The Lake

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Bella's P.O.V
Once Jinxx introduced everyone to me, we all piled up in two cars, one was CC's  and the other was Andy's CC, Ashley, and Jake went in one. While me Andy and Jinxx went in another. I sat in the back and thought about everything, and how I don't have to be abused by Sydney anymore. I was snapped out of my thoughts by a pool noodle.

"What the hell" I shouted covering my nose from being whacked again.

"We are here little girl" CC said pulling me out of the car up over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Put me down you giant" I yelled pounding my fist on his back. I still don't know where we are so I used the little upper body strength that I have and pushed my self up to see something other than CC'S back. Turns out we were at the lake near my old home.

"CC drop my sister before she bites you" Jinxx called out from the water where him and Andy were talking about music or something.

"Never!" CC yelled then ran as fast as he could with me on his back. Where the hell are we going.

Andy's P.O.V

The whole time we were in the car on the way to the lake I kept watching Bella. I want to ask Jinxx if I can ask Bella out on a date, but first I want her to trust me so she will at one point be my girlfriend. When we got to the lake me and Jinxx got out of the car and went to the water. I saw CC hit Bella with a noodle then pick her up. Does he like her? I need to make a move on her before he does.

"CC drop my sister before she bites you" Jinxx yelled at him from across the place.

"NEVER!!" CC yelled and took off with Bella. Now is my chance to talk to Jinxx about her.

"Hey Jinxx" I asked in my high pitched voice.

"Yes little Andy" He replied chuckling

"Don't sass me mister!" I said back  

" I'm older than you"

" I'm taller!... And I have a noodle!" I responded while smacking him with the foam toy.

" So any way what's up?" He asked while walking into the dock

" I was wondering if I could take Bella on a date.." I said quickly scared for my life of what he would say or do. Before  I knew it I was being pushed into the lake.

"So I take that as a no" I said as I got to the top of the water.

"No you can I just wanted to push you" Jinxx said simply. YES! I was doing a dance in my mind. I can't believe he actully is letting me.

"R-Really?" I asked still a little shocked.

Jinxx nodded " Yeah your my best friend I trust that you won't her and you'll care for her, but that doesn't  mean I won't kill you if you do hurt her" He said right as Jake, Ashley, CC and Bella came walking up smirking while having there hands behind their backs.

" Hi Andy" Bella said sweetly walking closer then expected. She put her hand on my chest and reached the other hand near my head.

"Hey Bel-" I was cut of by a water balloon being smashed in my face.

"WARRRR!!" I heard CC scream as water balloons went flying every were. I grabbed three and through them all at Jake since he was barley wet at all. I cant wait for later I already knew how I was going to ask her out.

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