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Chapter 166 Chapter 166 Why are you so cold-blooded?

Xu Lin was very sharp-eyed and could hear the yelling of the unlucky man.

But it was impossible for them to catch up with her in front of so many people.

Xu Lin didn't want to be labeled as superstitious, so she left quickly and disappeared in the corridor in a few flashes.

After leaving the hospital, Xu Lin came to a remote corner and stood there, and soon waited for Xiaochun and the other three patients' families.

The four surrounded Xu Lin in the middle and asked anxiously,

"Comrade, we are the family members of those four unlucky guys, can you help them?"

"Little comrade, my son is still young, he can't live in such a miserable way, please help him."

"Yes, comrade, you can't just watch him die, we beg you."

"Comrade, you are also a child, you can't bear to see us mothers so sad, right? Please be kind and show us a way out."


The four people surrounded Xu Lin and begged her, some of which were moral kidnapping.

Xu Lin laughed at what she heard. She shook her head calmly and denied, "Everyone, I can't help them. I'm just an ordinary girl.

It's obvious that their life and luck were taken away by others, and they gave it voluntarily. How can you ask me to help them?"

"Why can't I help? My son is only 18. Look at his appearance. Will he have to live with such an old face in the future?

Then how can he marry a wife and have children?" Aunt Zhou stretched out her hand to grab Xu Lin's arm, but Xu Lin dodged it lightly.

Helplessly, Auntie Zhou could only kneel down, "Girl, since you can see their problems at a glance,

then you must know who can help them, please show them a way."

"Yes, it doesn't matter if you can't help them, you must know who can help them, please show them a way."

Others echoed, and they didn't think Xu Lin had any ability at such a young age. Their original intention was to find a powerful master to help.

Even if Xu Lin admitted that she could solve the problems of the four losers, these people would not believe it.

Aunt Lu was a smart person. She immediately took out two yuan from her pocket and gave it to Xu Lin, "We won't let you point the way in vain."

"Yes, I won't let you point the way in vain." Aunt Duan also reacted and begged with tears, "Comrade, please help us,

My son has only been in the hospital for two days, and his wife is asking for a divorce. She has returned to her parents' home. If this goes on,

Oh, my wife will really leave me, but he is only 25 years old. How will he live in the future?"

As Aunt Duan spoke, she covered her face and cried. Although it was only two days, it seemed like two centuries to her.

Her son was in good health, but he went out and ended up in the hospital. He also became as old as she was. How could he live in the future?

Xu Lin looked at Aunt Duan who was crying and out of breath, and she didn't feel much sympathy in her heart.

Duan Lin was not a good person. He had married a wife and had children, but he still had a crush on Qin Fang and wanted to take her to bed.

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