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Chapter 516 Want to get off the train? Dream on!

No matter how the fierce-looking man was treated, Xu Lin did not sympathize with him, and would only say one thing: It's his due!

After Zhou Ting escaped, he wanted to jump out of the train through the window, but unfortunately, wherever he went, there were people everywhere, and he couldn't find a place to hide from people even if he wanted to climb out of the window.

Zhou Ting had no choice but to return to the berth with a dark face. Facing Xu Lin's bright eyes, Zhou Ting had no other thoughts.

"Little girl, can I perform a magic trick for you?" Zhou Ting rolled his eyes and pointed out the window and said:

"I can change from inside the train to outside the train, do you believe it?"

"No." Xu Lin chuckled, this guy is good at finding excuses, but if he wants to get off the train, he needs Xu Lin's consent.

There might be workers on the track already looking for the rolls. If we let Zhou Ting go down, what if Zhou Ting gets excited and kills people and steals the goods?

Xu Lin would not gamble with the lives of ordinary workers.

"If you don't believe me, I'll show you." Zhou Ting came to the window, held the window with both hands and lifted it up, hey!

Zhou Ting let out a dull roar, because of excessive force, the veins on his forehead bulged, and his teeth were clenched.

It looked like he had used all his strength, but the window didn't move at all.

That's it!

Xu Lin seemed to see a gust of cold wind blowing past her eyes, and she said in her heart, silence is Cambridge tonight.

Zhou Ting exhaled a breath of foul air, looked at the window, and then looked at his hands. He couldn't believe that he couldn't lift the window.

Damn, is this window welded?

Zhou Ting, who didn't believe it, exerted his strength again, roared like a beast, and his legs were stretched into a straight line. He felt that his arms were about to be dislocated, but the window still didn't move.

"What are you doing?" Xu Lin asked with her head tilted, looking innocent.

"Little girl, can you help me open the window?" Zhou Ting asked.

"Why do you want to open the window? There is too much dust outside, I don't like it."

Xu Lin shook her head and refused. She would not help, she would only make things worse.

In the next three minutes, Zhou Ting tried his best but failed to open the window. He sat on the bed with his eyes bleary and exhausted, and wanted to die.

Eight minutes had passed since he fell out of the train, but he still hadn't fallen off the train.

Seeing that he was getting farther and farther away from the roll of plastic, Zhou Ting was anxious and angry, and his mind was spinning rapidly. No matter what, if the window here couldn't be opened, then change another one.

He had to jump off the train quickly and couldn't waste any more time.

Zhou Ting thought of this and turned around and left the berth with a simple luggage bag. However, he didn't know that he had to get off the train with Xu Lin's consent.

As long as Xu Lin didn't agree, Zhou Ting couldn't get off the train.

Zhou Ting started a life like a tribulation in the next period of time.

Reborn in the 1970s, empty the enemy's warehouse and go to the countrysideWhere stories live. Discover now