Mine (Narry Threesome)

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The guys had invited you to go out with them tonight. Even though Niall had been ignoring you lately you decided you still wanted to go and have a good time. You missed hanging out with all of them and you just wanted tonight to be fun. Even if you and Niall were having some drama you would just give him a taste of his own medicine and ignore him. Maybe even flirt with some guys just to make him jealous. You thought that maybe it would snap him out of whatever was going on and on the plus side if it did work you got an angry jealous Niall. That side of him, which didn’t show up often, was something that turned you on so much.

         After getting ready you stood in front of the mirror checking yourself out. Trying to make sure everything looked perfect. You wanted to make Niall regret ignoring you and you had to pull out all of the stops. You texted Liam asking were they were as you got in a taxi heading to the club.  He said they had just gotten there and that your name was on the list so just go to the door when you arrive. After what seemed like forever getting through traffic you finally made it. Getting looks from the others in line as you just walked straight you could care less as you were on a mission.  You were afraid of how this would all go down so you decided to get a drink before heading over to find the guys. 

         Making your way through the crowd getting pushed around you finally made it to the bar.  You needed something strong so you got right down to it and ordered a couple of shots. After throwing them back you felt your body instantly warming up. You pulled out your phone to find out where they were. Before you could get a hold of someone you saw a familiar face squeeze in next to you at the bar.  “Hi Louis” He turned around with a grin on his face pulling you in close for a hug. “Hey!. Are you ok? Did you just get here?” “Yes, just made it here and needed to head to the bar first thing. Apparently we had similar thoughts” chuckling as you heard the ridiculous amounts of alcohol he just ordered.

After helping him carry the drinks back to their private area where everyone was sitting, the room erupted in greetings everyone pulling you in for hugs. You had missed spending time with them but your eyes quickly glanced around looking for the one pair of eyes you missed the most. They finally landed on those mesmerizing aqua blue eyes. You shifted uncomfortably not knowing if you should go over and give him a kiss hello. Niall apparently didn’t feel the need to approach you either just nodding his head acknowledging your presence. You were hoping seeing you would make Niall start paying attention but apparently not. Well fine if he was gonna keep this up you could find attention elsewhere. You decided weren’t drunk enough so you walked over to the table downing a couple of more shots. Louis looked over at you smirking, “Easy there killer if I didn’t know any better I would think you are trying to get trashed” “That is exactly my plan, care to join?” “Don’t have to ask me twice” as he picked up a shot clinking with mine before throwing it back.

After feeling sufficiently drunk enough for the night ahead you looked around and noticed a certain Irish man was missing. You didn’t have time to look around for him. After thinking about how you were gonna make Niall jealous, an idea suddenly popped into your head. Niall was always jealous of yours and Harry’s relationship. You were close with all of the guys but you two just seemed to click.  There was nothing going on between the two of you but that didn’t stop you from engaging in some harmless flirting at times. It drove Niall mad seeing you with anyone else but you knew this would be exactly what you wanted to get the attention you desired.

Making your way towards Harry you could tell that he was equally if not more drunk than you were. Bursting into laughter at something Zayn said, having to cover his booming laugh with his hand. Finally he caught your gaze and his face lit up. “Come over here love. I’ve missed you.” “Hello Harry. I see you’re enjoying your night” He grabbed your hand pulling you down to sit on his lap. “How could I not? I’m with my friends; plenty of alcohol and now a beautiful woman is sitting on my lap.” His face breaking out into a smile, his heartbreaking dimple appearing. “It couldn’t get any better.” “Oh Harold, you are such a charmer.” After catching up on life and what had been going on since the last time you saw each other, the alcohol had really started to take effect. You both became very touchy as his hand rested on your thigh. You looked around and noticed that everyone else had left. They must be getting drinks or out on the dance floor.

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