Clandestine Calls (Part 4) (Niall)

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“Where the hell have you been?” Ariel’s face was red with anger as she charged towards you. Her hair was a mess, her makeup was smudged and she was still in her party clothes as she squeezed you with an enormous hug. “I thought you were hurt or something.”

“Me? I’m fine,” You laughed at the idea as you returned the hug. Liam stood to his feet as he shook his head at you.

“We haven’t slept at all,” Ariel continued. “I was ready to file a police report— but Liam figured you’d turn up.” You stood there quietly as she finally let you go.

“You’re not going to be spending all your time with him now that he’s back, are you?” Liam asked. “Niall’s bad news, Y/N.”

“And what do you know?” You shot back at him. Liam’s always been a bit protective of you and supportive of your relationships, but he seemed to have quite the trouble with you and Niall being together in any way; serious dating or not. “You guys have been friends since high school and now all of a sudden you don’t think I should hang out with him? Just stop.”

        And he almost justifies his argument when Zayn walks into the apartment with a nonchalant stroll and a cigarette behind his ear. He walks right past you to kiss a displeased Ariel on the cheek and pat Liam on the back, who both simply recoil at the gestures. 

“Don’t be too excited that I stopped by,” he mocks them, smacking Ariel’s bum. She grabs his arm before he can get to the kitchen and turns him around to face you. “Oh! Y/N, you’re safe!” He walks over to give you a hug, and you try to return the excitement. 

“Yeah I’m fine! I just… hung out.” Liam grimaces at Zayn’s attempt to be polite while you feign happiness, and that’s when you decide to grab Liam and head to your room.

“He’s such a joke,” Liam groans as he turns your TV on. He takes a seat on your bedroom floor as you sit on your mattress. “He wouldn’t even drive Ariel and I home last night; He stayed back with Harry at the party. I mean I get that they’re mates but his girlfriend was scared out of her wits that her best friend was in danger? I figured he’d care a little bit.”

        You shrug your shoulders because you often tried your hardest not to get involved when Liam bad-mouthed Zayn. As much as you agreed with his claims, you couldn’t turn your back on Ariel and how much she loved her boyfriend.

“Breaking news this morning in New York City— there has been a robbery at the world-famous Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum on West 42nd Street. The pieces stolen have not yet been identified. The thieves are believed to be those who carried out the recent series of heists over the last few months, but sources cannot confirm this, as the thieves are unnamed and have gotten away yet again.”

“Oh my god, Madame Tussaud’s is just a few blocks over…” You trail off. “Ari, Zayn, did you guys hear that?” You call before standing up and walking towards your bedroom door to see them. “The thieves hit Madame Tussaud’s.”

“I am so fucking sick of this,” Ariel groans. “These heartless thieves are ruining lives, all for money. I hate them.”

        Zayn doesn’t say much, he simply kisses her hand and starts leading her over to her bedroom.

“We’ll see you lot later, yeah?” He tells you and Liam before shutting the door behind him. The two of you exchange confused glances.

“Are they gonna—?” And then you begin to hear them on the other side of the closed door. “Okay let’s go for a walk, Liam.”

        You and Liam walked the city for a while until you ended up at a local coffee shop, the perfect place for a little peace and relaxation. Liam snaps a few photos of you as you sit on your stool, looking out of the shop window beside you.

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