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Bella's P.O.V.

Its almost 4pm so me and Chloe were walking to the main stage to go see them before they're set. As we were walking some girl wearing CC's war paint walked up to me.

"Are you dating Andy Biersack?" She asked. She sounded like the sass queen.

"Yeah I am" I replied smiling at her trying to be nice since it their fans

"If you hurt him I will ruin you" She said leaning in and whispering. I stepped back and looked at her shocked, then leaned back in

"Trust me honey that won't happen" I said and took Chloe's hand and walked away"Well I met y first crazy fan girl" I chuckled as we showed security our passes and walked backstage to the boys.

" Hi love" Ady said kissing my head since im only 5'4 and he's a foot taller than me. Wow that would b awkward at our wedding he would like have to pick me up to kiss me. Wow wow wow im not thinking about us getting married that's a long time away. Would he even want to marry me? "Hello Earth to Bella" Andy said waving his hand infront of my face snapping me out of my trance."We are about to go on" He continued

"Alright have fun love, don't break anything" I hugged him and winked as he laughed

"I promise" He said then ran out on stage ass the crowd erupted into screams and cheers. They Payed Faithless, Rebel Yell, In The End, and Knives and Pens. Then Suddenly they stopped playing. " Hello motherfuckers how are you?" The crowed roared " Good haha, anyway you are probably thinking why the hell did they stop" H said into the microphone and looked over at me smiling " Well even though my amazing girlfriend hates surprises i have one for you so get your cute ass out her" He said still looking at me and before i knew it Chole pushed me out and he grabbed my waist and smiled. A crew member came out and set a stool down behide me and Andy made me sit. I looked at him confused but all he did was smile. He pulled out a small box out of his pocket and my breathing hitched, is he doing this i don't know if im ready. oh my god those fan girls are gonna kill me. " Know I can already see your freaking out, don't worry im not proposing... yet" He said and laughed " This is a promise ring, I promise I will always be there for you no matter what, and i promise that one day we will get married because there is no way in hell im letting you go. So this is my promise to you" He said slipping the ring on my finger and wiping away the tears i didn't realize were falling down my cheeks.

" I love you" I whispered to him as his lips crashed into mine. He pulled away to fast for my liking and spoke into the microphone

"This song is called Rebel Love Song" He said and the music started. I can't believe this is my life. I have my brother back plus more of them, I have an amazing boyfriend, and my bestfriend is back in my life. its hard to think that just 3 months ago i was a sad abused girl thinking no one would ever love her. But i was wrong.

Not even really gonna try with a authors note I'm really tierd. Thanks for reading the picture is of the ring.

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