Story Number 8 - What if Tim had a little Sister

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A/N: Thank you sooo much guys for your patience. Unless you guys have any ideas for future stories I am all out. Thanks again for your wonderful support. I think I will be posting more stories. Some about the Rookie and some not. I hope you will continue to support me on my new writers journey. Here we go. I I hope u like this story.

Chapter 1:

Tim Bradford wasn't the kind of man you'd imagine with a four-year-old girl in tow. An LAPD training officer, known for his stern, no-nonsense approach, Tim had seen and dealt with some of the worst that Los Angeles had to offer. His job required a toughness that few could match, and he wore that toughness like a shield. But life has a way of surprising you when you least expect it, and for Tim, that surprise came in the form of his little sister, Charlie.

Charlie was the kind of child who could melt the hardest of hearts with just a smile. With her curly blonde hair, wide blue eyes, and a giggle that could light up the darkest of days, she was a bundle of pure, unfiltered joy. But that joy was hanging by a thread. Their mother, Genevieve Bradford, had been the glue that held their small family together, and when she died suddenly in a car accident, everything changed.

Jenny, the eldest sibling, was across the country, tied down by a career that didn't afford her the flexibility to drop everything and come back to Los Angeles. She was torn, wishing she could be there for Charlie, but knowing that the only person who could step in was Tim. And then there was their father, a man whose presence alone could strike fear into the hearts of his children. Leaving Charlie with him was out of the question. Genevieve had always shielded Charlie from him, and now that responsibility fell to Tim.

Chapter 2:

The call came late one night, and Tim's world shifted beneath his feet. The words were simple, but they carried the weight of a thousand burdens.

"Genevieve's gone, Tim. Car accident."

Tim sat in stunned silence, his mind racing but unable to settle on any one thought. He had lost his mother. And Charlie... little Charlie was all alone. He didn't even need to think about it—there was no way he could leave her with their father. The man was a monster, plain and simple.

Jenny's voice cracked through the phone, heavy with emotion. "I can't get there, Tim. I wish I could, but I just can't."

Tim understood. As much as it pained him, he knew Jenny's hands were tied. But that left him with a responsibility he wasn't sure he could handle. He was a cop, not a parent. He spent his days dealing with criminals and rookies, not taking care of a little girl. But this was Charlie—sweet, innocent Charlie. He couldn't let her down.

"I'll take care of her," Tim said, his voice firm with a determination he hadn't quite expected.

Chapter 3:

The first morning with Charlie in his care was a disaster. Tim had barely slept, the events of the previous day still playing in his mind on a loop. When he finally dragged himself out of bed, it was to the sound of Charlie's soft voice calling out from the other room.


Tim winced. He hadn't been called "Timmy" since he was Charlie's age, and it felt strange hearing it now. But there was something comforting in the way Charlie said it, like it was the most natural thing in the world.

He found her sitting on the edge of the bed, clutching a stuffed rabbit that had seen better days. Her eyes were wide with a mix of confusion and fear, and Tim's heart clenched at the sight.

"Hey, kiddo," he said, trying to muster up a smile. "You hungry?"

Charlie nodded, and Tim realized with a sinking feeling that he had no idea what to feed a four-year-old. He quickly ran through the contents of his fridge in his mind. Eggs? Probably not. Cereal? That could work. He wasn't sure if it was the kind of cereal Charlie would eat, but it would have to do.

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