Chapter 24: The Ultimate Fusion!!! Bladeos!!!!

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To me it felt like the world was ending now for what just fucking happen but no it was somewhat equal to that but 3x worse. It was like a god standing in front of me with power from the unknown and i felt the fire from this unknown monster but when i looked up i saw someone standing in my way and this wasn't good. ???: this power is unspeakable, young5 this is my perfect form and this time you'll lose this fight my power is stronger than yours and this time you will not win; the power i felt i couldn't even describe it you wanna know why BECAUSE I COULDN'T EVEN FEEL IT. W-w-who the hell are you, ???: i am neither shadow or chaos i am the all mighty BLADEOS; so chaos didn't die i guess he fused with shadow and created this monster of destruction this was going to take all my energy to fight him and if i have to use all my energy then i will for the safety of electro-city. I will not lose to you, you may have fused with shadow but that doesn't mean anything i will win this fight; i charged up my energy to max and transformed into my armor form so i can beat him i wasn't going to lose i can't lose so i rushed towards and the battle begun me vs bladeos and this was going to be the final battle. The battle between us clashed and raged on building to building, explosion to explosion, this battle was non stop i was at full power fighting to the max but i keep forgetting chaos knows all my moves but i wasn't going to give in not here, not now this was going to end here with one of us dying and it wasn't going to be me it was going to be him he can't live not anymore. Bladeos: your weak young5 you keep dropping each minute you try to come back with a kill to finish me because the more you try the more you'll die so give up and let hell come upon your world your universe so let's end this game now; he unleashed more lava from the ground and he made lava whips come out of the lava and wrapped me up i couldn't move i was useless he was beating me down and down and down. He unleashed lava through the whole city creating lava monster to attack the people and i couldn't do anything i was done for each hit he gave me keep making me weak i starting fading it was over for me the great young5, ???: so is that how i die by being beat by fool who looks like some birdman thing i thought i was better or the best at least. That voice i heard it before but who that i knew this wasn't over, i open my eyes and saw bladeos stilling hitting me trying to end me, hey bladeos you can keep trying to kill me but you've got somebody new to fight you, bladeos: and who would that be. ???: me.

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