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Chapter 71 This is an ambush

Xu Lin entered the secret room easily. She didn't care to count how many boxes there were, big and small. She just collected whatever she saw.

No more words, just collect them first. As for the treasures, it won't be too late to look at them when she goes back.

In addition to the treasures in the secret room, there are five large boxes buried in the yard. The boxes are filled with gold and silver ingots, and there is also a box of copper coins.

Xu Lin took out a copper coin to look at it, and found that it was a copper coin from the Tang Dynasty. This discovery made Xu Lin suspect that the five boxes of treasures were left by the ancestors.

Alas, it's a good deal for her.

After leaving the yard, Xu Lin continued to run to the next place. She wanted to compete with Asong for time to see who was faster.

When interrogating Wu Chengguang, Liuzi was also there, but I don't know if Liuzi can clear himself this time.

Xu Lin thinks the more chaotic the bad guys are, the better, and it would be best if they fight to the death.

The internal friction of bad guys is stronger than external friction.

Xu Lin ran until more than three o'clock, and ran most of the places Wu Chengguang told him to run, and then returned to the abandoned house.

It happened that he met Asong and his gang finishing work, so Xu Lin followed them happily again.

Asong, who knew nothing, was very cautious during the escort this time, and his brothers were more than two miles away.

It was to prevent someone from following, but Xu Lin caught up with him.

He went out of the city directly and kept walking along the road.

What made Xu Lin happy was that they were heading towards Xiangyang Commune, which made it convenient for Xu Lin to return to the team.

The team walked for more than an hour and turned at an intersection about ten miles away from Xiangyang Commune.

After getting off the road, they arrived at a village near the mountains.

Before they entered the village, the dogs in the village started barking. Asong cursed in a low voice with a gloomy face, saying that he would kill all the dogs in the village next time.

To avoid their barking being so annoying.

The team did not enter the village, but turned in front of an old house at the entrance of the village that was dilapidated and only half of the wall was left.

Asong turned over the ground for a while, and an entrance appeared on the ground. Asong sent a brother to check it out.

After confirming that there was no abnormality, he led people to send the treasure chest down. Xu Lin watched boxes of treasures being moved in and secretly clenched his fists.

Oh my god, these people are so good at hiding. If I hadn't been following them, who would have thought that Asong and his gang would hide the treasure here?

Since she had nothing to do, Xu Lin used the Qi-gazing technique to look around. After seeing this, Xu Lin exclaimed that they were good guys.

What did she see? She actually saw a strong aura of treasure on the distant mountain, which was stronger than before.

What kind of extraordinary treasure is this?

Xu Lin immediately gave up following and ran up the mountain quietly.

Reborn in the 1970s, empty the enemy's warehouse and go to the countrysideWhere stories live. Discover now