Chapter 14

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Bryan's POV

Knowing someone had very private information about my family was very stressful.

Inpu managed to find out that the files were found in an old lab of another villain, but they were mostly abandoned along with hundreds of other files on other heroes and villains.

Most of the information on the two of us was old information, our suit designs were VERY outdated and powers we had discovered and gained in the past year weren't written in at all, so the information was from a while ago.

Crystal's file was brand new compared to ours, so whoever was keeping the information was clearly watching us closely.

I sent my file to my team, just to see if they could get anything that I missed, but as I expected, nothing came up right away.

Despite how much I wanted to, we couldn't go to the cops about this, the second they read it I'd need to become a ghost, and while Inpu's would probably be a better bet, with a newborn in the house I didn't want anything bad happening.

My team had spent the entire week trying to find anything on the person who managed to get that information, but there was no luck, so once I got home and finished up my night routine, I just wanted to go to sleep.

It was a late night for Inpu, so I expected to fall asleep and be alone the entire night, but I heard something break around midnight.

Not knowing what it was, and knowing Inpu was smarter than breaking his own window, I began to carefully look around.

Everything seemed to be empty, until I got to the nursery.

As I peaked in to make sure Crystal was still asleep, I saw someone standing above the crib, seemingly taking note of everything in the room and on Crystal herself.

I felt every instinct kick up as I watched, there were tons of villains in town who could have gotten that information, but now the culprit was standing in my baby's room and I was seeing red.

After a few moments of thinking, I was about to grab a  nearby pole we still had from fixing up the kitchen, but as soon as I went to grab it, I heard the front door open and so did the intruder.

Inpu walked in, trying to be quiet, but him doing that caused the intruder to see me and before I could do anything, the intruder got out by the same window they broke to get in.

I ran in the room, just trying to see where they went, but I was quickly distracted by Crystal crying.

"Are you both ok?!"

"Yeah, we're fine, I'm just a bit pissed off"

"Let me guess, you were trying to figure out who that was, but me walking in ruined that"

"Correct, I'm just so angry about it, I've never felt that aura before, and he was standing over our daughter, and I let him get away"

"Don't blame yourself, nothing happened to Crystal, nothing happened to you, the most we have to fix is a window, I'll deal with it"

"But what now? We have nothing to go off of still"

"Maybe we do have something, its a bit hard for me to explain, but a few of my scientists can easily trace the magic of someone based on where they have stepped, so if we're lucky, we can have one of them come and try to get something while we're at work tomorrow"

"Alright, I'll let you try it, but I'm trying to find more things to help us, maybe a baby monitor too"

"Why don't we have one already?"

"Because she cries loud enough where we don't need one, plus everything in our apartment is baby proof, so its not like we have anything to worry about"

"Fair enough, I still feel like that's a fail on our part though"

"Yeah, at least we keep everything in our house either as safe as possible or high enough she can't do anything about it"

"You don't like the feeling of cameras in your house, don't you?"

"That's exactly it, its part of my own trauma"

"What the hell could traumatize you? You're one of the strongest people I know"

"My mom wasn't great, she was constantly drunk and in bad crowds, so once my magic began to develop, I had to defend myself and my siblings, then once my mom started to get threatened, I became a hero, I didn't want my parents getting hurt because I wasn't strong enough"

"Did someone ever die in front of you?"

"My dad did, I started to work as a hero around the time the threats started, but I failed my first save, so my father died in front of me because I wasn't fast enough"

"There must have been so much doubt towards you back then"

"I was barely an adult, everyone thought his death just because it was in front of me would cause me to become a villain, but I decided to grow from it, I had to"

"So the rest of your family..?"

"They all know about my hero work, after my dad's death mom got sober, my sisters finally felt safe going outside again, and I got the peace I needed, but I've never been the same since"

"Oh? If I were to ask anyone who knew you back then how you used to be, what would they say?"

"They'd probably say something like I was more optimistic, had better thoughts about people, and never let a bad thought get under my skin"

Inpu didn't say anything in response, he just pulled me in for a hug before he began to say soothing things to me.

He began to say things about how my situation was worse than his cause of how I handeled it, how mine had a different outcome because of the person I used to be, and how he wouldn't change me for the world, that he just wished he got to meet that part of me.

We stayed like that for a while before we both decided to actually get some much needed sleep.

I began to try and fall asleep like normal, but before I could fall asleep, I felt Inpu press his head on the back of mine before he wrapped his tails around me, clearly trying to make me comfortable.

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