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Bella's P.O.V

I got to the hospital and walked up to the front desk.

"Hello how can I help you" the old lady at the desk asked

"Hi. Um i think I broke my hand " replied holding up my hand

"Okay can you fill out these papers as best as you can or have a friend or family member do it" she replied handing me a clip board with papers and a pen. I nodded and walked to the chairs. I pulled out my phone and called Andy.

(A=Andy B=Bella)

A: Hellooo?
B:Hey babbee
A:what happened
B: Damn how did you know something was wrong?
A: Cause you never called me babe unless you want something so what's up?
B: I'm at the hospital

With that he hang up. I sat there waiting for Andy when about 5 minutes later the asshole walking in the door. When he fully entered the room he stopped and stared right me. It was like he was going to attack me any minute.

"Take a picture it will last longer" Suddenly Andy said sitting down next to me. I looked up and noticed all of BVB plus Sammi was here and the guy had walked to the front desk. "So mind telling me what happened" Andy said taking the papers from me.

"Well.." I told him the whole story of what happened and Andy looked pissed off and to be honest I was a little scared

"He said what to you?" Andy growled through his teeth by now I was scared, I shifted uncomfortably in the seat

"Andy lay off of her it's not her fault" Ashley spoke up he has grown to be a brother to me and could always tell when I was uncomfortable. Andy shine his head and said sorry.

"Annabelle Mae Ferguson?" The nurse said. Did i never say my real name is Annabelle? Well it is. I Walked up to her with all the guys and girl following "you can take 2 back with you" she said eyeing all they guys

"These 2 will be coming" I said pointing to Andy and Jinxx. She nodded and led us back. First she weighed me which I wouldn't let her say aloud and the took me blood pressure and all that doctor stuff.

"So Annabelle what happened" she said sitting in her spinning chair

"First please call me Bella and second I punched a wall" I stated, what don't judge me cause I lied there is no way in hell I'm getting sewed

"Okay Bella, and why did you punch this "wall"?" She said Clearly releasing I lied about it be a wall

"Um well you see the wall was mean to me and my friends so it made me mad" I said trying not to laugh

"Okay well we need to take a X-Ray"

"Okay" I said getting up and leaving the room

Andy's P.O.V

I can't fucking believe someone would say that to my girl.

"What is this fuckery?" Jinxx said while playing with a doctors tool

"Hey asshole that's my line and it's a stethoscope" I said sounding all smartlike. Minutes later Bella walked back in with a purple and black cast on her right arm. God seeing her like this made me even more mad. He hurt her whether she hit him or not his stupid hard haw hurt her. We got her meds and walked back to the waiting room where Ash and that asshole are having a very heated argument

"Don't fucking talk to her like that! I will beat the living shit out of you. You here me?!" Ash yelled in his face. Bella walked up to Ashley and grabbed his arm pulling him out of the hospital. This is gonna be hell in the car.

Hola people! soooo how are you?
I'm running out of ideas so tell me what you think should happen and I'll dedicate that chapter to you! Also I am running out of fan fics to read ! If you guys have any that are not 1D or 5sos tell me!

Watching: Dan and Phil and Conner ;)

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