Chapter 1: The Vigilante Strike

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) was driving his bike going out to somewhere else in this Gotham city and make him drive his bike out to somewhere else and it seems to be quiet and many cars were drive with passes and the civilian people were walking by themselves. Then (Y/N) is sigh out and make him drove his bike going to up there and until few moment when he stop his bike where the signal light over there and (Y/N) still sat on his bike and make him sigh out.

(Y/N): "*Hmmm...this must be different universe and dimension where I going.*" He thought himself and make him was sat there and chilling little bit.

(Y/N): "*This world is really interest me for looking around here...I thought that I just wipe the heroes out in my own world and the gods as well.*" He thought and make him look over there and he saw there is a TV comes from the place...looks like the Breaking New is coming right up about there is a hero on this Gotham city...and they say he was a dark knight, and savior who protect this city from the criminals.

The Legend.

The Dark Knight.

He's Batman.

(Y/N): "*Batman? Sounds like Daredevil...he doesn't kill criminals only fighting them....this must be foolish new for what I heard.*" He thought and make him turn his head to look over there and he notice there is a breaking new coming right up...about the Joker who kill the mother and child in the train station when he was setup the bomb where he is going to blow up the train where the rest of those people in there. This pisses (Y/N) off about what he just heard about the civilians who were die in the train and make him wondering to know where is Joker really is...and he is going to hunt him down.

(Y/N): "*Joker remind of Madcap...but this motherfucker is gone too far...I'm going to hunt him down.*" He thought and make him was start the engine of his bike when the light turn on green and then (Y/N) was driving his bike to going out to somewhere else and make him drove his bike goes faster and more faster. Then (Y/N) ride his bike when he just transform into Ghost Rider right away and after the transformation is done and make him is in his demonic form by himself and drove the hell-cycle goes faster.

 Then (Y/N) ride his bike when he just transform into Ghost Rider right away and after the transformation is done and make him is in his demonic form by himself and drove the hell-cycle goes faster

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(Y/N)/Ghost Rider: "Vengeance has come for you, clown. Prepare for yourself.~" He said to him and make him was driving his hell-cycle going out to somewhere and search for the Joker and the clown was taken in the van and make him head to the place called...Arkham Asylum. But this time...(Y/N) will not let this motherfucker will get away from everything that he just did...and the clown had no idea what his coming.

Time Skip Later.

Back to Joker.

There was a van vehicle driving out to the Arkham Asylum and make the cop who was driving in the front by himself and he had enough of this clown...and he seriously tired about this clown...and the other several cops as well that they don't have enough to heard this clown was laughing out like this. There was a man who sat there and make him was laughing up the whole times by himself and he just keep laughing until he was done and yep...this must be the clown for himself...Joker.

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