Chapter 16

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Bryan's POV

Unlike nights we knew we were going to do our hero/villain work, tonight was a date night for Inpu and I.

Naturally it was the night after we realized we had to rethink how we had Crystal cared for when we went out, but we planned this for months, so there wasn't much changing it now.

We got home pretty late, probably about 10:00 at night, but I had been drinking so I couldn't fully tell.

Like we normally did after date night, we came in laughing, not really having much on our minds, but as we went to grab the handle for the door, Inpu suddenly stopped.

He motioned for me to enter directly behind him, so I did, but as soon as we entered the apartment, Inpu grabbed the gun he left next to the door, and slowly began to go around the apartment.

Everything seemed fine at first, only odd thing was that the person our babysitter said they had to watch Crystal the second half of the night was gone.

We knew Crystal was fine, the baby monitor could pick up her cries normally, so after we thought everything was ok, we went into her room, but were surprised by what we found.

Upon entering the room, Crystal was crying, but there was someone holding her, someone we had never seen.

From what our babysitter told us, her cover was female, so having an adult male much older than anyone we ever trusted before was very concerning.

"Put my daughter down and turn around NOW" [Inpu]

"Why should I? After all, you have something of mine" [???]

"Regardless, you have my daughter, she has nothing to do with this, put her down so I can blow your brains out" [Inpu]

The stranger turned around, still holding Crystal in his arms, but the second she saw Inpu and I, her cries became even louder and more desperate.

I wanted to call the cops so badly, just let him get away and report a kidnapping before running out on my own, but with Inpu's history, I couldn't.

Inpu seemed to recognize the stranger, but he refused to lower his gun.

"Please, our daughter doesn't have any connection to anything, just please give her back" [Bryan]

"So be it then" [???]

Before I could fully react, he began to drop Crystal, but thankfully, due to my power, I was able to grab her before she hit the floor, but I was put in a worse position as the cost.

I began to slowly stand up so I could try to make my way behind Inpu again, but as I began to move, I felt a gun pressed on the back of my head.

"Now I'll leave you with one choice, either you give me what I want, or your precious boyfriend and daughter are both dead" [???]

"Dad, you wouldn't dare, you always said you'd care for your grandchildren as if they were me or Magnus" [Inpu]

"Please, we have nothing to do with this" [Bryan]

"Oh yeah? Well neither did my wife, let alone the fact I know you knew about her and how she was kept" [Anubis]

"Enough, let them go, you know its me who did it, they both weren't in the picture for years, they don't deserve this" [Inpu]

Crystal finally began calming down and letting out soft coos, seemingly getting Anubis' attention.

All I could do was move closer to the corner, just trying to prevent Crystal from getting shot along with keeping myself safe.

I wasn't looking at Anubis, so when he roughly grabbed my arm and practically threw me to the other side of the room, I was left in shock.

Inpu caught me so I didn't get hurt, but it wasn't much of a fall where he really had to try to help avoid me getting hurt.

He made sure both of us were ok before he whispered for me to get to the other apartment as fast as I could and call my team, not worrying about if Inpu would be arrested.

All I could do was listen,  so I ran as fast as I could to my apartment/office, making sure River had the full situation noted.

Once I got to the other apartment, I put Crystal in a pull out crib so she could finally sleep and just waited, there was nothing else I could do.

After a few hours, there was finally a knock on the door.

I rushed over to the door, and upon opening it, I saw River, who was still in his suit, and Inpu who seemed to have been beat up quite a bit.

The first thing I did when I saw them was hug Inpu, just trying to calm myself down.

Both of them came inside not long after, and I saw Inpu quickly go over to where Crystal was sleeping and make sure she was ok.

River motioned that he needed to speak with me, so we went over to the kitchen so we could talk in private.

"So what exactly happened?"

"Not fully sure, I was hoping you'd have some more answers, all I know was Inpu and I were having date night, come home and find him holding Crystal, I manage to get her back, only to have a gun pointed to the back of my head, Crystal starting to calm down from me holding her triggered something, so Inpu gave me an out, told me to call you, and run"

"Well, his story adds up then, of all people, why was Crystal his target though?"

"He was mad at Inpu, its something personal I can't say due to the whole hero thing, but he wanted her as revenge"

"He's a monster then, there was no way in hell Crystal could defend herself, is he psycho or something?"

"Well, he did have files on everyone close to Inpu, so to some degree"

"Alright, I got Inpu bandaged up a good amount, he should be fine, but you are better when it comes to that kind of stuff, so I'll leave you to check again if you so wish"

"Understood, see you tomorrow"

River waved to me before he left the apartment, but once he was out, I walked over to where Inpu was sitting on the floor and just snuggled up to him.

We were just looking into the crib where Crystal was sleeping, really just taking in how much of a close call it was.

"So I know we talked about moving somewhere in the future...but I have a feeling it may be closer in our future than I'd like to admit"

"Yeah...I just hope we can get it done relatively fast...and with little trouble getting out of our leases for the apartments"

"Wait, you'd actually consider getting rid of this place? I thought you would've loved using this place as an office"

"I would, but he went into our home, what's the chance he comes here for me"

"You're right, look, I have nothing to do tomorrow morning, I'll start taking a look for somewhere nice, I could care less about work right now, I want you both safe so I'll deal with this, you just work on keeping us out of debt"

I let out a slight laugh before I rested my head on Inpu's shoulder.

We both were really stressed, not wanting to deal with anything at the moment, but we had no other choice, we needed to figure out if his dad was going to keep tracking us and get into a new home before anything else happened.

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