Chapter 5

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Inpu's POV


My morning anger was very prominent as I arrived to my base.

Upon arriving, Xylo informed me that they had Bryan in one of the holding cells, something I NEVER approved.

"Look, Inpu! We had no choice! We heard him tell someone over the phone that you were a suspect!"

"That gives no reason for you to go behind my back and abduct him, what happens when his job calls to ask for a wellness check? If he isn't where he is supposed to be, someone will bring it up, he never misses a single day of work"

"How was I supposed to know! We were just trying to keep your identity safe!"

"And how long do you think I'll be able to keep him here? Did you ever think of the backlash of keeping him here?"

"No...sorry, boss, we didn't think of that at the time, we just thought you'd figure out something fast, we should've expected it would be more difficult for someone you know"

I just let out a heavy sigh before leaving the room.

As I began walking closer to the holding cells, I pulled up my mask, while Bryan probably had a good idea now, if he didn't, I didn't want to risk it.

They left him in one of the farther cells, so as I entered the room, I didn't see him, but my mother clearly saw me walk in as the hatch to her cell was open.

My mother was the reason my father was gone, so as I grew stronger, I began to make it known at home, and since Magnus was on my side, it was easy for me to take her prisoner.

She clearly saw Bryan be brought in, and it was clear she was scared of what would happen.

I ignored her at first, but I heard her let out a distressed groan as I walked past her and closer to Bryan, so I turned my attention to her just to get it over and done with.

"And what words of wisdom do you have for me tonight?"

"What did he do to deserve to be taken, he's clearly an undeserving victim, why take him?"

"I didn't want him to be taken, Xylo seemed to think he knew something he shouldn't, so out of fear, took him, so until I can figure out what to do, he'll be here"

"Then what is he to you? You have never reacted like this with someone outside your team, so what's up?"

"He's my boyfriend, I thought he would be good for my cover, and while I'm right, Xylo seems to think otherwise"

"Do you plan on leaving him here? What's the plan?"

"Simple, bring him to my spare room here until he wakes up, treat him as a prisoner for a few days, have them knock him out again, and bring him home and claim I found him after he's been missing"

"You really put that much thought into this?"

"I love him more than anyone else in my life, I've had this plan since I started dating him, I just hoped I'd never have to use it"

"Do you believe he actually knows?"

"Yes, or at least a part of it, I forgot to take my blade out, and since they were noted on the news a few days ago, its not unbelievable that he figured it out"

"Then why not tell him? If he likes you back, he'd understand"

"I don't want to mess things up, he puts a good amount of trust into heroes, finding out I'm the worst villain in town could mess everything up"

" can't just lie to his face every day..."

"And I don't want to, but we're going to have kids together soon, I plan to wait until they are adults, then I'll tell him and turn myself in if he so wishes"

"Doing that just makes you as bad as your father..."

As soon as she said that, something in me snapped.

My father did what he did to protect our family from the bad neighborhood we lived in when I was little.

Being a supervillain didn't mean I wanted the people I was close to getting hurt, but hearing my mother speak ill of my father just made me angry.

I used some of my power to push her to the ground, it was the easiest thing I could do without hurting her.

Normally I wouldn't care, but the noise would wake up Bryan and scare him even more, so once I did it, I walked over to the cell Bryan was in and picked him up.

Before I left the room, I shot my mother another death glare, making sure she knew NEVER to bring up my father again.

Everyone was watching me as I walked through the base, it was an odd sight to see me carry a prisoner around the base, but everyone heard me yell at Xylo, so no one dared to ask.

I placed him on my bed in my spare room before sitting at the desk in the room.

His soft groans in his sleep made me want to try something, but I knew I couldn't, not when he was somewhere he didn't know and I didn't seem like myself to him.

After watching him slowly adjust in his sleep for a while, I began to play with his hair a bit, I knew it was my fault he was in this situation, but I just felt so bad for him.

I do what I do because of my father, and the more I think of it, the more I realize that had my father been a different person, I probably would've never met Bryan.

Upon realizing that I knew I needed a break, and since I had to collect the orbs from Bryan's apartment so they'd be safe, I figured I'd just go get that done.

Once I reached his apartment, I noticed the tv was on, but when I went to turn it off, I noticed a news article I had to keep in mind.

Someone apparently reported Bryan as missing, I didn't know how Xylo took Bryan, I just knew that I got to the base and Bryan was there.

They had nothing to go off of other than the fact Bryan wasn't reporting anywhere he normally would go, so I pulled up his phone's location and began to head over to the location.

After a good amount of searching, I finally found his phone, the only piece of evidence they had.

I turned off his phone before I started to head back to the base, just to make sure no one would be able to find him, not until I thought he'd be safe to go back.

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