Chapter 7

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Inpu's POV

After two days of having Bryan at my base, I think he was slowly getting used to it, but I could tell he was upset.

I didn't blame him, after all, it was a large secret I kept from him.

He stayed by my side the entire time, I didn't have much I had to go out to do, so it was pretty easy, but most of my goons kept giving me strange looks.

We were just sitting in my office, I was doing paperwork and Bryan was sitting on the floor next to my desk for whatever reason, I did offer him a chair so I'm not sure why he picked the floor.

Xylo walked in not long after, seeming to have something important.

Bryan ducked down even more when Xylo walked in, so I figured he wanted to stay out of it, so I decided to pretend he wasn't there.

"You seem happy today, did the raid go well?"

"Very well, and you won't believe what I overheard while I was clearing out the building"

"And that is?"

"The Angel is missing, his team has been failing without him, the worst part of town got worse in a day"

"Very well, find out as much information as you can, I will try to do my own survey of the area tomorrow"

Xylo began to bring up basic information we'd normally go over whenever he walked in, so I began to stand up to meet him eye to eye.

As I was standing there talking to Xylo, I felt something start to gently rub the side of my leg, and upon a quick glance, I saw Bryan gently staring at me.

I finished my conversation not long after, and as soon as Xylo left the room, I picked up Bryan and leaned him over my desk before giving him a long kiss.

"What is it you're looking for, my love?"

"I feel like I've made it pretty obvious~"

"And what happened to the rules you set?"

"If I recall correctly, I said only things we'd be ok with on our first date, and if you remember correctly, we ended up in your bed that night~"

"Something turned you on, do I at least get the pleasure of knowing?"

"Only you being all serious as you are now~"

"So me being a big bad leader ended up being a turn on for you~?"

"Yes it is~" 

I began to rug his thighs before giving him another long kiss, this time pressing him down on the desk a bit more.

My kisses ended up turning into small bites, but I heard a knock on the door before we could go further.

Bryan began to quietly sulk, apparently something was up with him, but I just made sure I looked presentable before anyone came in, after all, it looked a bit weird if the boss had a messed up shirt with a "prisoner" nearby.

A few of my goons came in with what they got, apparently Xylo didn't communicate that today wasn't a good day to deliver to my office, so I just gave out my orders and decided to take Bryan to the private part of my office.

We sat down on the couch in there for a bit, but the entire time Bryan was just trying to cuddle up with me.

"You ok? You pretty much avoided eye contact with me the past two days and now you're asking for pretty big asks~"

"Let's just say I'm heavily in the mood~"

"Why? I haven't done much to you?"

"That might be why, but my mind keeps thinking of ways it will become spicy~"

"If you really want to know what its actually like to be tortured, I can make that happen"

"What kind of torture would you use on me?"

"Psychological, I normally would use physical, but I think for someone with a good connection to me, making them think tons of different things would be fun for me"

"Would that include what I'm thinking?~"

"Normally, no, but if you want to do it to test out some kind of kink or something, I'd be willing to do so"

"Then why don't you prove it to me?~"

"Actually, I won't, with how you've been acting today, I think it would be more torture to not let you get what you want"

"Damn, you're too good at this"

"Been a villain since I was 16, I would hope years later I'm pretty damn good"

"You really surprised me, you know that..."

"I know, I wanted to tell you the entire time, I just had no idea how to do so, especially with how many bad experiences you've had with my men and how much you rely on heroes"

"Did...did you ever think you'd have to tell me?"

"Yes, I just hoped it wouldn't be until after we were married, as terrible as it sounds, my plan was to slowly show you the real me so you trusted me, then tell you, that way this wouldn't happen"

"Then I need to apologize, I saw your blade and went into panic, I really didn't want to believe it"

"That's my bad, I had a rough day and just wanted to make sure you were ok and decompress, and in my rush, I forgot to put my blade away"

"Was there ever any doubt in your mind about me? Like anything that just said to drop me?"

"Our first date was a large potential warning for me, remember when I left for the bathroom and left my phone on the table?"

"Yeah, why?"

"My phone went off with crime information for an upcoming plan, I went in to panic when I realized I couldn't turn off my phone, so I made a small plan and just said that if you read it, that night would've went from a nice date night to me cleaning up a body"

"Good to know, was that the only time?"

"Yeah, after that, I made a do not disturb on my phone that I just labeled "boyfriend time" so I could remind myself to not work, I think you actually gave me the life work balance I needed"

"I'm glad I could be of help to you then~"

"Me too, love, me too"

"So does that mean we can-?"

"No, I would like you able to walk so I can show you around, if you do decide to stay with me, there is a chance you help manage this entire operation one day"

Bryan let out a heavy sigh before a small laugh, so I could tell he was at lease enjoying my company, which I took as a win.

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