Chapter 15 ~ going somewhere? ~

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Pon managed to thumb a lift with a truck driver all the while looking over his shoulder expecting an angry wolf to be chasing him and part of him was sad when nothing had happened.

"where are you headed kid?" the driver asked him.

"back to the city, I've been staying with friends" Pon said.

"right, you'll be glad to get back home then?"

"yeah" Pon replied before staring out of the window to avoid any further conversation.

The first thing he would do was go to his old apartment and speak to the landlord, he looked different so no one would be freaked out by a dead guy turning up and the guy might just rent him a room on the cheap?

Every mile took him further away from his best friend Jensen and Raz, the man who had been kind to him but he had to let them go, he was no good for them and the closer he got to the city, the more depressed he became.

He felt as if he didn't belong anywhere any more but he had to carry on and as the great Okimãwi Crowfoot said, "life is a flash of a firefly in the night, it is a breath of a buffalo in the winter time"

Pon wondered why he would think of such a quote, it must have been something he read once and it obviously struck a chord, so many weird things were happening to him just lately and he couldn't explain any of them.

He had been living his life, going to work, going home, meeting up with random acquaintances on his days off and suddenly he'd lost almost two years of his life, looked completely different and was now quoting long dead indigenous chiefs?

They had been travelling for several hours when they finally reached the outskirts of the city and it was the end of the road for the trucker, he had reached his destination and wasn't going any further.

"sorry kid but that's it for me, at least you're almost there" the driver said.

"it's a great help, thank you" Pon had said.

"well take care kid" the driver had said before walking into the warehouse where he was delivering.

"thanks, you too" Pon had replied then hefting his bag onto his shoulder he had set off walking down the road to a bus stop.

Raz had been driving for several hours, at first he had been angry but now worry was taking over, he hadn't even stopped to eat in his desperation to get to the city as quickly as possible. When he finally approached the outskirts he checked the time and it was 5.40pm.

An hour later he was sitting in his car outside Pon's old apartment block where he had a clear view of the entrance and even though Jensen had given him the keys to his apartment he couldn't go there yet and risk missing Pon, he would sleep in his car if need be.

He settled back to wait because he suspected that Pon would come here first, it had been his home after all and there was nowhere else for him to go.

Pon stood at the bus stop rotating his shoulders and rubbing his neck, it was so good to stretch his legs after being in the truck for so long, if his old landlord couldn't help him out with a place to stay he would go to the hostel, the address was in his phone.

Another option was he could call the Doctors number, surely he or she would be pleased to know he had got his memory back and might be able to help him out with somewhere to stay temporarily?

Funny that, he could remember his life but the past twenty odd months were hazy, his mind had done a complete 360

The bus approached and he jumped on board and after paying he went to grab a seat then just sat and tried to recognise where he was, it hadn't changed much but just enough to confuse him.

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