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"TIME TO TRY THE NEW sandwich. Behind!" Carmy yelled, walking back into the kitchen after having met with Sugar outside. He grabbed the beef and walked out of the kitchen. He grabbed some rolls and the fried veg. Preparing the sandwich whilst everyone watched. 

Kitty could see by the looks on some of their faces, that they were secretly hoping that the sandwich wouldn't taste good, needing to go back to how Mikey did things instead of Carmy's new ways.

"Yo. Somebody come try this! Cousin!" Carmy yelled. Holding the prepared sandwich in his hand.

"Yeah, right!" Richie scoffed from inside the kitchen.

So instead, Carmy handed it over to Ebraheim, "Here you go, Chef."

Kitty leaned against the counter, her eyes flicking between Carmy preparing another sandwich and Ebraheim eating the very first one.

"Chef," Carmy said, passing another sandwich to Tina. He looked up at Ebraheim, "So, what do you think?"

"It's redundant and white, just like you."

"Heard. Heard. Heard," Carmy nodded, "Tina, salt? Meat?"

Tina bit into the sandwich, "Mmm," She moaned, throwing her head back and closing her eyes.

"It's tender? It's nice? You happy?" Carmy questioned.

Tina nodded, "Very good, puta," She told him, affectionally pushing his shoulder as she grinned.

Kitty pushed herself off the counter and walked over. Carmy instantly looked up at her. Wordlessly he handed her a sandwich. She took it with a nod. Biting into it, she was met with an explosion of flavor. Without even meaning to, she felt her eyes close as she enjoyed the flavors dancing on her tastebuds. The sandwich was even better than their original one had been. The meat being tender and working well with the sauce.

When she re-opened her eyes, she spotted Carmy looking up at her. She could see slight nerves in his eyes as he awaited her opinion. 

"Fuck you, Carmy," She grinned, shaking her head, "It's good."

He returned the grin. Nodding at her before looking back down and creating more. The chefs inside trying their best to enjoy the sandwich and ignore the yelling from outside as people began to line up outside of The Beef, waiting for the doors to open so they could come and play the Ballbreaker.

"That dude looks like a carrot," Tina commented, nodding her head toward the window.

Kitty wiped her mouth with a napkin as she finished the delicious sandwich. Her eyes spotting the crowd forming outside and widening slightly. Everyone was dressed in costumes, yelling in excitement.

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