Ditto (Harry)

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“If a shark and a bear had a fight, which do you think would win?” Harry asked.

I rolled my head to the side. He was laid sprawled out on the prickly grass beside me, our arms touching. I couldn’t help but laugh as he seriously pondered the question.

“You’re joking, right?” I raised my eyebrows.

“No.” He shook his head. “I’ve been wondering about it for a while.”

I looked back up to the sky, the light rapidly fading. Harry was such a dork sometimes. But then I couldn’t really talk. I was the weird girl, skateboard always under arm, long dark hair and small silver nose ring. Harry and I had bonded over our love of superheroes among other things. I trusted him with everything. He was my best friend.

“It depends if they’re on land or in water.” I replied.

He was silent. I turned my head once again to find Harry intently staring at me. His curly hair lay messily over his head. Thick, dark-rimmed glasses rested on his nose, covering his green eyes. I never understood why girls hadn’t noticed him before, he was adorable.

“Hmm, I never thought about that.”

I rolled my eyes, giggling. The noise was cut short by Harry grabbing my hand.

“D-did you see that?” He gushed.

“What?” I urgently replied.

“The shooting star. Did you see it?”

His eyes darted round, scanning the sky. My body released a sigh.

“I missed it.” I huffed.

His focus landed back on me.

“Don’t worry. Maybe there’ll be another one.” He smiled.

His dimples popped in his cheeks as he squeezed my hand. My vision drifted down to where we were touching. Tingling rushed through my body. It was a reaction I had noticed becoming more frequent around him. Harry glanced from my flushed face down to where my focus was fixed on. He was never very quick, it took him a good few seconds to realise we were still holding hands.

“S-sorry.” He mumbled before withdrawing his warm touch.

The conversation discussing the Avengers Assemble film easily flowed after that. Our eyes still fixed on the sky in an attempt to see another flashing light. But we were interrupted, the comfort of our own little world quickly disappearing.

“Chester!” I heard my brother, Toby, shout my name.

Harry and I knew exactly what was coming. There was no time to escape. The cold water from the sprinklers shot out over the grass. It seemed to be something of a routine now. Every time we decided to spend time in the garden, my immature, older brother would turn the sprinklers on. I squeezed my eyes closed and waited for the inevitable splash of cold water on my skin, but it didn’t happen. My eyes fluttered open to find Harry hovering over me; his body protectively shielding me from the wet attack of the irrigation.

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