Chapter 6

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Bryan's POV

After a sleep that felt more uncomfortable then I have ever had before, I woke up on a bed that was oddly soft, so while at first I thought it was a bad dream and I was home, a look around the room told me otherwise.

Fear was the first thing I felt, but with my line of work, I knew better then to show that I was scared.

I quickly stood up and tried to open the door so I could try and find an exit, but the door was locked, and right before I could try and pick it, I heard someone coming.

Not wanting to seem like I was trying anything for my own safety, I laid back on the bed and pretended to be asleep.

It was harder than I expected, my nerves weren't on point cause of how long I was out, so I felt myself trembling.

I never saw who entered the room, I didn't want to alert them that I was awake, so I tried to listen for audio cues, but they were too quiet.

Eventually, I felt them pull a blanket over me, so I gently curled up like I would in my sleep.

There was still no sound, but they had to know that eventually I'd wake up, so I started to display the normal signs of waking up, just to see how they'd react.

As I moved myself around and finally got a good look at who was in the room, I was shocked to see Nightmare standing there, full suit and everything.

He turned his glance to me, and the second he saw me waking up, he had a frown, almost like he was sorry.

"Glad to see you're awake, are you ok, no injuries?"

"Why do you care? Aren't I here so you can kill me?"

"No, you're here because my men were idiots, I'm just waiting for an all clear now so I don't deal with any backlash from letting you go"

"Then can you at least tell my boyfriend-"

"He already knows"

"Right, there is proof he works for you..."

"Oh, he doesn't work for me"

"Then why did he have the type of blade almost all of your goons use?"

"You mean this blade?"

I moved a bit so I could get a good look at the blade he pulled out, and that's when I noticed it, there was a flaw with the blade, a red gem that faded into a dull purple, only found on Nightmare's blade, but with how I saw Inpu's it looked like the normal ones cause I only saw the red, so now I had no idea what Inpu was in the gang.

"I can't be super sure, I was pinned down when I saw it...even then, I only know the blade from the news, there is no way for me to even be 100% positive about it"

"Bryan, look me in the eyes for a minute"

As I did, he began to gently take off his mask, making sure to be careful so he appeared less threatening to me unlike when he did so before he killed victims.

I stared at his face in disbelief, I was expecting to see the face of someone I didn't know, someone who really just didn't get dealt good cards, but instead, I saw Inpu, his face just looking over in disappointment.

"I...I don't know what to say"

"Then let me say something, I'm sorry, I never wanted you to find out this way, I never wanted you to find out at all"

"Why did you do it, all the people you've killed, the families you've ruined, they didn't deserve it, was I ever anything to you?"

"Of course you are, I love you more than anything, I started dating you expecting to have you be my cover, but I've never been happier, I know that doesn't make up for everything else, but my reasons aren't something I can easily explain"

"What made them take me?"

"From what I've gathered, you were panicked about seeing my blade, went to tell a friend, a few of my men were already suspicious of you, so when they heard you trying to call, they reacted"

"So now what?"

"I went to your apartment to get the orbs, they're in my office right now so they are safe, my plan right now is to wait a few days, make it seem like you left for a small trip, we explain that it was a miss understanding, then we go back to normal"

"You can't go back to normal after something like this...we both know that"

"I want to try though, is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"

"I'll give you two weeks, first week I'll be here, you try to convince me it seems worse than it actually is, then the second week I'm allowed as much space as I need to process"

"What exactly am I allowed to do?"

"Same boundaries as our first date, but I'm going to be harder to win over this time with what I now know"

"Will you at least revel a secret of similar size?"

"If you can win me over, I will, but for now, not a chance"

"Deal, is there anything I can get for you?"

"For now, some Advil and food, I've never had to deal with head pain and hunger at the same time and it sucks"

"Why didn't you tell me sooner! I'll have someone send it in for you"

"And why can't you do it?"

"Still have a reputation to uphold"

I rolled my eyes as he left the room, I had never felt more betrayed.

There were so many reasons I could give as to why I wouldn't give him another chance, but for some reason, everything inside of me was telling me to forgive him and let this slide.

Maybe it was the fact I was so used to chasing him around the city even if most of the time it was in my hero uniform, but I think it was more the fact he seemed so upset by me being here.

Inpu was never an easy read, I'll be the first to admit that, and I never felt like I could share secrets with him, but I loved him and he showed that he loved me back, every night he'd get home angry, the first thing he'd do is go in another room and punch something so I wasn't his victim, why was I only now seeing it?!

My mind was racing with questions I had for myself and him, but eventually, someone brought in food that perfectly fit my diet, Inpu's doing for sure, and some Advil, so I quickly ate and took the few pills before trying to take a nap, just so I can easily recover.

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