Chapter 8

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Bryan's POV

As much as I didn't like being in the base of my work enemy, I did have to admit, Inpu was really hot when he was working.

I thought this would break me and cause me to break it off, but I was more turned on over anything, something I really didn't expect.

Since there was nothing for me to do, I tried to convince Inpu to let me indulge in some of the fantasies I came up with, and while he admitted to me some seemed fun, I never got any of them.

Around the end of the week, he had to go out and do something, so he brought me to his "prison" just so I wouldn't be bothered, so while it wasn't ideal, I was able to manage.

I was mostly just sitting on one of the beds in an open cell and drawing a bit, nothing super detailed since I didn't have any of my normal supplies, but it kept me content.

Inpu wouldn't be back for a while, so I expected to be left alone in silence, but around an hour before Inpu said he'd be home, I heard screaming from a locked door.

It scared me cause I didn't expect it, so I decided to investigate against my better judgement.

There was a small hatch that opened easily, and upon a quick glance in, I saw a woman who clearly had been here a while.

She seemed like she had gone insane, and opening the hatch seemed to alert her cause it was loud.

Once she noticed me, she quieted down, fixed herself up, and walked over to the hatch.

"You're new, did you just join?"

"No...I'm here by mistake...who are you?"

"Izanami, I'm sure my son has mentioned not to speak with me"

"Your son?"

"The leader, if you're allowed to walk free, that means he probably has a plan with you, I wouldn't look forward to having your freedom forever"

"What do you mean? Inpu is taking me home tomorrow, there isn't anything extra to it"

"Poor boy, I have been here for years, my son decided to follow his father when he was 16, I doubt he actually has feelings for you"

I began to take a step back, Izanami clearly didn't know what she was talking about, especially if she's been here for years.

Before she could say anything else, Inpu walked in, and upon seeing the hatch was open, he placed himself in front of me and I watched Izanami's demeaner change.

She went from clearly crazy to calm and focused.

"I thought I told you to only speak with me, no one else" [Inpu]

"I'm sorry, the boy was curious, I felt like he had to right to know what you typically do to prisoners you let out" [Izanami]

"And typically those prisoners are only out a day, I've let him stay out more than a day, why can't you use your clues anymore?" [Inpu]

"What? Its not like I spilled all your secrets" [Izanami]

"Bryan, what exactly did she tell you?" [Inpu]

"She said that you likely didn't love me and that you probably had something bad planned for me" [Bryan]

"Do you believe her?" [Inpu]

"Not really, the doubt has been there, I'll be honest, but for the most part I don't" [Bryan]

"Thanks for your honesty, my love, if you wouldn't mind, wait for me in my office, I have something I need to do first, then I'll be there" [Inpu]

I just nodded and walked away hoping I didn't cause any trouble.

After about half an hour, Inpu walked into the office before picking me up and sitting in his seat as he placed me on his lap.

We didn't speak at first, Inpu just began kissing me and rubbing my waist like we normally did during our normal play before anything extra, so I was surprised to say the least.

He gave me a small break after a bit, just letting me breath a bit before I decided to ask anything.

"What's this for?"

"You said you had your own doubts about if I loved you or not, and since you've been so well behaved while you've been here..."

"Go on?"

"I've decided to give you what you've been asking for~"

"Why now? And here? I thought you said you didn't like weird placed?"

Before Inpu could give me a response, he moved me to I was on his chair, and while my eyes were closed, he managed to slip a blindfold on me.

Just based on the sounds in the room, I could tell Inpu was moving things around, I was starting to get a bit ticked off that I couldn't see what he was doing, but I overall didn't mind.

"So am I fine to take off the blindfold or-?"

"Leave it on, I'm using it so I can continue to surprise you, I'll take it off once I'm ready"

"What exactly will you tell me?"

"I'll tell you that what I'm doing right now isn't related"

"And why is that?"

"Because I need to clear my desk so I can do something, don't worry, you'll enjoy it"

Not long after, Inpu picked me up again and began to walk down what I could only guess was a flight of stairs.

Once I was finally placed down, I felt two chains placed on my wrists before the blindfold was taken off and Inpu stood before me, clearly in the mood.

We began to make out before Inpu began causing me to kneel down, but before we could really do anything, we heard someone start to walk down stairs.

Xylo walked down, clearly needing Inpu for something, so we both just kind of froze there as blush covered our faces.

"Hey, boss, can we- OH MY GOD I'M SO SORRY! DID I INTERUPT SOMETHING?!" [Xylo]

"Yes, Xylo, tell me what you need then get out" [Inpu]

"A few of the men were going to get food and we wanted to know if you wanted anything" [Xylo]

"I'm good, I already have my own lunch, love, you want anything?" [Inpu]

"I'm good..." [Bryan]

Xylo began to stumble out of the room again, he was clearly embarrassed he walked in while we were making out, I'm just glad he walked in before Inpu did anything.

Inpu went up to the door and locked it, making sure no one else would walk in.

"Now, where were we~"

"Calm down, give it like ten minutes, your office is near the entrance, you wouldn't want anyone hearing us"

"The mood was killed for you, wasn't it"


"Damn, oh well, its not like we can't find another time to do anything, come on, lets go get our own lunch"

"I thought you said you had something?"

"I did, you"

"Should've seen that coming, your buying it though"

"Fine, sushi?"

"Works for me, but get the expensive stuff if you're ordering from that one place, the other sushi they have is normally terrible"

"Yes, my love"

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