Chapter 16 ~ acceptance ~

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The journey back home was completed in record time with Pon sulking for most of it. Raz allowed his wolf to keep interacting with Pipon's wolf because they had to gain his trust for when they finally met.

The wolf seemed shy and still held back but at least Raz knew he was there, Pipon was another matter, the indigenous man was a no show? was there a reason he was remaining in the shadows?

Raz decided to just give the guy time, he would come forward at some point, in the meantime they could just get better acquainted with his wolf.

Several hours later they were back at the pack house and Raz escorted Pon up to their room where they freshened up and then Raz took his wrist and led him back downstairs to his office.

"is this how it's going to be from now on then?" Pon asked.

"until you can be trusted, yes!" Raz said.

Raz let Pon go and the latter stomped across to a sofa that was in the office and plonked himself down on to it before crossing his arms and sulking some more.

"you can sulk all you like baby, you brought this on yourself" Raz said as he shuffled through the mail which had arrived that morning.

"I'm a grown ass man and I'm not allowed to do as I please, this is not right"

"I am really tired of your whining Pon, would you like me to give you a small taste of how it will feel if you don't accept our mating?" Raz said.

"ha, I keep telling you, it won't affect me, I'm not a wolf" Pon replied.

"then you won't mind a little sample" Raz said walking across the room to lock his door, he walked back across to Pon and stood before him then took a few deep breaths before speaking.

"I, Raz Pasanarit rej"

Raz took a few steps backwards almost falling against his desk, his fingers curling around the edge of it as he tried to deal with the pain and then Pon cried out and clutched at his chest, it felt as if he were being stabbed multiple times and his body ached unbearably, tears sprang to his eyes as a deep depression fell over him ...

"make it stop ... Raz, please make it ...ahh" Pon cried out as the pains grew worse.

"if ... you reject me the pain ... will be far worse than this" Raz said.

"stop it ..." Pon cried out.

"you ahh fffu' have ... to be sure" Raz gasped.

"I'm ... sure just make it ssst ...op" Pon said.

"I ... Raz Pasanarit accept Pon Panarawitt as my mate" Raz said but nothing happened. 

"it still ... hurts, why does it ... still hurt" Pon gasped

"you have ... to accept me too, repeat after me ... I, Pon Panarawitt"

"I ahh Pon ... Panarawitt"

"accept Raz Pasanarit as my mate"

"accept Raz Pasanarit ... as my mate" Pon groaned as the pains didn't lessen.

"it should have ... stopped by now, why isn't it working?" Raz pressed the heel of his hand against his forehead as he tried to figure out what he'd missed? fuck yes, how could he forget.

"I Raz Pasanarit also accept Pipon Mahihkan as my mate" Raz fell to his knees before Pon as the pains began to recede.

"baby, you have to ..."

Pon suddenly passed out cold and Raz was just about to call the pack doctor when his eyes drifted back open and with a glazed expression he began to speak ...

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