Chapter 20

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Bryan's POV

After the night I had last night, it didn't come as a surprise that I couldn't walk.

Inpu drove me back to the house before he went to pick up Crystal, so he ended up leaving me on the couch.

I was just playing on my phone since I couldn't grab my laptop, when I suddenly got a text in my team's group chat.

Kaiba was bringing up how it was weird we had been having a harder time catching Inpu's men as of recent, and thinking about it, he was right.

River ended up responding by asking me about it since by now everyone knew the agreement between Inpu and I, but there was nothing I could say.

We agreed that we could always do a stakeout since while I couldn't follow Inpu per our deal, since Inpu didn't know my team knew, they could claim they had suspicion and went to investigate.

Was I making jokes about it? Yes

They knew I had to be joking about it, Inpu read some of my texts when they popped up, so if he snuck up behind me when I couldn't move, there would be no hiding.

The rest of them finished their plan and I left a random photo so Inpu couldn't see the final plan if he saw my recent texts.

Not long after, Inpu walked in with Crystal and sat next to me.

"So, do anything interesting while I was gone"

"You're an ass, you know the answer"

"Oh, come on, you know you liked it"

"And what if I did?"

"Well, I could call you names but you yelled at me last time I did so with the baby in the room"

"Anyways, anything new work wise?"

"I'm glad I had my phone turned off last night, I got tons of messages last night asking if I knew what you were doing"

"Did you reply to them this morning"

"Yeah, I just said you were busy eating me last night~"

"And god was it enjoyable~"

Inpu gave me a kiss, followed by him making me laugh by whispering a ton of dirty jokes in my ear.

Eventually, we both got hungry so Inpu gave me Crystal while he went to grab food for the two of us.

I turned on the tv, we didn't really watch the news yet cause we were more worried about getting home, so I wasn't expecting much.

There wasn't really anything of event, that was until there was an alert about an explosion.

Realizing it could be bad, I raised the volume, not even realizing Inpu also had his attention on this.

Apparently, an hour after Inpu and I left the restaurant we went to for dinner, it was blown up, meaning had we decided to stay and talk like normal, we would've been killed.


"You can say that again...what the fuck happened?"

"No evidence? The security cameras should be in a different building, there should be something!"

"Bryan, I say this from a villain standpoint, I think this was an attempted murder planned for someone, explosives like those aren't used unless they have something planned with a great chance of getting the intended target"

"Then think about it, did we see anyone who would warrant being killed by villains?"

"That's not how it works, normally its normal people who've done people wrong in the past, for all I know, we could've been the targets, I hate to think about it, but there is nothing I can easily say"

"What can I do then? Tomorrow I'm going to have to investigate this, what if we can't find anything and more people get hurt"

"I can't really give you anything looking at it from the news, but I say investigate the entire building, there is a good chance they had something set up elsewhere so they'd be safe when detonating it"

"But what if they didn't detonate it there..."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Look at how the explosion was  after everything calmed down, with a shape like that, you wouldn't be able to avoid that without being about 200 miles away, if it wasn't the explosion that gets you, its the smoke"

"How do you know that?"

"Bold of you to assume this is my first huge explosion"

"Love, that's more concerning than you think"

"I'm aware, but my home town had a ton of explosions happen, same group that made me become a hero"

"Wish I could get involved, but I'd just end up getting arrested"

"Think anyone in your base would say anything?"

"Not fully sure, but the fact we were almost killed is what makes me want to get involved, I find anyone, I'll set up a fake pickup so you can arrest and interrogate them"

"Aw, you'd do that for me?"

"Its for both of us, someone almost left our current and future kids without parents, if I can find this bastard, I want him dead"

"Then its a race~"

"Oh? Go on"

"First to find the culprit gets the night of their dreams~"

"You really would be willing to six rounds?"


"What? You said night based off dreams, I know I can do it, so I was asking you"

"Never remind me of our deal if you find this guy"

"Not a chance~"

Inpu finally walked over to me and gave me a kiss before he picked me up.

He spun me around a bit, making sure I wouldn't fall, but a moment like this was what I needed.

We continued to cuddle on the couch for a bit, continuing to watch the news report and trying to come up with ideas, only really stopping when one of us had to do something for Crystal. 

After a few hours, Inpu got a call from Xylo by my guess, and I watched Inpu go from calm and happy to angered.

He walked over to me to make sure I was able to care for myself for the rest of the day, to which I said I could.

Inpu quickly apologized to me saying something came up that he has to take care of, so I told him not to worry about it while he went to go take care of it.

Once he left, I texted my team to cancel their plan as now we had a new focus that was arguable more important than Inpu's team.

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