Chapter 21: Young5's New Power The Armor Blade! Young5 VS Chaos 3

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As i stood on the rock i looked at chaos it seemed he was really in his final form but this is were it ends and i was going to stop him one way or another and i wasn't gonna let him get away this time this was the end for chaos. Chaos: so it seems you have your full potential young5 this is your final resting place and no interferes with or battle; i'm fine with that because only one of us is dying it ain't me that's for sure, i looked down on chaos ready to show him my true power but something inside me didn't feel right it just made me i don't know just weird i guess but that wasn't important i had to defeat chaos once and for all. The wind blew as we stared each other down, then i started charging up to transform into my new form with my new weapon he started at me waiting for me too finish i can thank z for getting him to go all out when i'm just getting started. I had finally transformed into my armor mode and had my new weapon out the blade and teleported towards him in that moment he had disappearecute; en a soinc boom appeared both us fist in lock ready to throw down one another we break lose then we clash with our blades I swing at him back and fourth he blocks every hit i do the same it seemed this was gonna be long. Chaos: your doing well i would've thought that you would given up on trying to stop me i know you were afraid of me when you saw my final form but now you feel confident about winning how cute; yeah your right i was afraid of you but that doesn't mean i'm getting confident it just means i'm not losing this fight or letting you live this time, i rushed at him and uppercutted him then blasted him into the ground and i know i know its not that easy its never is. He comes out the ground flying fast at me and tries to punch but grab his fist and twist it, answer me this does a ultimate being experience fear that's a real question; twisting his fist harder i rip it off of him, well now that was scary hehe you might as well give up no chance your winning this. Chaos: you think as being the ultimate being i am not ready for such things; he started screaming in pain then his hand regrew it was amazing plus bullshit but i didn't care because it was going to be fun now. Impact after impact is what kept happening as we clashed with our fists as i knew from the start he was becoming weaker and weaker but somehow he kept up with me but that didn't matter i had the advantage his losing i'm winning and i wasn't letting him get away because there was nowhere for him to go this was the end for chaos and i was going to make sure of it. Blast after blast, punch after punch, we kept going nonstop he started charging up his energy then fired a giant ball that was coming down if it had electro-city it would destroy the whole plant with the people, so i caught trying to push back at him but something was wrong. Chaos: your think just by catching my devil impulse could stop it your truly mistaken; he put more force into the energy ball pushing me into the ground almost blowing up the plant but then i felt the dark energy inside and reserved it. So you think by putting more in this thing will kill me hehe your truly mistaken EAT THIS OMEGA CANNONNNNN, i turn his energy ball into a energy beam and blasted it back at him in shock of realizing what happen he stood and got hit by the blast, blasting him high into the air but i knew he wasn't dead. After the blast i saw his body falling fast into the ground like a comet i went to him to see only his torso and head were left with all his energy put into the ball he created he couldn't regenerate his body back he was done for it was time to end this. Chaos: n-no.....i'm the.....ultimate being......i can't......lose to you.......its impossible......; well guess what you just did and now its over for you chaos goodbye, i transformed back to normal with my hand with a energy wave in it i was ready to blast him then something came and shot my sleeve and sent me flying into the wall i couldn't see who it was. ???: young5 you killed my father and now its time to return the favor to you; i saw the person who had shot me away from the finishing blow and i knew who he was or should i say who's he from this this was his child and now he's back for revenge but i'm not letting him stop me not today not now.

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