13 (Part 3) (Niall)

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Written by: slylou.tumblr.com

The cocaine was powerful enough to affect my dreaming, horrible nightmares and images haunting my sleep as I tried to rest. After a gruesome dream involving Mikey, my eyes shot open to see that Niall was still sleeping soundly next to me. He had one arm draped around me, and I could see his eyeballs moving underneath the eyelids as he dreamt.
It was rare enough to call it awkward that he stayed in bed with me, or even spent most of the night without leaving somewhere. I took the opportunity to silently take in his presence, watching his chest rise and fall rhythmically, the tattoo stretching every time he exhaled. There wasn’t tension in his touch, or anger as I lay motionless next to him, observing him carefully to see if he would wake.
I gently ran my hand over his still healing gun wound, the skin soft and rubbery as my finger tips grazed around it. Tracing my fingers downward, I felt the soft definition of his abs and belly button. A small smile crept on my face as continued to soak in his image in the morning light, shadows outlined along where his muscles defined. His hand twitched lightly against my waist as he snored softly, still lost in crystal infused dreams.
Letting my hand rest on his chest, I couldn’t help but feel a longing for him, no matter how he treated me. Closing my eyes, I shifted softly and snuggled up against his chest as he began to stir. Sensing that I was right up against him, he moved his arm and slowly but firmly pushed me away as he yawned. I sighed, exasperated as I turned over and curled into a ball as I felt him get up from the bed.
“Fuck.” I heard him mutter softly as he pressed the palm of his hand into his temple, rubbing it slightly. The cocaine must have hit him hard too, for he kept rubbing his eyes and swaying from side to side. I peered out at him from the bed, waiting anxiously for his next move as he stood in front of the window. His back was beautifully toned, the muscles in his shoulders tensing and bulging as he stretched and shook his arms. He turned around, and I reluctantly looked into his eyes to see them cloudy, but still a pale blue.
“You need to get out of here.” He finally said after a minute, and I sat up, my face scrunching in confusion as he walked around the bed and out back into the living room. I threw the sheets off and followed after him, my feet making quiet scuffles as I walked barefoot.
“Where am I going to go? How am I even going to leave?”I asked him, and he sighed, clearly annoyed with me as he rubbed his temples again.
“Take the fucking car and go somewhere, I don’t give a shit how you figure it out.” He snapped, and I fell silent as he buried his face in his hands and leaned over the counter. As I kept my eyes on him, I noticed again that the bullet necklace wasn’t hanging around his neck, much to my despair.
“You don’t care about me, do you?” I whispered softly, more stating it to him than asking. He lifted his head out of his hands and half turned to look at me.
“I wish you would quit asking so many damn questions.” He responded, and I lowered my head, holding back my tears and emotions. Dropping the subject, I retreated back to the room to get dressed and leave. As I took the keys from the counter across from him, he watched me with an unreadable expression on his face. I looked away as I made my way towards the door and slammed it shut after me.
Despite living in downtown for most of my life, I had no idea where I was or where I was going for that matter. Upset, I ended up just driving back towards downtown, hoping to find somewhere I could find my way to. Finally reaching the city, I glanced out my window to see that many of the people I passed by were pointing and watching me as I drove by. I accelerated, forgetting that I was driving a car that the members of 13 usually drove around in. Turning into an alley, I stopped the car and got out, walking rapidly as I hoped to find someone from 13.
The air was icy and thick as the wind blew, filling up my lungs and quickly sobering my senses as I continued to walk into the heart of the city. Rounding a corner, I suddenly stopped as hundreds of people lined the main street, sounds of a parade coming from further down. Taking a few steps and looking around, I decided to stay and blend in since it was rare that the city held public functions due to the feud of 13 and Diamond.
As many colorful and tall floats and posters made their way down, people were cheering and clapping happily. My eyes shifted from one person to the next as I observed carefree and joyous faces one after the other. My gaze settled on a young girl who was on her father’s shoulders, her eyes lit up and a laugh emitting as she watch the parade. I continued to watch her and felt a pang of jealousy towards her, her happiness and naivety. She didn’t have to worry about being killed, constantly watching her back or being matched.
My jealousy grew as these thoughts raced in my head, yet a small thought came to me as I watched her squeal in laughter as her father handed her a balloon. What if her fate was sealed like mine, to become prisoner to 13, or Diamond? God save her if she fell in love with her match only to have her life depend on his.
Blinking rapidly as the wind blew, my eyes watered at the word “love.” Niall didn’t care what I did or where I was as long as I showed up to help him have a good time. He didn’t care if we were matched or not, and he had another thing coming if he thought I was going to sit around and wait for him.
I spent the rest of the afternoon at the parade, the positive atmosphere lifting my spirits and temporarily erasing Niall and 13 out of my mind. While getting something to eat off a concession stand, I ran into one of my girlfriends from the dance club, and we spent the afternoon catching up in a coffee shop. I avoided talking about myself, more telling her about how I missed dancing at the club.
We talked for a bit more, finally walking out as it began to turn dusk. She offered me a place to stay, and I agreed, tossing the idea of Niall looking for me out of my head. Making our way home, we heard shouting coming from one of the alleyways, and we immediately went to the other side of the street to avoid crossfire. As we passed by, I couldn’t help but to take a glance and saw a few 13 members fighting. I averted my eyes and kept my head down the rest of the way as we finally reached her house.
I thanked her for her kindness as she helped me get settled, and we both bid goodnight as I climbed into a bed in her spare bedroom. I let my eyes close as an innate fear settled on me that if I was ever recognized by either gang; I would risk her getting killed. I turned over and tried not to let the thought consume me as I fell asleep, Niall appearing in my dreams.

Over the next few weeks, I kept a low profile, occasionally joining my friend to the dance club to get my mind off things. It was strange to have a sense of normalcy, having no escorts when I got home or Niall around the streets. I had no idea if he was looking for me, but I wasn’t interested in hearing from him if he didn’t care. My friend offered to let me move in, and I made her home mine as well, only contributing rent and tagging along with her the club.
On a night I decided to leave the club early, I made my way back to the apartment, tired and aching from the routine of dancing. I looked up as I pulled my key out to see a Mercedes waiting on the curb, a 13 member leaning on the side. He stood straight as I stopped and gave him a pleading look as he opened the car door.
“Get in sweetheart. You’re needed.” He smirked at my reluctant face as I climbed in, hoping that I would be able to return to the apartment again. Whatever Niall wanted, I was glad that he didn’t involve my friend in any sort of way. The ride was surprisingly short, stopping after only a few minutes in front of a small house with multiple cars out front. Stepping out, I shivered from the cold as I was still in my dancing clothes, wearing a dress that barely went past my bum. We made our way to the front door and a blast of warmth hit us as we were greeted by Celia, who gave me a hug.
“It’s so good to see you’re alright darling, Alan and I were relieved to hear that you’re still alive. But enough of that, tonight we have something very important to attend. We’re meeting with a similar gang leader from England, and there’s a chance that someone will be out to get Alan or Niall. That’s where you and I come in; we’re to be by their side for the entire dinner, keeping a sharp eye for anything.” I was quiet as she explained the situation, stopping as she noticed I wasn’t speaking.
“Is something wrong dear?” She said, her eyes concerned as I sighed.
“Does it have to be me?” I looked back at her as she smiled and nodded her head.
“No girl is as close to Niall as you are, and he doesn’t trust but a few people. You’re the one to do it, but you’ll be fine, these things can be fun.” I smiled politely back at her as Alan appeared from one of the room, two escorts immediately standing up when he entered. He gave me a nod as they left, silently closing the door.
“How come you don’t leave with him?” I asked Celia as she laughed and readjusted her lipstick.
“I asked him the same thing when we first got married because I was upset that we couldn’t walk in together. Then he finally told me since he was a bigger target he wanted to leave me in less danger.” I nodded as two escorts walked in and motioned for us to leave. Celia took my hand and we walked out behind them, stepping into a beautiful Maserati. We were quiet on the way there; the only sound was the soft engine accelerating as we drove rapidly.
A huge mansion pulled into view as we turned onto a private road, many cars already parked and tons of people pilling into the house. Celia and I parted as soon as we stepped out of the car; part of our job was to make our rounds to weed out suspicious persons. An escort kept his watchful eye on me as I stepped inside the room filled with light, patrons dressed in suits and gowns as they sipped champagne.
Carefully making my way around the room, my eyes darted as I just mainly noticed people laughing and joking from too much drinking. My eyes found Celia, who had attached herself to Alan’s hip, her gaze focus elsewhere as he shook someone’s hand. I turned away, dreading when I would find Niall, walking towards the middle of the room as I tried not to look for him.
Wandering slowly around the growing crowd of people, I felt a hand grab and squeeze my ass. Fuming, I turned around ready to slap the shit out of whoever decided to touch me, only to roll my eyes at Niall. He laughed and yanked me against him, running his hand and grabbing my breast, making me flinch. Smirking, he led me around the room as if he were parading me around to the other guests. It gave me a good opportunity to glance around the room as he talked loudly to other friends.
Two escorts kept closely behind us, one of them keeping his hood up as he followed behind Niall. I took a quick peek at him to have him hide his face, and I turned around slowly, my worry increasing. Nonetheless Niall kept going around the room, nearing Alan and Celia as they turned at the sound of his voice. Celia smiled at us, Alan giving him a shake of his head, controlling his smile. Suddenly I saw the hooded escort shift, reaching his hand in his waistband of his jeans.
I snapped my head back at him just as he looked up, and my heart stopped as I recognize my captor, Kyle. He gave me a wink before motioning to the escort behind me. Before I could even break away from Niall, they both grabbed us from behind, disabling our arms as Kyle took out a gun. I lifted my head and for a split second, I saw Celia react and place herself in front of Alan before a loud bang.
Stomping on the man’s foot, I wiggled out of his grasp and ran over to Celia, who crumpled to the ground as Alan was dragged away by escorts. Turning back around I saw Niall wrestling with Kyle, staggering backwards as Kyle swung a hit on his cheek. Torn as whether or not to help Niall or to stay with Celia, I looked around frantically to see an escort of 13 rush by.
“Hey!” I yelled, grabbing his attention as I motioned over to Niall, who was struggling as Kyle connected another blow with his body. The escort immediately sprinted over and threw Kyle off of him, tackling him to the ground. Niall shook his head and spit, blood falling on the ground as he turned to me. My view of him was suddenly blocked as the room began to clear out, the partygoers rushing out of the mansion. I lowered my head and tried to clean the blood off Celia, her eyes closed as she fought to breathe.
The bullet was deep inside her, striking the middle of her chest and spilling a lot of blood. Hush fell into the room as everyone fled, leaving only Niall, Celia, a couple escorts and I in the empty space. Niall walked over to where I was helping Celia, and stood next to me, watching her slowly become motionless. I looked up at him, my eyes watering as he shifted his gaze to me. He had a purple bruise just under his eye and a bloody lip from the fight with Kyle.
“Can’t we help her?” I asked, my voice breaking as I tried not to cry. He said nothing and looked up as the door burst open and Alan came in, despite the objections of his escorts. Niall bent down and forced me up and out of the way as Alan rushed over. He leaned over Celia, who cupped his face gently in her hands as her breathing became more labored.
“Looks like you’ll have to finish this without me.” She whispered as he took her hand in his, kissing it gently. Coughing, she held her ribs as it became increasingly difficult for her to talk. “You’ll find someone else to get through this.”Alan shook his head, caressing her cheek with one hand meanwhile the other reached for his gun. Niall instinctively walked forward toward him, only to stop as Alan pointed it towards him.
“Don’t do this.” Niall growled in his throat, making Alan smile while cocking the gun. He turned back to Celia, who had her eyes closed and lay motionless.
“We’re going together.” He mumbled softly, kissing Celia’s cheek before pressing the muzzle of gun to his temple and pulling the trigger. Everyone flinched at the echo of the gunshot, Alan sinking against Celia. His hand was still tightly gripped onto hers, a tiny smile carved onto Celia’s lips.
The escorts turned their attention to Niall, who was quiet as he stared angrily at the lifeless bodies. Swearing under his breath, he headed for the door, prompting the escorts to follow their new leader. I said nothing, trembling still at the scene and I could see him turn back to look at me at the doorway in the corner of my eye. He ordered an escort to stay with me before quickly exiting.
For some reason I couldn’t tear myself apart from the bodies, blood still seeping from both of their wounds. My stomach felt empty and nauseous, and chills fell through my spine as I took in I would never see what resemblance of a family I had left. My head began to pound with the growing fear that I was truly alone in 13, Niall the only reason to keep me alive. I was probably more an annoyance to the other members that they had to lay their lives on the line for me, just because Niall kept me around.
I left the mansion long after Niall did, asking the escort to take me back to the apartment. At this point I didn’t care if where he wanted me to be, I just wanted to go home and sleep away this whole life. During the long car ride home, my mind kept wandering back to a nagging thought: Would Niall have done the same if I had gone the same way?” I suddenly remembered that night with Zayn; he left me dying only to be kidnapped.
Pulling up to the apartment, I wasted no time getting out of the car and rushing to the second level room. Just as I reached the door, I noticed it was slightly ajar, a faint light pouring from inside. I held my breath as I pushed the door open slowly, covering my mouth as I saw my friend mauled on the floor. My eyes followed her trail of blood to see a crude spray painting of a diamond striking a dragon through the heart on the wall. Zayn’s handsome and unforgivable face came into my mind as I studied the painting, forcing to leave as the stench was overwhelming.
Stumbling out of the complex, I pushed past the escort and broke down in the car crying. Between Kyle murdering Celia and now hunting Niall and I, plus Zayn and Diamond still after me, everyone I came into contact with was getting killed. It seemed the only person who was able to escape and survive was Niall, who unwillingly was now leader of 13. There was no doubt that there would be even more attempts to kill him and I.
Desperate and angry, I decided to go see him to see what to do next, the escort making a quick phone call to see where he was. We took a short drive across town, stopping at a closed restaurant. The cook, stopping his meat cutting, took one look at us and led us to a back hallway and into a large meeting room. We were greeted by Alan’s former escorts and advisors, all surrounding Niall, who had a cigarette in his mouth. One of the advisors stood up and advanced toward me, an annoyed look on his face.
“Why is she here? She doesn’t need to be hearing these things, get her out.” He said, staring down at me as I glared at him, my lips curling in defiance.
“Fuck off.” I snapped at him, and he promptly slapped me hard on the cheek, and I heard Niall speak.
“No one touches her. All of you get out.”I kept my head lowered as the members left, eyeing me and my stinging cheek. I finally lifted my gaze as the door shut to see Niall blowing smoke towards the ceiling, watching it curl and dissipate before standing up. He tossed the cigarette into a bowl as he reached me, raising a hand and inspecting my cheek. I kept my eyes on his as he stood inches from me, a frown on his face.
“What happens now?” I broke the silence, only to have him shrug as he dropped his hand, his expression apathetic.
“At this point, whatever happens, happens. Just now I have to keep an eye out for two threats instead of one. Just wish that my dad would have left me with some sort of plan.” He rubbed his chin as he spoke, avoiding my gaze.
“You can’t do this alone.” I said gently, and he scoffed, an amused smile spreading on his face.
“And what are you going to do to help me? There’s only so many times that you can be shot, just look at Celia. Tonight you didn’t notice until the last minute who the shooter was, and you couldn’t even help me fight him off.”His tone was mocking and I held back more tears, I didn’t want him to see me so vulnerable.
“You’re the only thing I have left.” I stuttered, sniffling and looking sheepishly at my feet. He laughed again, bending down to get a closer look at me.
“Pretend all you want that I may have feelings for you, or any of that kind of shit. You’re only a useful piece of ass to me.” He said, his voice lowering as he turned around. Something inside me snapped as I unleashed all my anger and tension on him, my heart wrenching the words I could never say to him.
“ Don’t fucking tell me that! Don’t say that you don’t feel anything towards me, I know that you would have had me gone a long time ago if you didn’t really need me. I don’t care if we weren’t matched together, we owe each other our lives, isn’t that enough to be tied together somehow? We’re not matches but I certainly deserve something from you!”I screamed.
“I won’t ever be your match, or anyone’s for that matter.”He shot back, his voice strained, and I completely lost all thought as I felt my chest burst.
“How is it going to feel when you’re shot or dying and you realized you were never matched and you spent your life alone? Tell me how it’s going to feel burning in hell while your mother weeps that her son never loved!” I shouted at him. Silence erupted as he froze, his knuckles tensing as he whipped around and threw me against the wall. He held his arm against my throat as he spoke, anger burning in his tone.
“You stupid bitch, how do you think I felt when I left you bleeding like stuck pig? To leave the only chance I had in my life to love someone like that? You don’t know what it’s like to everything ripped apart right in front of you and gone from your life! You don’t know what it’s like to everyone around you dying from their loved ones when you’re the only one without a match!”He snarled at me as I held my hands against his arm.
“Niall.” I pleaded his name as he forced himself harder against me.
“I’ll fucking show you what it’s like to never be loved, to always be thrown away. I’m going to make you so damn miserable you’ll wish you were burning in hell where you belong.” He said before grabbing me and throwing me on the table, my head throbbing in pain from the impact. As I was bent over the table, he unzipped his jeans and lifted up my dress to my hips, exposing me. Ripping my underwear off and using one hand to pin my wrists behind my back, he drove into me without warning.
I cried out harshly, his hard dry cock painfully thrusting in and out as I curled my legs in ache from the burning friction. Using his free hand, he grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled my head back so he could lean forward to hiss in my ear.
“That’s right, you ungrateful slut, scream so I can hear how much it hurts. You’re going to know and feel everything that you’ve done to me.” Loudly I let out a moan of hurt as he went faster and harder, and he moved his hand down to my waist to hold me in place. Even though he was thrusting rapidly, I could still feel him grow harder and began to tense as he approached orgasm. Just as I thought I was going to pass out from the pain and heat, he pulled out and yanked me to my knees, shoving his throbbing self down my throat.
Ramming his entire length down one stoke after the other proved to be too much, I shut my eyes and held down my gag reflex as he kept one hand on the back of my head. I could hear him swearing as he tensed again and released in my mouth, the hot liquid shooting down my throat. Expecting him to pull out after he was done, and I opened my eyes to look up at him to see him scowling. I whimpered slightly as I fidgeted under his grip, which only made him even madder. Despite my muffled protests he kept himself in my mouth, my nose grazing his skin as I felt tears fall down my cheeks.
Unsure if I was crying from the pain or Niall’s refusal to let me breathe, it seemed to set him off even more. Finally he unleashed his grip and I took heavy breaths, sobbing and coughing at his knees. Grabbing my wrists, he pulled me to my feet and clutched my throat with one hand, forcing me to look at him.
“Good, you’re crying, now I can really see the pain in your eyes. Tell me, how does it feel to be broken?” He purred in my ear before kissing my neck and reaching with his other hand to rub his fingers against my slit. I flinched at his touch, still hurting and sore from his ways. He smiled, but without any warmth before lifting my leg and plunging hard again into me, forcing me to hold onto him. I swallowed my pained screams and bit my lip hard to avoid him any more tears.
Eating up the hurt expression on my face, he resorted to rocking his hips back and forth, making the thrusts long and deep. I panted against him, unable to take much more as he kissed my cheek, igniting the sting where I was slapped earlier.
“Say how much it hurts.” He ordered, holding the small of my back tightly to keep me from stepping backwards. I pulled my face away, inches from his before looking him dead in the eyes, curling my lips.
“Never.”I whispered, and he threw me back on the table, grasping my shoulder and forcing his entire length inside me multiple times.
“Tell. Me. How. Much. It. Hurts.” He snarled, thrusting harder, his cock completely submerged inside me each time. I grasped my head in my hands, crying softly as the pain and pleasure numbed me, my mouth dry from all the heaving. I tried to maneuver my legs to a less angled position, only to have him pin my ankles by his thighs as he continually drove hard into me. I lifted my head to look into his eyes, merciless and hatred swimming in the pale blue iris.
Being too stubborn to admit the pain to him, I wrestled against his grip and turned sideways, resting one leg on his shoulder. Not amused by my idea, he leaned forward, gripping my throat and rubbing my clit hard, the attention strenuous. Arching my back, I grasped the table hard as I dealt with his fury, telling myself to hold out until he finished first. My body was growing weak, my thighs giving out along with my stamina to keep up with him.
His fingers pressed hard against the soft skin of my throat meanwhile he nibbled on my shoulder. Realizing I couldn’t handle anymore, I shifted my leg slowly so that he wouldn’t notice before ramming my heel hard into his stomach. He swore profusely as he clutched his stomach and pulled out, allowing me to relax and catch my breath. I lay my head on the table, feeling the cool wood against my cheek as I watched him from the corner of my eye.
He stared at me panting for a few seconds, blood forming on his shirt from the fresh wound. Unable to move my body from being so weak, I was defenseless to whatever he did next and I braced for him to continue. Instead he surprised me by turning sharply and slamming the door shut, his footsteps fading away into the hallway.

I decided not to follow after him, instead waiting a couple of minutes to find three escorts waiting instead of one. I didn’t say anything as they led me to a waiting car, driving off in silence. I took the time to wipe the blood of my lip and inspect my arm. It wasn’t broken, but there was some internal damage, enough to make it throb in pain. I disregarded the feeling as we ended up back at the cottage where I had first met Alan and Celia.
The house was empty and cold, the furniture and blankets the same way I had last seem them. From what I could tell, it seemed that Alan and Celia weren’t here very often either. Sensing the discomfort, the escorts retreated to the side house, located right next door. I rummaged around Celia’s old clothes to change into a pair of pajamas and a sweater before walking back downstairs.
To warm up the house, I lit the fireplace and snuggled under some blankets while soft flurries fell outside the window. As I sat near the window watching the snow slowly accumulate, I noticed some pictures on the mantle. I realized that most of them were Celia, with her friends, and one of her with Alan. On the very corner, there was a picture of Niall, when he was a boy. He was riding a tricycle with a huge toothy grin on his face and wind blowing his hair. The blue in his eyes were the same intensity as he had now, only the little boy in the picture didn’t have such hatred.
Yawning, I leaned over and lay on the couch, my eyes closing as I realized just how tired I was. I fell asleep shortly, and slept for the longest time. During my sleep, tons of memories, people and scenarios kept reappearing in my dreams, all melding together. Despite the mash up of everything that had happened, I slept soundly and didn’t move from the couch for the longest time. After what seemed like an endless sleep, my eyes finally reopened to find myself completely buried under the pile of blankets. I threw them off and stretched meanwhile sitting up to find Niall sitting on a recliner across from me. He made no facial expression at me as I sat up and crossed my legs, unsure of what to say.
“Don’t think that because I didn’t beat the shit out of you, that it means I love you.” He said, his tone low. I lowered my eyes, my hands fidgeting in my lap. “However,” he continued, reaching into the pocket of his jacket, the leather squeaking, “that doesn’t mean I don’t need you.”My gaze focused on his hands as he pulled out a small velvet box. I gave him a confused look as he placed it across from me.
“What is this?” I asked, taking the small box, a feeling in my gut that this wasn’t a sentimental show of affection.
“Remember that gang leader we were meeting at the party before Celia got shot, the one from England?” I nodded as I turned the box over in my hands, his eyes narrowing as he got irritated I wasn’t making eye contact with him. “Well they were supposed to meet with my father, and being traditional, they won’t meet with me unless I’m married, even though I’m taking over 13.” This time my eyes shot back up to his, his expression serious.
“What are you saying?” I said slowly. He sighed and avoided my eyes as he spoke.
“There’s no way we can take down Diamond and this new threat without their help, so I really need to win over their approval. As much as I hate to do this, I need you to be there at the meeting to pose as my fiancé. You were at the previous dinner party with me, so they’ll know it won’t be set up.”He finished talking, peering at me as I finally pried open the box, gasping.
Inside was a gorgeous round diamond ring sitting among bands of smaller, twisting diamonds. It glistened even in the faint light as I took it out and slipped it on my ring finger, the sliver cold against my skin. I couldn’t help but to smile at the gesture, even if it was for pretend, the ring was all too real.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” He said, breaking my gaze as he stood up.
“Hold on, I have one condition.” I said, making him stop in his tracks, folding and placing some papers in his jacket. He looked down skeptically at me as I stood in front of him.
“I don’t really think you’re really in a place to order me around.”He said, turning fully to face me.
“And I don’t think you really have someone like me to take to this dinner.”I shot back, making him run his tongue over his teeth in annoyance.
“Fine. What is it?”He said, putting his hands in his pockets. I gave him a teasing grin, inching closer to him.
“You have to kiss me, but not like you usually do. Nothing more, nothing less.” He scoffed at me, before turning around towards the door, much to my disappointment.
“Just be ready by tonight.” He said before slamming the door. I rolled my eyes and headed up the stairs to get ready. After getting taking a quick hot shower to wear off the cold, I threw my hair up to search for a dress. I decided if Niall didn’t want to be with me despite needed the gang’s approval, I would make him regret it.
I let out a tiny breath as I zipped myself up, the dress hugging my skin tightly all over. It was slutty enough to show off my cleavage and ass, yet the color was sophisticated enough for a formal presentation. I grinned to myself as I took one last look at my reflection, I made my way down the stairs to wait for my accompaniment to the party.
My phone suddenly went off, and I glanced over at it to see a text from an unknown number, reading:
“Be ready, I’ll see you at the party. Don’t forget the ring.”
I exhaled sharply, figuring it was from Niall as I heard a car pull into the driveway, the engine roaring. I stepped out of the house to see four escorts pile out of a huge SUV, their eyes averting as I made my way over. My nervousness subsided as I recognized one of them as Mikey’s friend, who saved me the first time I ran into them. I gave him a small smile and he nodded his head before helping me into the car and sliding in next to me.
On our way over to the meeting, Mikey’s friend, whose name I found out to be Axl, filled me in on the English gang. They were from all around the Europe and had a heavy presence mainly outside of London. They were led by two powerhouse leaders, who had a reputation for being short tempered. Meeting with 13 was an attempt to expand their territory and gain more allies as they steadily grew.
Axl became quiet as we neared the meeting place, a more scaled down house that was more on the rural side rather than closer to downtown. Dusk settled and made the night air cooled as we stopped and climbed out, Axl and the others making sure to keep close to me. Near the doors there was a heavy presence of 13 members, most of them keeping watch outside for anything unusual. I glanced down at the ring one more time before we walked in, holding my head up high and swallowing my fear.
Walking in I immediately noticed escorts and bodyguards from both organizations, figuring that they weren’t taking any chances. I followed Axl as the others disbanded, their eyes shifting around the room. I took the same precautions, my eyes searching the room quickly as we made our way across the foyer and into the ballroom. We had to pause for a minute to analyze the giant room, tables and chairs all around as people laughed and ate.
A large table was seated in the corner, where two tall and skinny men sat with their wives, smoking cigars. Niall sat across from them, an impatient look on his face. His expression dropped clear off of him as I approached the table, Axl hanging back. Niall stood up, his eyes focused on mine before introducing me to the intrigued men.
“I’d like you to meet my fiancé.” I shook each of their hands, smiling politely before taking a seat next to Niall, who put his arm around me. He kept watching me intently as I answered the men’s questions without hesitation, smiles spreading on their faces. 
“So, when are you two planning on getting married?” One of them asked, catching Niall off guard as he sipped his drink. I took the opportunity exact some revenge for him not kissing me.
“Next month.” I answered, making Niall snap his attention towards me as he narrowed his eyes. I smiled and cocked my eyebrow at him, his fists clenching.
“Good, good. We’ll be expecting invitations.” The man replied, and I nodded cheerfully as Niall kept burning his stare into me. As he leaned backward, I noticed a tattoo peaking out of the sleeve of his jacket. Examining my curiosity, he pulled his sleeve down before turning back to the conversation. I wasn’t in the mood to put with his childish antics, and I took his drink in front of him. I downed it quickly, savoring the cold harsh liquid as it made its way down my throat. Niall gave me an irritated look as I knew I was pushing my limits with him with the comment and behavior. Regardless, he followed my suit and continued to drink one after the other, rapidly growing drunk.
After a while, the entire party saves for the escorts were drunk, people stumbling and laughing loudly at nothing in particularly. I felt more outgoing as my eyes were clouded and my body softly swayed, Niall shaking the leaders hands as they drunkenly closed the deal. My vision hazy, I stupidly smiled at him as he took my hand and helped me up, causing me to lean into him. We made our way across the room and out the door, the escorts helping us in the car.
Unable to control myself during the ride home, I leaned over and began to kiss his neck, making him squeeze my ass in order to get me to stop. I giggled softly before pulling away, looking out the window impatiently as we drove. Finally making it back to the house, he carried me inside, setting me down on the couch and leaning over me. I smiled devilishly at him as I playfully bit my lip and tugged on his shirt.
“Are you going to kiss me now?”I hiccuped as he sighed, frustrated in his tone.
“I want to know what fucking sick notion gave you the idea to say we were getting married next month.” He growled, and I immediately caught on that he was not happy with me, my smile fading. The alcohol was finally settling in my stomach, but I still highly intoxicated, my emotions overwhelming.
“Don’t you want to marry me? You can’t keep up the ruse that we’re going to be engaged forever.” I answered, slurring the letters together and he stood back up, running his hands through his hair. The silence that settled gave me his answer, and still reeling from being drunk, I sat up and looked at him, growing upset.
“You don’t want to be with me, do you, yet you fuck around with me all the time and force me to be a part of 13. I’ve saved your life barely knowing you, and you keep me around for things like this. Why, why is it so hard to tell me that I mean something to you, that you like to have me around?”I remarked, my brow furrowing as he glared back at me.
“I already told you, I don’t have any significant feelings for you.”He said with a menacing tone. I felt my chest swell and my eyes sting as tears welled up, making my vision glassy. I reached out and snatched his gun from his waist band, holding the muzzle towards my own head.
“Then end it for me. If you’re going to stand here in front of me and say that I don’t mean anything for you, then don’t make me suffer anymore. I’ve gone through too much with you to just throw it all away. Let me go, and let it be over.” I whimpered, my voice trembling as I held back my sobs. He looked at the gun, then back into my eyes, an unusual expression on his face.
“Put the gun down, you’re be-“ He started to say before I cut him off.
“You know very damn well I’m not afraid to take a bullet. Its pain with be sweet after everything you’ve done to me.” I interrupted, the gun shaking in my uneven grip. He stood wordlessly in front of me before cautiously taking my hands and lowering the gun, leaning in and kissing me. Astonished, I tried pulling back only to have him wrap an arm around the small of my back, imprisoning me in his grip. Tilting his head, he continued to kiss me as he tossed the gun aside and lowered me onto the couch. Muffled by his lips, I tried to moan my protest, and he quickly shushed me by biting my lip.
He still had the taste of his last whiskey on his tongue, swirling around my lips as he slid my dress over my legs. Slipping two fingers inside me, I braced my hips against his hand as he traced his thumb over my clit. Working his fingers inside and kissing me hard was his way of getting me wet to endure his thrusting. I leaned my head back as I felt the pleasure and tension building inside me as he kissed the exposed part of my chest. Looking down at him, I saw more of the tattoo on his wrist, an indeterminable script in the shadow of his body.
Sensing that I was distracted, he pulled his fingers out and shifted down to eat me out. I gasped and writhed from him sucking hard on my clit and pinning my thighs down. Already hot and bothered from his kissing, my stomach tensed as I felt my orgasm approaching hard. He stood back up and unzipped his jeans, taking out his bulging cock. Watching my movements and heaving chest, he timed it to where he thrust himself inside just as I came, making it easy to slide in.
I cried out from him filling me up and the sensitivity from the orgasm combining. Leaning forward again, he resumed giving me wet kisses all over as I arched my hips against him. Whether he was still drunk or artfully skilled, he couldn’t decide whether or not to go fast or slow, making his thrust completely random. Begging for him to have his way with me, I wrapped my arms around his neck, pressing my fingertips into his back.
Reaching up with one hand, he began to play with my breasts, squeezing and palming them lightly. He settled on a moderate deep rhythm, gyrating his hips back and forth against mine. Unable to control myself any longer, I moaned and whimpered into his mouth, my body shaking from adrenaline and ecstasy. His thrusting grew tighter and faster as he himself groaned slightly, our peak rapidly coming closer. Placing his hands on my rib cage, he gripped me firmly as our releases came together, leaving us panting and sweaty.
I sank my back into the couch, my body having been arched from the intensity as he pulled out. He kept his eyes on mine as he slowly stood back up and pulled his jeans back on. I said nothing, watching him longingly from the couch, my arms and legs spread over the cushions. I waited for him to start talking, knowing it wasn’t going to be pleasant news by the way his jaw was clenching.
“I have to leave for England for a while, to meet with this gang on how we’re going to work. So, you’ll have to fend for yourself for a while. Axl will be your main guard and escort, and he’ll report back to me every once in a while.”I was quiet as I listened to him talk, motionless. “Meanwhile you can plan this stupid fucking wedding. It’s our only hope of taking down Diamond and this new threat.”Involuntarily my heart leaped that he used the word “our” instead of “my” to include me.
I nodded my head at him as he kept his sharp gaze on me. I closed my eyes only to woken up seconds later by having a piece of heavy clothing thrown at my face. Pulling at the material, I felt soft leather against my fingers as I recognized Niall’s jacket around me. 
“Cover yourself up; you look like a cheap whore.” I heard him mumble. Not wanting to question it, I slipped my arms inside the sleeves, the smell of cigarettes and cologne filling my nose. He sat down next to me, lighting a cigarette and slowly exhaling as smoke poured through his nostrils. I lay silently next to him, letting my eyelids close as I tried to fight off falling asleep. The silence between us was comforting, different from harsh and heated arguments but partnered with a usual tension of uneasiness.

Written by: slylou.tumblr.com

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