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DESPITE KITTY'S PROTESTS, SUGAR PRACTICALLY kicked her out of the restaurant after they pried Mikey's locker open, wanting her to go and just take the rest of the day off after seeing how much it affected her friend. And with a lot of back and forth of 'I'm fine', 'No, you're not' between the two, Kitty finally surprised everyone as she caved in and allowed herself to be (gently) kicked out. 

Richie had offered to drive her, not wanting her to get behind the wheel in the condition she was in. But she assured him that she would be fine. It took him a while before he allowed himself to back off, seeing that she really wasn't going to change her mind and although he was worried, he didn't want to push her. He did, however, give her orders to text him as soon as she arrived so he knew she was safe and he also gave her the cap that belonged to Mikey.

"No, he would've wanted you to have it," Kitty had told him. Pushing it back towards him.

Richie chuckled and pushed it back into Kitty's hands, "We both know he would've wanted you to have it, Kit," Richie had said to her.

She just stared at him. She knew how much Mikey meant to Richie and how much having something of his would mean a lot. But he simply pushed it towards her again.

"Please," He pleaded. His tone catching her by surprise. 

And so she caved in once more that day and took the cap with her. Keeping it on the passenger seat as she drove back to her apartment. At one point, she had to pull over on the side of the road. Her tears making her vision too blurry to drive safely and an anxiety attack having crept up on her. She had sat there, on the side of the road in her car sobbing for about ten minutes before she finally composed herself and managed to drive back. Messaging Richie and telling him she had to stop for gas which was why it took her longer than it should've, not wanting him to worry even more.

She placed Mikey's cap on her bedside table before she flopped down onto her bed. Curling up in the fetal position and passing out from exhaustion. Surprising herself when the next time she awoke was the following morning. 

When she had reached work the following day, the lockers had finally been moved, clearing the way for the guys to sort out the walls just outside of the office. She hated looks of sympathy but appreciated that no one hounded her with too many questions, tending to give her a quick greeting before going back to whatever it was they were doing. Not wanting her to feel like she was being coddled.

Sugar, Richie and Fak had been the only three to have asked more than the others. Keeping their eyes peeled open at Kitty's behaviour to make sure that she was up for being there that day. To which she simply responded with threatening to shove the broomstick she took from Marcus down their throats if they continued to treat her like she was made out of porcelain. 

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