Chapter 4

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Bryan's POV

It was a normal Sunday night, the moon was out, the city was loud, and I was on Nightmare's tail ready to catch him.

We were both running through an alley, he was trying to get away and I was flying as fast as I could to catch him.

Eventually, we hit a dead end, meaning unless he had someone who could get him out, I was able to grab him.

He wasn't paying attention to me, but he seemed to be pressing on a few bricks, so I had to get him fast.

"I wouldn't try that if I were you"

"And why not, Angel? In my position, you'd be doing whatever you can"

"Why don't you just stay still for like five seconds so I can arrest you"

"Because, Angel, I'd prefer to be free and run wild, otherwise I wouldn't get to do what I find pleasant every day"

"And what would that be? Killing kids for kicks?"

"Oh come on, I have more morals than that, my record only has one minor and even then, it was one of my men, not me"

I went to lunge at him to try and grab him, but he used the shadows and managed to slip away.

Frustrated, I went back to my team, who seemed to gather almost everyone who was with Nightmare at the time, but my failure still made me angry.

Once I made it back to base and got changed, I quickly made my way back to my apartment so I didn't have to deal with Inpu's anger from work.

All I did once I got there was land face first into my bed, then I heard the bell ring.

I let out an angry groan before getting up after wrapping myself in a blanket and opening the door.

Inpu was standing there, clearly worried, but something was telling me to just let him inside.

He stepped in and quickly gave me a hug, not even saying a word to me first.

We both just sat down on the couch, but all I could do was try and understand what made him so stressed.

After a while, I finally decided to ask what caused this little moment to happen.

"Sorry I'm so clingy tonight, the attack was close to my place of work, had I just been in the wrong place at the wrong time, I could've been arrested"

"Hey, its ok, you know you could've called me had something bad happened"

"But I don't know if you would've believed me, think of what they'd tell you, if you found out I was working with Nightmare without hearing my side? There could be no turning back"

"Except I know you, I know you wouldn't willingly join Nightmare, you are one of the best people I know, if it ever came to that, I know you'd likely be in a tough spot"

"Yeah...yeah...a tough spot"

"You seem unsure about that, is something wrong?"

"No, not at all, I'm just trying to balance a ton of different things at once and it hasn't been easy for me"

"Do you need me to help you organize things, you know I'm great at that!"

"I could use the help, but most of the things I do for work don't allow me to tell others, so you could teach me what to do, but I can't let you see my schedule"

"That's no fun, I want to know what you do for work"

"I could tell you, but I'd have to kill you, don't think you'd want that"

"Damn, I guess I could always just let you tie me down and torture me, that way I can't get out but I'd wish I were dead"

"That's always an option on my list, we've never done it here though, you sure you have something to keep me entertained with?"

"You've never had issues before, don't pull that card now"

Next thing I know, Inpu was roughly kissing me, trying to keep me down on the couch.

I was enjoying it, after all, it was something we have both become accustom to whenever we were alone, but out of the corner of my eye, I saw something I never wanted to see on him.

He had one of the blade Nightmare used when he left bodies in his pocket.

It freaked me out thinking that he could actually be part of Nightmare's team, but in the moment, my mind was too numb to do anything.

By the time the next morning came, I nearly forgot what I saw, but there was something inside me that just said to get dressed and leave my apartment, so I did.

I just ran as fast as I could, just trying to make it to base without being seen, but it proved to be difficult.

Every alley I passed, I was constantly checking for anyone who was in Nightmare's gang, just in case Inpu noticed me last night.

As I got closer to base, I found there were more cops and criminals around, meaning I couldn't go to base, so I began to run to work, making sure to take the secret path so no one would hear me.

I began to frantically call River, but every call went to voicemail.

After a while of trying to reach him, I decided to just leave a voice mail.

I was out of breath and panicked, but I had to leave something, otherwise there was no way I could convince myself to try again.

Pretty sure I left about five or six voicemails before finally being able to start one where I wasn't panting as hard and not panicked enough where you could understand me.

Once I finally managed to get the voicemail half way done, I felt someone grab me from behind causing me to drop my phone and go into self defense and try to fight whoever was holding me back.

My mouth was covered with a cloth, and as I was passing out, I saw someone bend down to hang up my phone before moving it somewhere it couldn't easily be found.

There were clearly two of them, one holding me down and the other keeping watch.

I saw the legs of the second person coming closer to me, but I couldn't see the face before I passed out, but I could hear them say something.

"I told the boss he'd be an issue, I guess this is what we get for not paying attention"

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