Last Day Here

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Bella's P.O.V.

Your not alone, we will brave this storm.

I was in the shower listing to Black Veil Brides singing my heart out. I had just started listening to them and there amazing and the main guy is HAWT. My brother, Jeremy, is also in a band but he won't tell me what it's called.

My name is Bella Mae Ferguson. I have an younger brother Joey and an older brother Jeremy who moved out to join his band. I'm abused by my mom Sydney on a daily basis , she's not really a mom to me so I call her by her name. Today is my 18th birthday and Jeremy is coming to pick me up so I can go live with him.

As I was singing in the shower my music stopped and I looked out the curtain still covering my body with it at the same time. My brother Joey had turned off my phone and ran off with it. I got out of the shower and wrapped my hair in a towle and put my purple Pierce The Veil robe on then ran out of the bathroom to find my phone. I ran to Joey's room to find him on my phone, like always.

"Give me my phone back dibshit!" I yelled at him while walking up to him.

"No you emo fag" He yelled as Sydney come running into the room looking more mad then usal

"Don't talk to your brother that way!" She screamed at me while raising her hand to slap me. I could feel the tears start to blur my eyes as the side of my face started to burn. I ran to my room and put a chair on the door so no one could enter. I ran to my dresser to pull out a little white bag that I keep my lighter and razor in. I grabbed my razor and made 4 cuts on my wrist. I made sure I didn't cut deep so Jeremy wouldn't see but I think I failed. e would be so mad if he found out that I cut. Right as I put some gauze pads over my cuts and put my bracelets on someone knocked on my door. I walked over to the door and moved the chair to see who it was.

Once I saw him I jumped onto him and wrapped my legs and arms around him hugging him as tight as I could.

"I missed you so much Jeremy " I said quietly into his neck

"I missed you to BB" He said kissing my forehead he always called me BB since we were little. I let go and ran into my room to grab the rest of my things.

"Hey change into your swim suit" He said walking into my semi empty room.

"Okay, and why?" I ask grabbing it and walking into my bathroom to change. As I walked out I saw Jeremy holding my razor. Shit I forgot to put that away.

"What is this?" He asked sternly but still with worry in his voice.

"I-umm" I was shocked and didn't know what to say.

"Its the little emo's razor that she cuts with" Joey ran in to my room saying.

"What the fuck twerp get out" I screamed while crying cause I was still in shock I looked up at Jeremy and he had tears in his eyes but none falling yet, he started walking up to me I tensed up feeling he was gonna hit me.

"Bella Mae Ferguson promise me that this is all over and that you will come to me if you need anything " He said hugging me as a sobbed into his chest, releasing he didn't hurt me.

"I promise " I told him it was gonna be hard to stop but I was going to try for him, at least he doesn't know about my eating disorder.

"Now let's go I have a couple of people I want you to meet" He said with a smirk on his face. Was I finally gonna meet his band!

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