I took the blame. So he could stay and support my mom and sister. I guess that's where they got the drug story from. I never did them, or sold them. Just took blame. And I don't beat up people for asking about my past. This one time, this kid would always talk about the car wreck me and my grandmother got in. I lived but she didn't. He would always talk about it. I got so fed up with it, even when I would ask him to stop. I had to get violent. I didn't want to, ya'know? But he didn't know when to stop. He was knocked out cold for a few minutes, but everyone thought he was dead because he hit his head so hard on the floor." He says, with a concluding nod.

You stare blankly into his eyes, noticing that they were getting watery. "Everyone thinks I'm a bad kid. I'm not. I swear I'm not. Everyone here needs something, someone to talk about. I guess I'm that someone. It just hurts to know that there are people in this school that I don't even know, and they talk about me. I don't know. Just as long as it's not hurting anyone else, I'm fine with the stories. You're the first person to ask if they were true. I don't even know how I'm opening up to you this quick. I've known you for two days." He says with a small laugh. "I never tell people I barely know stuff like this, let alone cry in front of them. I don't know why I'm piling this on you, and I don't know why you're even here listening to me cry like a little bitch. I just-" And he stopped. He shook his head and put his head in his hands. You said nothing, but leaned over and hugged him. He hesitated, but he hugged you back. You stayed there for a few moments, Calum totally relaxing into you. "I'm sorry. I know you're a good kid. I don't know why everyone is so scared of asking. I'm sorry, Calum. As long as you know the truth, you'll be fine." He nods into your shoulder. You feel your shirt getting wet, and you hold onto him tighter. He clutches onto you, his body now shaking. You sit with your arms around him, lightly scratching his back. He leans back, wiping his eyes, taking a few breaths.

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