Story Number 3: What if Lucy was in the army?

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Thanks for the idea @bunbun18f

A/N: just letting you know that anything in italics are the letters sent back and forth between Tim and Lucy.

Chapter 1: Farewell

Tim Bradford paced back and forth in his living room, his mind racing as he tried to process the news. Lucy Chen, his partner, his confidante, his love, had decided to join the Army. It wasn't that he didn't support her—he did, wholeheartedly—but the thought of her being so far away, in potentially dangerous situations, tore at him.

Lucy sat on the couch, her uniform neatly folded beside her. She watched Tim with a mixture of concern and resolve.

"Tim," she said softly, "this is something I have to do. You know that, right?"

He stopped pacing and turned to face her, his eyes searching hers. "I know, Luce. It's just... I'll miss you. More than you can imagine."

Lucy stood up and walked over to him, wrapping her arms around his waist. "I'll miss you too. But we'll get through this. We always do."

Tim held her tightly, his heart aching. "Just promise me you'll be careful."

She looked up at him and smiled. "I promise."

Chapter 2: The First Letter

A week had passed since Lucy left for basic training, and Tim found himself at a loss. The precinct felt emptier without her, and his apartment seemed colder. To cope with the loneliness, he began writing letters to her, pouring out his thoughts and feelings.

Hey Luce,

It's been a week, and I miss you more than I thought possible. The precinct isn't the same without you. Angela and Jackson try to keep me distracted, but it's not the same. I keep looking at your empty desk, wishing you were here.

Remember the time we had that stakeout on Wilshire? You were so bored, you started making up stories about the people walking by. I laughed so hard, I nearly spilled my coffee. I miss those moments. I miss you.

Stay safe, Lucy. And come back soon.

Love, Tim.

Chapter 3: Adjusting

Lucy sat on her bunk, exhausted from the day's training. Basic was tough, but she was tougher. Still, she missed Tim with an intensity that surprised her. She reached for the letter he had sent, reading it for the hundredth time. It gave her strength, knowing he was thinking of her.

Hey Tim,

I got your letter today, and it made my week. Training is brutal, but it's what I signed up for. I'm learning a lot and pushing myself harder than ever. Your letter reminded me why I'm doing this—why I need to be strong.

I miss you too. I miss your smile, your laugh, and even your grumpy morning face. Remember our first patrol together? You were so serious, and I was so nervous. Now look at us.

Stay strong for me, Tim. I'll be home before you know it.

Love, Lucy.

Chapter 4: Finding Comfort

Tim found solace in writing to Lucy. It became a nightly ritual, a way to keep their connection alive. He poured his heart into every letter, sharing his daily life, memories, and hopes for the future.

Hey Luce,

Another day, another arrest. We had a crazy case today—a bank robbery gone wrong. You would've loved it. Angela took the lead, and Jackson was his usual charming self. But all I could think about was how much better it would've been with you there.

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