Chapter 22

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Inpu's POV

The explosion was the last thing I wanted to happen, and to make it worse, Bryan couldn't know anything I knew.

Per the agreement with my father, anything related to my work I had to keep private otherwise they could be hurt, so learning my father tried to kill me just to get rid of Bryan enraged me.

Bryan was in and out of the hospital since he got home, he'd seem like he's having a good day, the next moment he's either violently vomiting or he's coughing up blood.

I felt so bad for him, he just wanted to sleep at home for a few days, but because my father refused to believe that I wouldn't tell him a thing, the love of my life was greatly suffering.

It also made just my normal life harder cause I was in charge of watching Crystal and making sure Bryan got his medicine at the right time.

A handful of Bryan's friends were also coming over constantly, just checking on him.

We all knew each other's secrets, but at this point it was a mutual agreement that out of suits, there was nothing we could do to each other, so we'd often try to piece together the full situation.

Bryan had it the worst out of everyone near the explosion, so every time we agreed to try and figure out the events that caused this, we had to do it at the house so Bryan could be involved.

As much as I hated it, I was forced to pretend I didn't know the full story, but that didn't mean I couldn't drop a large amount of hints, after all, we were all trying to figure out the same case.

Work sucked, I went from enjoying what I did to an extent, to completely regretting all my choices and finding any way out of work possible.

The only good thing I had was trying to push my father as to why he thought killing Bryan was a benefit, but normally I didn't get a single word.

Today was one of those days, I had pushed my father for around an hour, but instead of just yelling at me as he normally did, he pulled me into a private room we used for torture when we had prisoners where he beat me till I could barely move.

Luckily for me, I had enough energy left to make it to my private office where I could hide, but instead of just trying to blow off steam like normal, I was in so much pain that I just needed to hear Bryan's voice.

The phone rang for a few minutes, but when I heard that it was picked up, I was relieved.

"Hey, love, may I ask why you're calling at work?"

"A-am I not allowed to call you?"

"Is everything ok? You seem out of breath..."

"I'm fine, nothing you n-need to worry about, I may be a bit late getting home, think you can remember to take your meds at the right time?"

"Yeah...I can...are you sure everything is ok? You're out of breath and its scaring me"

"I'm fine, honey, j-just a hard day"

"Alright, is there anything else on your end?"

"N-no, I just wanted to hear your voice, I'll hang up now"

"WAIT! Don't you want to hear about our progress on the mission?"

All I could do was respond with a small laugh, he was trying to keep me on the phone so I didn't do anything to make my situation worse.

I was in so much pain and was trying so hard to hide it, but he could hear through it all, and with how I was speaking, he probably thought I was saying goodbye to him.

We talked for what felt like hours, and by the time we hung up, it was nearly time for me to leave.

Xylo could tell I was in pain, so he ended up walking with me to my car to make sure everything was ok with me.

He ended up following me home, but when I arrived at the house and got out of the car, Xylo ended up helping me inside before he helped me reach the couch so I could sit.

It was late at night, but we weren't exactly quiet, so of course Crystal started crying, so by default, Bryan woke up.

After a bit, he came downstairs to where Xylo and I were, and right away he could see the black eye and busted lip I had.

He told Xylo he could leave for the night before he rushed over to me and began to use some healing magic on me.

This wasn't the first time I came home hurt, and normally it was every couple months, but its been getting more frequent recently due to my father, today was just one of the worse times.

I just held Bryan close as he healed me, we both needed it, but after a few minutes, he brought up how he was going to get water for both of us, but as he was half way to the kitchen, he collapsed and broke into a coughing fit.

Despite the pain I was in, I rushed to his side, just making sure he was ok.

"Do we need to go to the hospital again?"

"N-no, I've spent to much time there recently"

"You sure? You know I'd be happy to rush you over there if you're feeling really bad"

"I'll be fine, plus they may admit you because of how you look right now, and with the history tagged to your last name..."

"Its not hard to assume that I'm a don't have to be scared to say it"

"I'm not scared to say it, I feel bad saying it, you don't want to be in this life, you were born into it and didn't know otherwise"

"What would you do if I were ever arrested?"

"What's bringing this up?"

"Just my own curiosity, can you please answer my question?"

"Alright, I'd probably use hero credit to offer for you to be pardoned in exchange for being a hero, you'd have to rebrand if you will, but its better than spending the rest of your life in prison"

"You had that answer quick...have you..?"

"Yes, I admit it was something I've thought of for the past few months, with me being a hero, I have to say that I want to be with you and do my job, so I had to think of how we could do that...sorry"

Bryan looked down as if he were embarrassed of upset with himself, but since we were still kneeling down on the hardwood floor, I just pulled him closer for a hug.

"Don't EVER apologies for thinking that way...the fact you have a good plan like that is so much better than us running with the punches like we do for everything else, the fact you already have a plan just tells me how much you really do love me"

"Do you have similar plans?"

"Yeah, but mine are more...worse come to worst plans..."

"Villain side speaking?"

"Yeah, I've been trying to suppress it at home...but its really hard"

Bryan just kept cuddling up with me, and after we sat on the floor for a while, we finally agreed that we needed sleep and ended up heading to our room for bed.

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