Chapter 21

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Bryan's POV

After a few days of investigation, we still had nothing.

The person who did this must have known how to cover up their tracks, so our efforts took a while before we could even get a small amount of progress.

Most of the explosion site was covered in black ash, and the bits that weren't, you couldn't even tell what it was meant to be, so we were stuck hoping that we'd find anything remotely helpful.

Like normal, once on site, I refused to really look at my phone, I had a pocket for it in my suit, but I wasn't going to risk either losing it or having someone read it from over my shoulder.

I was just trying to investigate a sound I heard, it was some kind of beeping, but it was still something I had to investigate, but the entire time, my phone was blowing up with texts.

Finally, I had enough of the sound, so I went to a corner and turned on my phone, and immediately went into shock.

Inpu had been repeatedly texting me, claiming we had to get out of the building right away.

Naturally, I responded and asked him why, mostly cause he knew it was risky texting me while working, but he didn't let up.

After a bit of pushing, he brought up that the bomb was a special casing that had a second explosion in the first one, and he learned that it was set to explode about a week later, that being today.

Knowing this, I put my phone away and ran to my team, but I knew it was too late to get out, the beeping was getting faster and now I knew what I was looking for.

Everyone was gathered together, so I just ran over before quickly using my magic to make a forcefield around us.

The second explosion went off shortly after, and while it was much smaller than the first one, it was still pretty big, most likely to get rid of any evidence.

Despite us being protected from it, something still wasn't right, almost everyone in my team felt sick right away.

We all called it for the night and quickly rushed to our base, but once we got into the more public part of it after getting changed, each of us started to collapse.

I was the last one to fall, but from what I was seeing with the others, it was bad.

When I woke up a few hours later, I was in the hospital.

There were nurses clearly rushing around the hospital, some entering my room to change the IV bags and write things down based on what some of the monitors said, but no one was talking to me about what happened.

My mind was in panic, I knew nothing on what happened and I was told nothing.

I also didn't know where I was or if anyone knew where I was, the nearest hospital to my base didn't have a labeled name and I could never remember the street it was on.

After I was more awake, I tried to flag down a few of the nurses, but it was almost like they wanted nothing to do with me.

Eventually, I heard Inpu come in followed by someone saying he wasn't meant to be back there, but he kept saying how he wasn't going to let me be alone after I passed out with no reason.

He walked into the room shortly after, and once he saw me awake, he rushed to my side.

One of the nurses looked at me in shock, almost surprised I woke up before she rushed out of the room.

"God everyone working here is an asshole..."

"Thanks for defending me"

"Defending you? I just said I wasn't leaving you alone"

"You don't get it, you texting me saved me, I was looking for the bomb, had you not texted me I would be gone"

"That wouldn't be a good way to go, I got lucky enough to have a similar one at my base that we stole purely for the purpose of taking it apart and finding out how it works"

"Cause that's not concerning"

"We never used it, we got rid of the main parts that make it blow up so we don't have that issue"

"Anyways, have they told you anything on my condition?"

"All I was told over the phone was that you weren't doing well, but I didn't know anything else, no one has been telling us anything"

"Of all things, I feel like this isn't something you hide"

"Tell me about it, I'm just glad we agreed to be each other's power of attorney, otherwise I would've been left at home worried sick"

I was about to respond to him, but finally a doctor came into the room.

He began to explain that they wanted me staying for a few more days because apparently there were some traces of radiation in my system.

All I could do was claim I had no idea as to how or why it would be in my system since I didn't normally do anything near any kind of radiation, but I knew why it showed up, I just didn't realize it would be as bad as it was.

After a few hours, they decided to move me to a private room, so I expected Inpu to stay with me while they got me settled before he went home, but instead of leaving the room like I thought, he sat on the couch in the room.

"Shouldn't you be going home to deal with Crystal and check on the orbs?"

"Xylo is at the house, I made him promise not to tell anyone, I know its against our rules but my sibling is still out of town for the next few months and I couldn't reach your parents"

"Does he-"

"Yes, I told  him each night protocol, I also informed him that if something comes up and he has a question to call me right away, I don't want to leave you alone, so until its deemed safe for you to go home, I'll remain here with you"

"You really don't need to"

"But I do, due to our agreement, I can't say anything, but me finding out what I know wasn't hard for a reason, you know I didn't do it cause I was with you, but this falls under the information I have that could hurt you"

"Alright, then I won't question, but can you at least cuddle with me a bit?"

"We can cuddle, but I'm not letting you kiss me"

"Aw, come on"

"If you have radiation in your system, touch probably won't be harmful, but I can't risk getting in the same situation, you know that well"

"Alright, fine, you win"

Inpu then walked over to the hospital bed I was in before he sat next to me, just letting me lean on him for a while.

Eventually, a doctor came in to check on me, and Inpu had to leave the room.

Since most of the checks were basic things, there wasn't much talking in the room, but I noticed I was watching Inpu closer, something didn't feel right.

A security guard came over soon after and began to yell at Inpu, quiet enough I couldn't fully hear, but loud enough I could make out parts of it.

It seemed like he was just angry that Inpu was waiting for me, but he was having none of it, nothing was physical, but I could tell he was getting angry.

I was done soon after so Inpu quickly rushed back into the room.

"Love, what was that about?"

"Nothing, honey, nothing at all"

Inpu had his ears down, so something was clearly up, but I decided to just let it go while I try to recover.

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