Chapter 2

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Inpu's POV

While Xylo coming over while I had Bryan over was unexpected and startling, I think I handled it pretty well.

Bryan was suspicious of everyone he met, I didn't know why, but I didn't ask.

Xylo had no idea I was dating let alone ever seen anyone in my house, so I decided to keep an eye out for him along with listening for Bryan to express worry, which thankfully he didn't.

On the other hand, Xylo had been on my tails pretty much the entire time he was with me since he met Bryan.

I was trying to ignore him while I tried to work out another plan to help me take over the city, but it wasn't easy since I kept hearing about how having a boyfriend outside of work could be a large issue.

"Can we just drop this, I have a boyfriend who doesn't know so I have an alibi, I was going to do it at first as just a precaution, but I do actually love him, so I'll keep him"

"You have no idea how bad this could be, what if he find out and tries to report you?" 

"Then I have blackmail"

"How so?"

"The first night we met, we slept together, I knew he had power, but turns out his power mixed with mind causing five little power orbs"

"So you have kids with him?"

"Not yet, they are set to be born in the coming years, no exact date, but the first one should be born in a year or two, if he finds out and tries to report me, I can use the kids against him, it would be a shame if I went missing with the orbs"

"Smart, and what if he finds out on his own and doesn't report you?"

"I have an idea, not fully sure how I want to have it play out, but I think he'd be a good addition to the team, but you asking seems to raise concern, what doubts do you have?"

"After a bit, I decided to watch him for about a week and found something suspicious, once he finishes work or leaves to go home after spending time with you, its like he disappears, in that time, normally the Glowing Angel is on patrol, then he gets home about an hour later"

"So what are you saying?"

"I think he's working with the Glowing Angel"

"Don't be so suspicious, Bryan couldn't hurt a fly, him working with a hero would never happen since he'd never be in the same kind of situation that could cause them to meet"

"But don't you think its strange?"

"Bryan has his own life, I know he likes to hang out at the bar with friends every so often, I've caught him there a few times, he's living his life"

"Ok, but still, keep your guard up, something isn't right about him, you may just be too blindly in love to see it"

"So be it then, I have enough stuff to keep him down, only way he'd be able to stop me is if he proves that he knows how to use his power"

"How do you know he doesn't?"

"I don't, but I know he won't try anything on me, he thinks I'm a weightlifter at a night gym, since he does his workout in private, I can do my workout at home with him and he won't think anything of it"

"Inpu, you can't be sure enough that he won't find out"

"And I don't care about that, worst case scenario, I have a house in the middle of the woods, I can bring him there and hold him hostage until Stockholm syndrome kicks in"

"Would it still be Stockholm syndrome if he loved you already?"

"It would change the second that case has to be played, but it would be easy, I keep my future kids away from him and deal with him myself, small amounts of torture should do the trick"

"That always works when getting information, any ideas on what would work best with him?"

"He has places he hates being touched, I have been slapped while I've been inside him because of it, so make it so I can't be touched and, well, its a pretty effective method"

"Damn, that's evil even for you"

"My mother had my father killed because my mother accused him of abusing her and us, if I prove to my mother that I still act like my father despite not knowing him well, then maybe I can get revenge on her"

"Revenge against your mother? What did she do to you? You've never brought up anything before"

"Simple, my mother became an alcoholic because she thought to frame my father because they had a small fight, I watched the cops kill him because my father rightfully struggled, so while my father was into crime at the time, he didn't need to be killed for that"

"So you possibly needing to torture your boyfriend would prove to your mother that your father could've been worse?"

"Exactly, I hope it doesn't come down to that because I love Bryan, but if it comes down to it, the plan is there"

"Alright, I'll trust you, what's my next task?"

"Go check and make sure the next drop off goes smoothly, I don't want to risk the same thing that happened last week, we lost 15 men because of it"

Xylo nodded before gearing up and heading out.

I still had my own task to get done, so I figure I could always bait out the Glowing Angel with a small explosion while I rob one of the engineering labs to get some spare parts for my machine.

Like normal, I waited till he was on patrol, made a large enough distraction to avoid being detected, and snuck inside.

Luckily for me, the Glowing Angel didn't seem to be on patrol, it was only his sidekicks.

After a bit of looking around, I was finally able to grab what I needed, but not before I was spotted.

I heard yelling, and when I looked over, I saw two workers and Bryan standing there, and that made me just feel like an idiot.

He just started running, so I quickly ran out of the building in another direction.

Something inside me just kept telling me I was an idiot, I knew he'd be there today, his second job is running errands for a tech company.

I was told he'd be here today and I was still stupid enough to do this today.

Once I got to a hidden spot to change and went home, I waited about an hour when I knew the alarms would be off and called Bryan.

I made it seem like I heard through the grape vine that it happened, which seemed to work, which made me sigh a sigh of relief. 

After a while, I checked in once Bryan was safe at home before calling my men and telling them to lay low for a few days with everything that happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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