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AFTER THE TALK KITTY HAD with Sugar, she knew she had a lot of thinking to do. But she decided that for now, she would push that to the back of her brain. Give herself some time and space before she dived in head first. They had then talked about Sugar's pregnancy, about her fears of turning out like her own mother, but simply the conversation she had with Kitty about Richie told her that Sugar was going to be the best mom around. And she assured the blonde of that. The two women only stopping their deep chats when others had clocked in, not wanting anything to be overheard and keeping the topics of the conversation locked away in that office. 

After Kitty made Sugar a sandwich with all the toppings she was craving, the two women found themselves standing near the locker area, after Neil called Sugar over, watching in confusion as Richie tried to explain to Neil and Marcus what they were needing to do with the walls. Despite not being an expert, no matter how many YouTube videos he watched about it.

"You called mom?" Richie scoffed, shaking his head at Neil.

"Yes, honey?" Sugar asked Neil sweetly as she wiped her crumby hands on a napkin.

Kitty leaned against the doorframe, spotting how annoyed Richie was. His face almost as red as his burgundy The Original Beef t-shirt. 

"Okay, listen, so..." He tried to talk to Sugar but Richie moved his body, blocking their views from each other, "...Okay..." He muttered, moving to the other side but Richie continued blocking him from Sugar, "...Kitty, you gonna help?" He asked his sister, gesturing to Richie.

She shrugged with her arms, "What the fuck am I supposed to do?"

Neil groaned, "Okay..." He raised his voice, making sure Sugar could hear him clearly even is she couldn't properly see him past Richie's much taller frame, "Okay, I just wanna do it right. And I do think that we need to move the lockers out first before we scrape."

Kitty watched as Richie frowned. Casting his eyes down at his shoes. Clearly this hadn't been his plan.

"So then move the lockers first," Sugar smiled.

"Then we're just gonna move it right back where they are, Natalie!" Richie exclaimed. The veins on his neck visible as he gestured towards the lockers. His eyes wild with anger as he looked between Sugar, Neil and Marcus, "Why fuck 'em up?"

Sugar frowned, "Don't start bossing people around, please."

Richie sighed. He placed his palm over his eyes, trying to calm himself. Whilst Kitty and Sugar shared a look, with Sugar not so subtly nodding her head towards the man as if she was trying to get Kitty to step in between it all and try to calm the situation down, but she wasn't sure what to say to do that. It seemed that most of them thought they should move the lockers and do this properly. And although she understood where Richie was coming from – moving the lockers only to move them back to the very exact same position did seem like extra work. Moving them out of the way to actually do the work also made a lot of plausible sense, why half-arse it when they were trying to start afresh? So she decided to just keep quiet. Not wanting her words to start a riot.

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