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Inpu's POV

Where I used to live, it wasn't uncommon for cops to just break into random houses and bring people in for questioning, so when they started getting too close to my men, I had to move.

This time, I decided to be smarter about it and decided to apply for a few dating sites, just to try and find someone who could be an alibi, but with the stress of finding somewhere new to move my operations to continue my crimes along with moving from a house to apartment, it was hard.

The first few people I talked with online didn't seem too interested, so I wasn't expecting much, until I matched with Bryan.

He was someone who I felt I could trust just by talking online, but meeting him in person was something else.

We decided to just meet at a restaurant he suggested to me when I mentioned I was new to the area, and all seemed well until I went to the bathroom.

I didn't wear it often, mostly cause of my suit not allowing me to, but I had a smartwatch that was connected to my phone, so when I saw a text from one of my men, I began to panic.

Not knowing what he'd do, I tried to rush back to the table and make sure he didn't read my phone, but when I got back, my phone clearly hadn't been touched and he was just on his phone.

Once we finished dinner, we went back to my apartment where the night took a turn I wasn't expecting, so instead of calling the one who texted me earlier as soon as I was alone, I ended up calling him once I knew Bryan was asleep and I was in another room.

"Is there any reason you needed to text me when I said I'd be MIA, had the person I was with been a bit curious I could've had to kill someone tonight"

"Sorry, boss, but we met with the ex villain you told us about, he said that instead of a strong police force, they have a hero and a few in training, the police just bring in the criminals"

"All I'm getting is that I should continue with my plan, what is this hero's name?"

"According to the grapevine, he's known as the Glowing Angel"

"Then prepare my stuff for tomorrow night, its time for Nightmare to make himself known"

"Yes, sir"

I hung up not long after and made my way back to my room so my date didn't get suspicious if he did wake up for any reason.

Three years later (still Inpu's POV)

I thought that moving to a new city to continue my crime spree would be easy, but in the past three years, it was anything but.

The Glowing Angel was much smarter than I thought and I was only able to go for a week before having to abort a mission to not get caught.

My anger would grow heavily, but since I had someone who I could talk to just to get my mind off things, I wasn't making any reckless decisions.

Bryan and I had been going strong since we met which made it easy for me to hide from the cops.

I was still very nervous around the cops, but I just told Bryan it was because the police killed my father when I was young for no reason, which wasn't a complete lie, but I never told him the reason cause it would give me away.

Despite all of my stuff happening at night, I decided to take three nights off a week to be with Bryan, after all, I needed a cover if I was ever questioned.

Whenever he came by, he'd use the fire escape to come up, so there would be times I get home from doing some shopping just to hear a knock on the window.

I bring this up because he had decided to come by today right after I came back from getting food.

Once I saw him, I couldn't help but just laugh before I went to open the window and let him in.

"I thought you had work until six tonight"

"Oh, I was, but I finished early so my boss said I could go home, so I figured I'd come here"

"Anything interesting?"

"If you want to start investing in that new coffee place down the road its expected to go up a lot in the coming month"

"I thought you worked finances for some retail store, why do you know about stock for a coffee shop""

"Yeah, but the owner of the shop came by and showed me the current price for his stock because he wanted me to work for him with how well I do"

"That's annoying, what'd you tell him?"

"I just let him know that I ready work two well paying jobs and that I'm not interesting"

"As you should, if you did take the job, when would you find time for me?"

"You think I didn't already think of that"

"I just love that I'm on your mind thinks of me with some decisions"

"You're always on my mind, on another hand, where's the tv remote? One of my coworkers said Nightmare was spotted near my place of work, I just want to make sure I'll be safe going to work tomorrow"

"Should be next to the tv like normal, are you staying the night? I wouldn't mind walking you to work tomorrow if you already planned on staying the night"

"That would be nice"

As the words left Bryan's mouth, the tv came on and the news station was already talking about a crime a few of my men and I committed this morning, but more focused on the murder part.

I just sat with Bryan on the couch and tried to act concerned.

The fact they already had as much information as they did surprised me, but most of their guesses about me were way wrong.

It also didn't help them that I covered anything that could leave DNA cause my ears did shed a lot.

At first, I thought it would be easy to find me cause of my ears, but this city had a large number of people with powers causing animal ears, so I was pretty safe.

My mind began to trail off while Bryan stayed focused on the news, so when I noticed, I tried to put my arm around him to comfort him.

"Does this stress you out that bad?"

"Sorta, I know I'm safe with how I go to and from work, but in the back of my mind I always think something could happen"

"Do you not trust the hero, I thought he was constantly monitoring the city"

"From what I know, he does, but what happens if something happens and he can't save me?"

"Then I'll try to be your hero, I work nights so its not like I don't have the time"

"I knew dating you would be the best thing to happen to me"

Bryan just gave me a kiss before we went back to watching the news.

Something always told me he knew I was Nightmare, but then we'd have conversations where we'd talk about crime and he'd seem genuinely scared.

Most of my men didn't know I had a boyfriend, so with us working near Bryan's place of work, I always got a bit scared that one of them would kill him, so I told them not to act before consulting me, and if someone tried to run, they tie them up and bring them to our base.

Slowly over time, I taught Bryan how to sneak away from anything without being found out, so I wasn't that scared, but thoughts would always linger.

We kept talking about what was going on in the world for the rest of the night until it got too late for Bryan to safely walk home, so we both got changed before we went to sleep for the night.

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