Prologue 01: The Future

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3rd POV:

In Apokolips.

In Apokolips

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Apokolips is an ecumenopolis with burning firepits, ruled by the despot Darkseid.

The war that destroyed the Old Gods and created both New Genesis and Apokolips separated the Fourth World from the rest of the universe proper, leaving it accessible only by Boom Tubes.

The population is a downtrodden lot, including many that were kidnapped from other worlds before being "broken." The majority of the population are the Lowlies, a bald-headed and fearful race that has no sense of self-worth or value. The Lowlies are subject to constant abuse that ends only with death. Many Lowlies formed a group named the Hunger Dogs and rebelled against Darkseid, though they were, and remain, unsuccessful. Slightly above them are the Parademons, who serve as the keepers of order on the planet. Higher above the Parademons are the Female Furies, who are Darkseid's personal guards (male Furies also exist, but are less common). They are blessed with unnatural strength and longevity and are allowed to develop as individuals. This exposure to new concepts often results in them developing comical or garish personalities that contrast strongly with the immense sadism that is required to reach their positions. The leaders of the Furies are Granny Goodness, who sports the appearance of a matronly old woman while being the most powerful of the guards, and Kanto, who enjoys a unique position as Darkseid's master assassin. The chief guard, Big Barda, had a third position under Granny, which has not been filled since her defection from the group.

There was a lot of dead bodies of Parademons all laying over down on the ground and they both were got torn apart off and slashes apart off as well and they both were been killed by whatever it is here. Then they had no idea what they just stood no chance against this thing...this one man army who was wipe many Parademons by himself and then the figure revealed out to be wearing black leather biker clothes on by himself and he had a Blades of Chaos in his hands and then the figure had a flame on his head growing large definitely...a demon...something worst.

They say he is a...vengeful one.

A God Killer.

Villain Slasher.

King Of Hell.

He is...Ghost Rider Spirit Of Vengeance.

Ghost Rider Spirit Of Vengeance

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