Chapter 13

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Inpu's POV

Bryan and I both had very different ideas on what watching Crystal was like.

While Bryan would be in his office, he'd have her next to him, but me, I was arguably worse about it.

I never took her on jobs with me, but I did have her with me at all points of the day while I was doing my work.

She didn't know what was going on, most of my men didn't either, they would just see me come into the base with an infant every few days and just knew not to ask.

Did Bryan know? Not at all, and I preferred to keep it that way.

I was at home, not really doing much, Crystal was taking a nap and Bryan wasn't going to be home for another hour.

Xylo was blowing up my phone, so I knew that when I went to work tomorrow, I'd have a very busy day.

I told everyone that texting me when I wasn't working was a bad idea cause Bryan knows my passwords, but after everything that happened, Xylo decided it wasn't much of a risk anymore.

After a long day of doing nothing but actually being a dad, I just wanted a nap, so I was ignoring it, but it was getting really annoying.

Not knowing how long my phone was going off, I just listened to it until it suddenly turned off.

It was obvious who turned it off, but I wasn't going to give Bryan the satisfaction of welcoming him home since he was probably the reason my phone was going off.

"So what's a diamond level heist?"

"Wouldn't you like to know"

"You're right, I would, so spill"

"No, we agreed no talk of this kind of thing unless we were actually working, I'm not doing anything today"

"Why do you have texts on here asking if you had a baby with you...wait..."

"Do you hear that, I think I need to go check the laundry"

"We just got a washing machine and dryer in the apartment, you can't use that excuse anymore, have you been bringing our daughter to work?"

"Yes, you don't leave me with many places to leave her, so I just carry her around my base, I don't leave unless I'm going home"

"I'm putting a tracker on the baby bag"

"That's cheating!"

"We never really made a rule list other then the basics, so its perfectly fair"


Before Bryan could say anything, I managed to grab and flip him so I was on top of him.

All I was doing was leaving hickeys and bite marks, nothing too rough, but I was making it as long as possible to purposely blank his mind.

It seemed to be working, that was until Bryan managed to pull my tail in a way it would hurt, so I let out a surprised yipe before sitting up.

Bryan let out a slight groan, but all I could do was give him an annoyed look since one of my tails now hurt.

"I thought that was a turn on for you?"

"Normally it is, when you do it the right way, that wasn't the right way, so it hurt more than it should have"

"I'm sorry, but its deserved"

"Shut up or you ain't walking tomorrow"

"What do you mean by-"

"You know exactly what I mean, you know I wouldn't put my hands on you in a bad way"

"Why do I even ask anymore?"

"Because you like when I talk dirty to you~"

"Yeah, wish I knew when we started dating that our night life would be very active, and that's not just sleeping together, you letting me get wasted while you play body guard is always fun"

"Speaking of getting wasted...Crystal is asleep and I have like three bottles of whiskey from a party a few days ago"

"I'm not getting drunk tonight, I have a business meeting tomorrow morning, you can go nuts though"

"You realize how much of a bad idea that is?"

"Bad idea or not, you in or out?"

"Why do you want me wasted?"

"Because I get to top~"

"Last I checked, when I slept with you while drunk you hated it, what makes you think I'd be ok with it?"

"No idea, just an idea though"

"Oh come on, you know you can't top me no matter what, we've tried it enough times before"

"True...can we at least snuggle tonight? I'm having a bad night"

"Sure, want to talk about it?"


Bryan began to talk to me about his day, apparently the cops were threatening him for helping today which doesn't make it easy for him, but as we were about to change subject, there was a knock on the door.

I walked over to the door and opened it enough to see Xylo standing there with some kind of file in his hands.

We didn't exchange any words, he just passed me the file and left, so I was left a bit suspicious as to what actually happened.

Once I went back over to the table, I opened the file and began reading while Bryan walked over to read it with me.

The file was something I never thought I'd ever see.

It had mine and Bryan's cover names for our hero/villain work along with some scarily detailed information.

To top it off, there was also a single page just dedicated to Crystal, all of it being information on her schedule with Bryan and I and milestone details.

We both just sat there in shock, there was no information on who the person who got this information was or how they got it, so we had no idea what to do.

Another question we had was if it was just on our family, so I texted Xylo asking if he could get more information, nothing he had to give to us, just to see if other people were targets or just us.

We both quickly gained our composer back and began to run around the apartment, just trying to close anything that could let outside people see in.

Once we finished up, we both just wanted to get to bed since it was getting late.

Nothing was interesting us, we didn't have any appetite anymore, so Bryan just wanted to go to bed.

I snuggled up with him, but something inside me just told me to stay awake, so while Bryan got some sleep, I stayed up to make sure no one got in or left, keeping an ear out for Crystal was an added bonus since I could deal with it without Bryan waking up.

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