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THE SADDENED ATMOSPHERE THAT WAS brought on by the mention of Michael, surprisingly went away pretty quick. Especially after Carmy came back outside and Uncle Jimmy decided to keep things more light-hearted. Not wanting to bum out the atmosphere of the children's party. 

Kitty leaned back against the side, right next to Richie. Uncle Jimmy on the other side whilst Carmy stood at the table, preparing the hot dogs. Kitty had decided to leave that job to him. Especially after noticing the difference between the hot dogs he made and the ones she did. With his looking like the fanciest hot dogs she'd ever seen. In her opinion, probably too fancy for a children's party. Having spotted a lot of the kids picking at the vegetables on the sides of the sausage out and throwing them down onto the grass when they didn't think any adults were looking. But she decided not to say anything to Carmy. Especially after seeing how content he seemed as he focused on making the fancy hot dogs.

"...They-They called the ambulances, right? They're both in ambulances, on the way to the hospital. And then..." Uncle Jimmy was telling his story, laughing as he tried to speak whilst Kitty, Richie and Carmy laughed along with him, "...What did the medical professionals, whose time you were wasting, say to you?" He asked Richie.

Kitty looked over at him, watching as Richie wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes as he tried to calm his laugher down to speak.

"He goes, 'what the hell did you do that for?'" He said before doubling over in laughter.

"Like, what the fuck do you think that their shit wasn't spicy, like, why would they lie about that?" Uncle Jimmy laughed.

Kitty could feel her cheeks hurting as she remembered the event herself, although she hadn't been there for it, Michael had told her the story once before, and even now, hearing it again brought a smile to her face and laughter bubbling in her chest. 

"What's up, dudes?"

Kitty glanced over to the side. Her smile dropping when she spotted Pete standing by the make-shift table. Smiling as he looked between them all, clearly trying to get integrated into their conversation. 

"What's up, man?" Richie nodded his head. Surprising Kitty that he hadn't made any comment towards the man he clearly hated. But it seemed that reminiscing about the good memories of the past had put him in a much better mood than he had been when they first arrived at the party. 

Uncle Jimmy was the opposite though. Kitty saw the smile vanish from his face the second his eyes landed on Pete. His eyes rolling and shoulders stiffening.

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